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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Ignore all the negative posts. They never stood up for themselves and are scared. Have a talk with him first and TELL him to behave or he goes out on his backside and you will change the locks.
  2. Must be sad having to be on the run every time you get some problem.
  3. Easiest way is to change the locks when he is away. First make sure you can lock all entrances.
  4. It is his fight as he is in the same house. Be a man, not a mouse.
  5. What are the finer things in life? - Tina Dubinsky, Writer
  6. Sure, bring a family over to a strange country when you never have lived with them. What could go wrong?
  7. That you don't bother with or know the finer things in life, up to you. If you want a kid to get a proper education and not let them live of a plastic cup of noodles or Som Tam 3 times a day, you need way more than 40K a month.
  8. Because you couldn't grasp the working of the cash register. You just should have taking the money and pay for your goods. I think you enjoyed great Thai hospitality as the people behind you kept quite during these antics. I don't think I could do the same. Not ever coming back is a great decision, staff and customers will be very happy with that.
  9. Anyone who feels the need to return bin bags which is an item you will always need in the future shouldn't be criticizing anyone.
  10. Sure, no mass murders at schools at all.
  11. No, Working is defined in the labor law, which is very clear and leaves no room for interpretation. Yes, most of them are working illegally. Look like you keep asking to find somebody to tell you that you can it legally, which you can't they way you like to do it. For a work permit you need either being employed or have your own business. To get a work permit for while having your own business you need to employ 4 Thai staff for each foreigner you employ, including yourself.
  12. Moral of the story, think before you buy something and don't bother people by: 1) buying something you don't want 2) bother staff to return your bought items 3) making a post in a forum blaming Thai hospitality for your own error of judgement.
  13. Not living with your child could be a burden for some parents.
  14. You would like to have more of these?: https://thethaiger.com/news/national/road-rage-ruckus-foreign-mans-kung-fu-chaos-takes-a-painful-turn-in-chon-buri-video?fbclid=IwAR0rHwrGdisfSAt_Kg4TAGtdsT9jjZZwOCGgQW7PBWT_RBX1tjo97MoP1ek
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