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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. A visa for education is a visa for a person who wants to study. If you don't study, you need a visa to take care of your kid.
  2. I own 3 houses and rent 1, you might be miserable but i am not. Quite happy actually.
  3. I know the law, have family and friends who are lawyers, speak the language, so they understand very quickly not to play silly games with me as they will have problems.
  4. Not every Thai is influential and I know quite a few myself.
  5. Only if you are a pussy and don't fight back.
  6. Your opinion, but you didn't set a good example at all as you don't give a hoot about the people surrounding you.
  7. I know, my kids got there. Entry exam needed with children who want to learn, with parents who care about their kids' education.
  8. I am not a teacher, i am a manager at a multinational here. My kids go to school here.
  9. I think there are way more tourists here who have nothing with the USD.
  10. Why should there be 2 teachers to start with?
  11. What has Hunter Biden to do with elections, he wasn't a candidate. What would be a valid reason to overturn the result of an election as there is no proof whatsoever that they were fraudulent.
  12. Before computers became common, everything was handwritten, so yes.
  13. Like TESOL is a Uni degree in teaching. Common sense will tell you that explaining things in native tongue will work better if children are lost and will help them to keep them interested. They will lose interest if they don't have a clue what you are talking about. If you have adults who want to learn and are very motivated only teach them in what they want to learn is a good option.
  14. True but i think working to shape children for their future should.
  15. That might be as i always wanted to be very good at things i start to do.
  16. No, it should be like that but then you mix with the wrong people.
  17. Not if you went to a decent school here.
  18. Being foreign is a factor which can be overcome in most cases by learning the language and understanding the culture.
  19. I believe that if you want to teach children in another country you should have proper teaching qualifications and speak their language. I work here, speak their language and have respect by most people. There are always people who can't be bothered.
  20. There are people on the forum who marry a bar girl with less than 4 years of education and think all Thai people are like that.
  21. They never taught you how to handle difficult children and you have to ask on the internet?
  22. So you lived with a "no good" woman and that must be the baseline?
  23. A lot of foreign Western tourists teachers don't have proper schooling to do their job.
  24. How many of them have a real teacher education and not something like TEFL?
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