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Posts posted by mic6ard

  1. Thanks for all the reply regarding the paints :D. I think that I'll spend a bit more for the high temp paint, to be safe.

    Or should I just spend a bit more and change the exhaust?

    The only problem I'm having is moving the mirrors. Can't seem to get it far enough over, my arms are almost blocking half the view!!!!:o

  2. I have to agree with most of the comment that it's inconvenient for those with luggage. However, witha simple backpack and heading into phayathai, it's great.

    The regular line, is very much used by local as a mean of getting into the city center, so a bonus there. But the trains really lack seating, or even cushion and are really outdated.

    The express is convenient as I mention above, if you just want to go straight to phayathai with minimal luggage. The problem is the schedule, every 30 minute??? This friday I actually took the regular service instead of having to wait 25 minutes for the express, guess what I arrived at phayathai at the same time as the express train :blink:. Make sense????

    Let's see, waiting 25 minutes for a train (no waiting area seating), or getting on a regular after 10 minutes wait. AND arriving at the SAME time. What's express about that?

    A good suggestion from a friend of mine is to get the express to only stop at those stations with connection to other transports, BTS,etc. AND run the schedule so there is actually some time advantage to using the express line. IMO the extra cost is the extra space you need at the station, standing there looking for something to do. What a SCAM

  3. Finally got mine today :lol:. So far so good. Pleasant to ride, not complaint from the wrist so far, I'm 179 (approx 5'10"). What still surprise me is how high the engine rev. Rode the PCX for a year got bored of just twist and go B). What I really need is a place to repaint the exhaust cover, silver on a black bike just ain't doing it. Any suggestions? Or should I DIY it with high temp spray paint. MATT black of course. Was deciding between 250 and 150. Most would probably go for the 250, but since I mainly use it in city, just didn't justify the extra cost.

    Remembered reading a post that said something similar regarding the usage. Maybe I'll get something bigger, when the 2013 model comes out. (BTW the 150 is a 2nd hand so I'm not that crazy...yet).

  4. Wouldn't chlorine bleach affect the color of the fabric?

    I think its not just bacteria that makes it stink, i think its all that old dried sweat that gets emulsified when the newest wave of hot sweat liquifies it again and causes it to stank.

    I wonder if one of those fabric softener sheets would work. It could absorb the funk as well as release april fresh scents.

    Doesnt ultraviolet or infrared light kill bacteria? Some how i don't think that would kill the smell.

    Stink comes from bacteria, believe me.

    Oxygen and ultraviolets kill bacteria - but neither can penetrate into fabric.

    Find an antiseptic/disinfectant and you will become happy eventually

    Ummm. yeah, it's the bacterial that's growing on the foam and fabric, using nutrients obtain from sweats that's actually causing the smell.

    But is it bacterial smell or fungal smell. Or am I just thinking too much :blink:

  5. The actual meat isn't the hard part, or the gravy, but I honestly can't find the right kind of potatoes to make a really good mash. the stuff they have over here just isn't it. Don't really know why but never came out right.

  6. What will be the knock on effect of raising the min. wage to 300? I mean, if small shops or restaurants now have to pay their staff more money then it is a sure bet that they will raise the price of their products/services hence possibly negating the effect of a salary increase. I am not an economist but aside from the effects on the manufacturing sector, there will surely be an knock-on effect on the local retail sector. The vast majority of businesses in Thailand are small family businesses and serve the local communities.

    For those of us in the manufacturing sector, I can only hope that the government will come to its senses and if it raises salaries (which is fine) then it must help us to recoup the costs in some other way. Tax credits or perhaps a reduction in import duties on material needed for production. Yes, in theory we can reclaim duties on exports but what about products we manufacture and sell locally? Import duties are a major cash-flow hit for many companies. What about offering some sort of reasonable trade financing schemes? Otherwise, we have to raise prices and likely be uncompetitive in the export markets. Business lost = jobs lost.

    In the log run, a simple "popularist" raise in salaries without some other scheme to support and sustain the raises is a recipe for disaster.

    I totally agree with you there, and with regards to your questions about the recouping the differences, the gov't was mention reducing tax from 30% to 23% or somthing like that for businesses. Still I doubt that it'll make up the differences once the material costs goes up.

    You are in the manufacturing sector, so of course you will take some of the impact, but I'm in the service sector which will have to cope with the increasing costs and is in direct contact with the customers. Right now I had to change my price 3 times this year alone.

    I'm in chiang mai, where the min.wage is not that great, just under 200bht. When you guys increase your price, it's a nation wide thing, so I hope that the wage increase is nation wide, so the pricing is justified. Otherwise those area with lower min.wage would get killed by the increase in living costs. Or is the gov't going to put a price cap on certain goods within certain areas??? This is going to be a crazy time for businesses.

  7. Seems like another case of acedemics being out of touch with reality. He's 15, I seriously doubt that he needed his mother's encouragement (not that I'm saying that he should do it), but better safe than being sorry.

    Kids will experiment with or without your permission these days, and at a much younger age. So just skip the BS about carrying=encouraging. That's what the internet and other medias are for.

  8. I think that some people have missed certain points about CM.

    1. There have been project proposed to enlarge the roads, it was stopped by the residents rejecting/ refusing to move.

    2. CM is an old/ancient city. Like most city in asia, it isn't design for cars, especially SUV.

    3. it's the LOS, since when do gov't project make sense.

    4. Make the inner city a 'walking zone' would kill the business there. plus many people use it as a short cut across town. Well, I know I do.

    Anyway I totally agree that they should buil parking structures once in a while. But then we have to figure out how to pay for it. Typically those are pay to park, therfore most thai won't use it.

    Heck I hear grumbling eveytime my friends go to KSG and that;s only 10 bht, maybe because there's not much there.

    And on a personal note, I use a car when going out of town, or shopping, But for going into town, a little scooter is a wonderful thing, which is the reason why I got it.

  9. The people have spoken<img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:" src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif">. They want him back<img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":bah:" src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/bah.gif">, not directly but definitely there as the "hidden" agenda. This petition is not going anywhere except as a PR ploy. Diverting the public's eyes from the problem with campaign promises (300bht, 15000bht, etc.) <br>How can you pardon someone without admission of guilt from the party??? At least bring the guy back, put him in 'jail' (read house arrest) for a week (let off early for good behaviour), fine him the money (which he'll make back anyway, being the SMART business man that he is). Maybe ban him from politic for life (he can still control the gov't through his family and croonies anyway). <br>If the gov't want him back at least PLEASE PLEASE make a show out of itand punish the man. <br><br>The trick is for the gov't to stay in power long enough to push all the required paper work through and make them stick, i.e do it in such a way that the next gov't can't repeal it. <br>

  10. Be careful sometimes you get what you wish for. Inflation loss of jobs, more migrant workers ect ect :unsure:

    She, should make her promises good.... 300bahts per day is a small amount.. give it to the workers... Strike comes to mind ...Anarchy.... better still... !!. Thaksin is Thailands Gadaffi...

    300baht/day is small??? Really? I suppose it depends on where you are and your position, but here in CM it's not a small increase especially if you use call it wage increase not 'income increase'. Sure the number of people in the wage range might be small, but think of the ripple affect of the wage increase.

    Let's say a house keeper getting 5500/mth with 4days off a month, now that's approx 200bth/day (using 31days/mth) to get 300bth/day, you would have to pay 8100/mth, if you don't include benefits, etc. As the wording is currently 'wage'. Now that 8100/bth would bring the house keeper closer to more skilled position, leading to a complete pay roll adjustment to compensate for the wage rise from the lower level. :bah:

    But for get the actual numbers for the moment. Let's just get the facts.

    Wage increase = operation cost increase= lower profit = increase price to compensate. Sounds like inflation to me :blink:. Loss of jobs is a sure thing, companies will drop the No.of employee to compensate, but the migrant workers will not be happy either. Here in CM there are already cases of migrant workers calling for 300bht pay per day. And guess what most are still looking for work.

    All I can see is a massive timebomb for the gov't. They have to get everything just right or it'll blow up in their face. Funny thing is that the people giving them the most problem are the ones that voted them in. WHAT A MESS.

  11. I think that most people are too fixate on the 800baht per head. The impression I got from the OP is that it's not exactly the price, but rather 800baht per head for lunch. Having been there for dinner, I didn't find it excessively expensive.

    But 800Bht/head, is rather expensive for a set lunch.

  12. 150-storm is the stuff for the moment. Not quite the Amp, Full Throttle, or Monster that I was used to in the US but this is better than the standard M150 or any other brands here. Just wish that it comes in bigger bottles, or US size can of Amp. :rolleyes:

  13. Ummm. How are they going to increase minimum wage without increasing material costs??? Since the one who gain the most from this rise, would be those working in factories providing us with the goods. Pay increases=cost increase=price increase. High unemployment would be the main issue with this.

    Good luck to the PM but this would raise hell with the manufacturing sector, infact all businesses would be affected.

  14. I wonder what gift he will bring to the wedding. Maybe a nice kimono from Japan?

    Or a burqa from where he spends most of his time ...

    Yeah, but lets have it right it was as transparent as spring water what the "plot" was right from the very time that Yinglucks name was put forward ,any one thinking any different is in urgent need of a brain transplant,LOL.

    Totally agree with you there. Everybody should have known that this was one of the 'hidden' agendas. And guess what bring him back this year and:

    1. He would be treated like a prince returning from exile instead of a fugitive on the run.

    2. Some chance that there will be an uprising led by those who felt their years of work being undone.

    3. He could potentially buy more vote by personally paying the 10m/body policy out of his own pocket :blink:

    All we can hope for is that those in charge will be patient and do think slowly, clearly. The last think we need in this country is another coup or bout of violence.

  15. but if it is priced at 900,000 baht in thailand, would you buy it?

    I'd buy it at 650,000, IF Nissan would also include a tiny combustion engine (CNG, diesel, whatever).

    ( It'd look pretty ridiculous with a Kubota diesel & generator on the roof. ;) )

    The prospect of actually running out in the middle of nowhere is unappealing. But turn it into a 'diesel-electric' then we're talking.

    totally. I can imagine the situation too. But then wouldn't it be the same. Might as well go for a better quality hybrids then.

  16. Test drove one, when they first arrived at Eton. Surprise the heck out of me for being so quiet, but acceleration in sport mode was surprisingly fast. Eco mode is as expected, a bit sluggish but when in bangkok it's not really too bad. Won't mind getting one, once they got the supply chain set up for maintainance and parts.

    Just wondering though, what would cost more. Petrol for honda Jazz or Electricity for the Leaf, for a month. Is there any comparison done on the net?

    What about the cost efficiency of the vehicle? I'm talking about $(fuel)/mth, creature comfort, range, etc. I typically put in at least 200km a week driving, so with the leaf, it's at least 2 full charges, or 1/2 tank of gas in a furtuner (roughly 4baht/km).

    I really wish these company with electric cars would give a $/km rating instead of km/L or L/100km or mpg, etc. Forget the petrol equivalent BS, just give the straight $$$ value, much easier to compare then.

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