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Everything posted by MJCM

  1. Can you please post a screenshot of how that website looks like when you click it? Very anxious to see what you see
  2. OP download a program called HITMANPRO Link:https://download.cnet.com/HitmanPro-64-bit/3000-2239_4-75110395.html And scan your PC please
  3. Link to that Unknown scanner please Edit: This one? https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2018/01/19/super-antivirus-2018-it-isnt-super-and-its-not-an-antivirus/
  4. BS. Which OS are your running? goto either c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe or c:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe and right click on it and check what version it is?
  5. Question, did you go the website? or was this in VLC itself? VLC (the APP) has an updater and will tell you that there is a new version (if there is one), the Website doesn't know which version you are running and just will point you to the latest Stable version which is
  6. Which browser are you using?? Edit: I am starting to believe that your PC has other issues as well and one of the symptoms could be your problem with VLC, but what it is that is wrong? Did you ever check for Viruses/Malware on your PC??
  7. In the end did you go or...... ? The Tm47......pdf is AFAIK just the form you receive after you have applied for the 90 Day report. If you login and check status if you click download (on the left) it downloads that same form the IO has approve it but for you and me it just kept saying pending. Edit: that Tm47.................... pdf is also an attachment to the email you should have received after you applied for the 90 day report. The subject title for the email (for my application) was: [TM.47] (PASSPORT NO : <passport number>) FORM FOR ALIEN TO NOTIFY OF STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS RECEIVED
  8. Are you talking about this? https://codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_standard.htm Weird for me it's in English. Link to download is here: https://files3.codecguide.com/K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1725_Standard.exe
  9. I have Windows 10 and VLC installed on NUC (Media Player PC) and it's running trouble some free for over 5 years now, never had to uninstall and then re-install either Windows or VLC. Maybe ask on their forum? https://forum.videolan.org/
  10. Wow 180km. that is a waste of petrol, a couple of years ago when Buriram hadn’t it’s own IO, it was also a 120km round trip, now it’s only 70 but we combine it with shopping. edit: take a screenshot with you plus print out the pdf just in case
  11. So you have to go today to be within the 7 days. Tmrw is Saturday.
  12. I had the same did the 90 day online (well within the allowed) days and kept saying pending, so after the 90 day report was due, I just canceled it and went to IO. I am in Buriram
  13. Yep correct, could do border runs, leave in the morning and come back the same day or do as we did and we went travelling in Asia We knew when we had to leave the country so could book according to that.
  14. Contact AAinsurance https://www.aainsure.net/ They can give you accurate info. Ps: They are not an Insurance company but a broker.
  15. We only use Krathong Baskets made from Bread which are normally for sale in Supermarkets during this period Advantage of those is that the most of it is organic (except for the coins).
  16. Glad that it works for you, for me it didn't I applied on the 2nd and on Monday afternoon still no confirmation thus cancelled it and went Tuesday morning to do it in person. Please note: 90 day report was due on the 6th so I was well on time to do it online.
  17. MJCM


    At the Bus station / Train station you will have taxi's that can take you there. I live in Buriram, but shameful to say I have never been to Phanom Rung (yet) It's quite far away from Buriram City Here is a guide (2020) on how to visit https://itsbetterinthailand.com/activities/phanom-rung-historical-park/
  18. It’s unfortunately not that kind of music they are playing around here. ????
  19. Just increase the font on your Phone / Tablet / PC / Device you are using or use the Zoom Bottom if you have bad eye sight (or the poster is using a small font ???? )
  20. Not what the OP was asking Edit: And TiT every IO office is different (unfortunately)
  21. On Full blast to drown out the Loy Kratong Bass .....
  22. FTT is the code that Immigration is looking for, together with your receipts from Wise that should be more then enough. Just in case download as statement from your Foreign Bank where the money has been withdrawn and redact all the unnecessary info and and give that to Immigration as well. May I ask? I guess you already send the money before you posted on here. Correct?
  23. Long Stay or Purchase Property seem to be the only ones that trigger FTT
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