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Posts posted by MJCM

  1. ^ what you could do is apply early at immigration so that you still can take that trip. (Give it ample of time (at least 2.5 Months before your trip))

    Maybe it's also worth while to mention your intended trip to the immigration officer (Don't bother with the girl who checks the documentation at Desk 5, but after you supplied the documentation you get send to another desk, which is the girls Boss).

  2. Be considered and talk to your neighbors and ask if you can practice and at what times.

    This you should have done in the first place, as it is the most civilized thing to do and also would gain respect.

    If you would have a lived in a house it's not such a big of a deal, but in a condo you only live about 50cms away from your next door neighbor.

    Good luck

    • Like 1
  3. The traffic-lights for pedestrians in Pattaya (somewhat around 13 pieces of them) are being turned off during the weekend.

    It seems (yes: seems) that they actually work from Mon-Fri.

    I don't know exactly how many pedestrian lights there are in Pattaya, but it are a lot more han 13, and the majority is turned of 24/7.

    Other than that there are a quiet a few junction traffic lights that never have been turned on, and in fact the traffic lights that are functional in Pattaya are ignored anyway.

    Oh so true, yesterday while coming back from Jomtien one of these lights near Royal Garden turned red and I was the only one who stopped. Almost everyone else including a bus and several song taews raced through the lights. The pedestrians on the other side still had to play chicken to cross.

  4. Have you transferred money before from Europe to Thailand ? If not, then first transfer something like 100 EURO and see if it arrives.

    When I bought my Condo's I never transferred all the money in 1 go, but spread it over 3-4 times. 2 Million THB is around 50.000 EURO's so transfer each time around 12.5k or more, but there is one disadvantage to this that each time when you transfer you pay the costs for the transfer (for my European Bank it costs around 23 Euro's to Transfer 12.5k )

    Ps: Can you check your Kasikorn account while you are still in Europe ?

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  5. If you have a 12 month extension based on retirement she can get the same as your dependent.

    I have heard that immigration won't issue her a visa since there is such a great age difference. Are

    you aware if this is true?

    If you are legally married then there is no reason for immigration to refuse her.

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