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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. True, that is why you shouldn't drive at high speed in the city.
  2. If you use someone to bribe an immigration officer then you don't need the money in the bank.
  3. Listing is not always the same as real value and with zero interest, it looks like it is too expensive.
  4. No, she knew already as you are forbidden to build anything within a certain amount of meters of the beach. She also got death threats from the guys wife, so why are you defending this pos?
  5. Also have a good look at the financials of the company. Any outstanding debts / tax issues / vendor or customer problems.
  6. No, she is a good person and we have 2 children. I don't run away for problems, I manage them.
  7. Gaining weight won't be the only problem, sudden mood swings can cause some issues too.
  8. Buy through an App, get it home delivered. Problem solved.
  9. From a cost perspective it makes more sense to let the staff you already pay to be in the shop do it.
  10. To be fair, they didn't tell him that at the Psychometrics of Risk management
  11. "amassing a total sum of 200 million won (5.5 billion baht)" The won is worth a lot less than the THB.
  12. " two women engaged in a knife fight, resulting in one casualty. Blood flowed profusely near a prominent hotel in Sukhumvit Soi 11' Upon arrival, officers and volunteers from a local charity rushed to the scene. They found a male victim" Bit more consistency would help.
  13. 1) Many wrongs don't make something right. 2) A religion which states that they are "God's" preferred people, indicating that all other people are inferior.
  14. I couldn't care less what you believe or not. Keep on running away from challenges and being treated like a door mat.
  15. Stop occupying other people's land would be a good start.
  16. Sorry to disappoint you, I am happily married with a wife who owns several businesses and I work during office hours. I am not running away for anyone or feel the need to leave the country because of a problem with a couple of Thai people. Unbelievable how scared some people are.
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