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Everything posted by retarius

  1. You do realise that America presumes to rule the world, don't you? With this in mind I think foreigners should have vote in US elections, the American voters aren't doing an adequate job.
  2. I think this has a low probability of success and will eat up valuable resources that can be used for other gimmicks that will have a longer life.
  3. My hat off to you Aussies, how on earth do you put up with these fat, obnoxious, loud, vile women.....even marrying them before you come to your senses.
  4. How do you know? Where does the information come from that this is caused by the retailer?
  5. Not in Chiang Mai, but Adenza in Pattaya is perhaps the best dentistry in Thailand if not in Asia. If cost is no issue, a flight down and a short 1 -2 night stay in Pattaya is well worth it.
  6. That's it, let's wrap it all up in an inane Churchillian quip.
  7. Who does the 'esteeming' of the 'esteemed figures' present.
  8. So motorcyclists don't act like dicks only on the roadways. RIH idiot.
  9. Wasn't the target for tourism 3.5 trillion baht this year? I seem to remember this number from the near daily TAT briefings. Headline should read "Thailand lures tourists, and rakes in 1.2 trillion baht."
  10. One more interview from Melania and she'll have done twice as many interviews as Harris.
  11. I totally disagree with this. The buses were illegally modified in a way that will invalidate the insurance policy....like if you are caught drink driving. The bus company, its owner, vehicle inspector and all associated with this filthy practice should be summarily thrown in jail to wait for the trial for 23 murders.
  12. How the hell would anyone on here know whether Trump resorted to crimes?????? All of these Trump web pages are silly speculations, misinformation and mistaken beliefs. Everyone has a bias. I'd willing to bet I am the only person to have actually met Trump in the flesh and worked with the guy.....a long time ago yes, in the 1990s when he was with Marla Maples.
  13. I rented for about 18 months when I first came here and was looking for land, then building a house. I got my deposits back. I had a friend who has since passed away, who was renting a 2 bed condo for 25000 baht a month. When he moved out the charming landlady deducted 25 baht for a lightbulb that had not been replaced. He was very rich guy, but went ape over this pettiness....he got his 25 baht back. I had another friend that drilled holes all over a house he was renting to put up shelves, TV mounts, coat hangers and other stuff. In fairness he filled the holes up, but the places they had been drilled were very visible. The landlord deducted a large amount of money for these fillings, and my mate got pretty angry about the whole thing and complained. The landlord refused to give the money back. Answer honestly: are you a good tenant or not really? In not really you might end up paying. The other thing is that (not sure off all Thailand) I am not sure if the landlord is responsible for any maintenance while you are renting the place......if the electric goes off or the roof leaks, you need to get and pay for an electrician or roofer. If the microwave breaks, you need to buy a new one. Sounds odd to Western ears but it is fairly standard in rural areas.
  14. While the benefit of cashless is it is more difficult to practice corruption.....the problem with Thailand going cashless, is that to prosecute corruption you need a will in the police, the government and the judiciary. That will does not exist. It is like Prawit's watches. All financial transactions could be monitored, but those of higher classes and politicians, army generals with garages of imported cars and police generals who are suspiciously wealthy, with never get looked at. So on balance I think digital currency is a loser for most people. I'm old and don't want new money that can only be used on beta-testing hard and software. I'd like Thailand to be the last country on earth to go to digital currency.
  15. Yes, they are not legal yet, they have applied for asylum.
  16. Governing by non-stop gimmickry.
  17. Great work and the kind of priority work you should be doing.
  18. Maybe it is just all the recent lies and activity, but I am getting less hopeful of dodging a nuclear war. NATO are a bunch of idiots.....why carry on with the pretence and provocations, when you can avoid a war but lose a small piece of Ukraine. Zelensky is a a moron and a serial loser.....'Victory Plan' indeed. He is sent expensive equipment like the F16 program, but you never hear of the F16s in action, except when shot down by the Ukrainians. Abrams tanks, kept in the rear in case the catch fire. I say no more advanced weapons, just send them AK47s because the continue to work in harsh conditions, bullets and artillery shells and nothing else.
  19. No, I think he had been couped by then.
  20. No coaches, minibuses or modified vehicles in my travelling future.
  21. Crapification of customer service and security. Don't worry Citibank probably saved a salary or two moving to the Philippines.
  22. I worked in the industry with a competitor to niacin. The major brand in the US is Niaspan. Initial dose is 500mg daily and after a month to increase to 1000mg per day. The maintenance dose is 3000 mg. So that said, 100mg doesn't seem unreasonable, indeed seems too low to do anything for your cholesterol.....but, like allergies, my sense is that if you are sensitive to flushing, you will flush at pretty much any dose of immediate release but may not flush with the extended release. I don't take niacin now, but I took it in the past. I just used the immediate release stuff from the local pharmacy....very cheap. I am not a flusher, so was ok with that. Niacin is actually a unique dyslipidemic agent, pretty much moving all the segments like LDL, HDL and ApoA1 and 2 in the right directions, but its action on LDL pales next to statins. Its main medical US is in men who have had prior MIs and in which it works exceptionally well at 3000mg per day. If you called the pharmacy at Bumrugrad, they will give you a price....then you will know it is available. Alternatively you can go to your local pharmacy and see if they have a MIMS book for Thailand, and if you look it up in MIMS you know it is available somewhere.....but if you know a pharmacist well enough I'm sure they will order it for you. Sheryl will know the pharmacy chain where to get things best
  23. I saw a photo where they appeared to be stored in an odd fashion directly over the engine. The fire was raging but the gas tanks hadn't exploded. There were 4 tanks visible and undamaged with the fire raging in front of them.
  24. I've never heard of an exploding tyre igniting an inferno. I don't believe it. How could a tyre explode and create an inferno so massive and so quickly? There were lots of flames coming out of the place where baggage is usually stored in mid-bus?
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