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Posts posted by Danlo

  1. Dont make a fuss when they piss on your front porch, once you complain to the typical cat owner who says the cat was here before you they then know you have a problem with them.

    Just stay shtum and drop them a tasty morsel that will dissuade them from doing it again.

  2. Jing, I doubt you will get that much from beach books, I used to use that shop at tops and you were lucky to get 50/60 baht for a brand new book bought the week before in Asia books.

    I have found the best exchange from Canterbury Tales Bookshop but you sometimes need to speak to Dave himself as his staff are not right up on it.

    Where is Pauls sports bar Jomtien condos by the way ??

  3. Yes just as horrible as in UK, Only difference is in UK they breed well because plenty to eat, song birds eggs etc etc, here not so much to eat and snakes and such eat thier eggs so not so many.

    I play Golf here and cringe when I see them as I hate them, they are similar to the Carrion crow in UK and sound and fly the same.

  4. Went once in the jomtien bookshop and offered the lady 3 books I had bought in UK and at the airport, she offered me 30 baht for each although 2 were as new, I had a look at her stock and found it dated and over priced, in fact one of her books was the same as I was selling, she had it up for 220 baht and mine was in better condition and she was offering 30 baht.

    I used to use tops but his lady was a bit stroppy with me as I took a book back from there and complained it had 3 pages missing, she say I lose page, I said no of course not, she refused to give me another book or even credit as the pages were missing, how easy they lose a customer.

    Since then I use Canterbury Tales Bookshop, the guy Dave offers a good fair exchange rate, they have far superior choice and are cheaper than tops, what really ads to the place is the cafe all day English breakfasts 90 baht, free wifi and I have stayed in some of the rooms and very competitive in a great location.

    This is where I found the book above in post #65

  5. I was drinking coffee at a place down there when one of the watch selling guys came along, he displayed his watches to me in the case and with his other hand underneath picked up my phone, I had no idea until he had gone and I wondered why he left so abruptly.

    Beware these types.

  6. I spend most of my time in this area, so many bars, some good some poor but is all down to choice, I am an avid reader too so most mornings I have breakfast at Canterbury Tales Cafe and am probably one of their best book customers, they have such a huge collection and the exchange scheme is something Asia books dont offer.

  7. Pattaya falling into a cheap charlie abyss ? No way !

    Holiday Inn, Pullman , Sheraton and Hilton groups would disagree, this investment by some of the worlds leading quality hotel chains is quite recent, and I'm sure the people entrusted to manage the investments of these multinationals are pretty good at their jobs and have done their homework, so why did they choose Pattaya ?

    However much it may irk those who don't live in Pattaya or those that struggle by on meagre funds in a 3000 Baht per month room in Soi Exzyte, or those that just can't stand the fact that Pattaya can attract people outside the stereotypes they imagine all visitors to Pattaya to be, Pattaya is in fact, in an ascendancy.

    Yes there are run down areas that cater to the budget conscious people, Soi Chaiyaphum for example, and I was there myself only a few days ago at Canterbury Tales for some books, but the lack of a paved road makes the whole road look really bad, take that with impossible parking, it's not very apealing to people who are here on holiday.

    Put those same Tourists on Wong Amat beach, they'll think totally different.

    I dont think it will effect guys on holiday as not many have cars, a few have bikes but the average holiday maker who knows better will not use a motorbike, too dangerous, chaiyapoon soi has been resurfaced now anyway.

  8. Sorry but its down to you, if you cant stop your cat doing it then the only mistake I guess he made was that he told you he was going to do it.

    To me cats are vermin, I know they are pets also but pets some of the time and out killing song birds when they get the chance and crapping in someone else's garden and peeing all over the place.

  9. Go to Foodland or Freindship buy some real mince beef, a small pot of Paprika, an onion some salad and some rolls of your choice, you will beed a hot plate of course and make your own they are much nicer and real.

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