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Posts posted by rabo

  1. The US has lost their creditibility, so who cares? With the USA bombing of Iraq (remember, it was because of Weapons of Mass Destruction, now according to Fox News it is because of the terrorists!) which has ruined the infrastructure and stability of Iraq (true, it was no picnic under Sadam but according to the Iraqi's their life style is worse off today); and with their negligence of their financial institutions (banks and wall street) taking advantage of "loop holes" in order to make profit, ...and with China being the growing economic machine in this region, I don't think the USA has as much influence any more. (Maybe the old Vietnam Vets reading this can set me straight)

    PS-- The next time the US miltarty comea to Thailand to do their annual "War Games" with the Thai military, I hope they skip the out dated war games and teach the army how to deal with mobs of violent people, terrorists, and thugs in demonstrations. I think this would be more beneficial.

    An article on how even handed and understanding the US has been and you spew off topic emotional baggage.

    Go search, you will find that the US did provide the Thai military the training in crowd control that you have kindly asked for.

  2. Many of the pictures have shown the military outfditted with what look to be pump action shot guns. Isn't that a little surprising? Isn't the range of these weapons limited? is this because they cannot shoot straight and have to spray the pellets to get a hit?
    Has it been confirmed yet whether or not all of Central World will be demolished or is it just the Zen portion?

    The little shotguns are the rubber bullet guns. From the photos, about 2/3 of the soldiers are carrying these, the rest M16s.

  3. This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

    I remember a few people trying to identify him.

    He is from London.

    Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


    Anyone know who he is?

    Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

    Read ALL of the comments on YouTube. You will learn his name and the part of Thailand in which he lives.

    This guy MUST be caught.

    If someone can point me to some real details about the guy, I can try to get the info to DSI. I think the authorities would like to question him, for real. Even if he is all talk, he may have some good info, do a good service for the community.

  4. This photo in particular is the most concerning to me. I asked one of my Thai friends if he knew anything more about it. And it seems these are not the "fake monks" that everyone has been talking about, but the actual monks of the temple that is near the protest site at Rajprasong. Apparently when the army came in, they were rounded up, thrown to the floor and cuffed until it could be determined that they were real monks. I saw another photo of them somewhere yesterday from a Thai newspaper, laying on the floor with their eyes blindfolded in front of the soldiers' feet. If you understand a little about Thai culture and the respect for monks, especially them laying at the feet of soldiers, I believe you understand where my concerns come from. I'll try and find the other photo again, as well.

    Regardless, they were breaking the law.

    Are you sure they were breaking the law? After all, they were in their temple. And from what I've seen they were sheltering women and children inside the temple and saving their lives.

    Yes, 100% as I have full confidence that authorities are not arresting Monks without cause just as they were not targeting reporters with snipers ... neither would serve any purpose and would only hurt their cause.

    Oh, and beyond your friend ... any link to prove your statement they were taken from the Temple?

    I cut the picture because it downloads so slow.

    My wife took one look and said not a real monk, my wife works with monks all the time, a real monk would not cry.

    I also doubt the the story about the other image, monks tied at the feet of soldiers. The image next to this one on the same website was a black guard hands tied on the ground at the feet of the soldiers.

    A serious charge, I think the author needs to produce that other image.

  5. "Bangkok govornor: Bt100 million needed to restore and renovate the city. /via @veen_NT

    TAN: INN: Education Minister will hold a meeting 2 evaluate situ to consider whether opening of school terms in Bkk needed to be postponed "

    I know the Baht is strong at the moment, but Bt100 million wouldn't restore much

    100 million Baht? Roughly 3 million USD? Thank god we have a governor that knows so much about finances. All my worries are put to rest now.

    Silly cat! He is talking about the roads and sidewalks. Everything else, buildings, property, BTS, power lines, BTS cameras, are not not owned by the city. Total estimated damage is about 50 billion baht.

    Almost exactly what was confiscated from Thaksin!!!!

    Do you think this is coincidence?

  6. Your argument is hard to believe, for one thing it is illegal to take money out of the country without declaring it. These measures apply to Thais precisely to prevent corruption and illegal payments of this kind. It would be impossible for several of the leaders to do this without detection.

    I said nothing about taking money out of Thailand. Thaksin is in Dubai, so clearly any money used to fund the red shirts would have come into Thailand. The money I'm talking about is the money that the red shirt leaders allegedly received from Thaksin as payment. It's just hard to believe they would keep it in Thai bank accounts, since Thaksin's accounts were frozen and they must have surely known about the government keeping an eye on all their accounts.

    I thought Thaksin was in Montenegro, no?

  7. Guys,

    I think that is what we could very well see. The Thai government really puts it to these guys to give up Thaksin or face the hangman. They testify that he was behind it all. The government also has financial transactions. They go after those people. Same deal. They put it all on Thaksin. They dissolve the Peau Thai Party. Then they make it known that any future "Red Shirt Leaders" who claim to be willing to die better be prepared to actually do so.

    Then, perhaps, with the help of the US/UK, they are able to extradite Thaksin from one of these nations (This will probably be harder as long as the international press keeps backing him up) and that is the end of the Thaksin era.

    One thing I find a bit unbelievable in this whole story. Supposedly the government found hundreds of millions of Baht in the accounts of the red shirt leaders. Several red shirt leaders visited Thaksin in Dubai. Don't you think they would have opened accounts offshore and put the money there? Thaksin's money in Thailand was already confiscated, I don't think he would have put any more money on Thai accounts, and surely the red shirt leaders wouldn't have either.

    Your argument is hard to believe, for one thing it is illegal to take money out of the country without declaring it. These measures apply to Thais precisely to prevent corruption and illegal payments of this kind. It would be impossible for several of the leaders to do this without detection.

  8. I would prefer you view on the matter rather than your fastidious observation!

    It's a pile of lies spread in a deliberate attempt to further divide the country. The evidence that has been presented is clearly showing that the reds have been conducting an orchestrated campaign to deal destruction to Bangkok. Central World was one of the victims because of its location. They've had weeks of being camped next to it, using its facilities, and preparing for its destruction.

    Agree fully, a pack of lies. Easy to spot with it's propagandist style and vacuous logic.

  9. I'm no supporter of any of this much less the red shirts. I would like to pointout however the protesters that started the fire were regular citizens not the red shirts. They were protesting the fact that the thai's brought in 12 APC tanks and destroyed their cars etc; along the streets by pushing them out of the way. The military then fired upon the protesters which is what started the whole thing.

    1. the protesters that started the fire were regular citizens.

    2. they torched billions of dollars of buildings because their cars were damaged while parked along the streets.

    Your certainly entitled to you opinion.

    However, might I suggest if you or anyone else is in the same situation it's easier to contact your insurance company for repairs rather than torching billions of dollars of real estate!


  10. Second largest shop in Asia does not, by itself, convey any particular reason over and above any other why it should be spared.

    You sound like Posh Spice or A N Other WAG.

    I'm defending no people.

    I am defending democracy (sorry if that offends you).

    What does democracy have to do with burning down shopping malls. Are you perhaps confusing it with communism?

    I have to admit that I was vaguely sympathetic to the red cause when this all started. But both red leaders and rank-and file protesters have since proven themselves to be insincere about their democratic ideals, driven more by hate than by justice, and generally a danger unto the public and themselves.

    I like your profile pic by the way.

    "Does not convey any reason it should be spared" :)

    No comment necessary!

  11. Thailand in trouble? No way - why is the Baht as high as ever and why are Bangkok hotels charging as much as ever - search the sites yourself - very strange

    do you really think the government doesn't control BAHT?!?!?!

    it would've collapsed LONG time ago otherwise... sorry.

    The government doesn't WANT the baht this strong. Strong baht hurts exports.

    The baht has been strong because of economic factors, Thailand had been trying to keep it down, not up.

  12. Today is like Thailand's 9/11,

    Just a little over the top ... dontcha think?

    I don't like what happened any more than the next person but I think it's safe to say that no one involved on either side set out with the sole intention of killing as many people as they possibly could.

    The most important thing in crisis is to keep perspective. In this dispute, clearly some have and some have not.

    This most certainly is Thailand's 9/11, lock, stock, and tube. I really hope the images of the burning World Trade Center (CentralWorld's original name!) become a symbol of Thaksin the terrorist. Both he and Osama are wealthy, spoiled people of hatred and spite. Bin Laden was first thrown out of his home country for his activities there. Both have resorted to "education" and brainwashing schools to teach hatred to the otherwise innocent and to build a violent following. Relative to GDP, the economic damage to Thailand may well exceed that of 9/11. The shock and emotional scars will be the same.

    So, same same!

    BTW, I always have and always will support the rural people of Thailand THe people who did this were the thugs of society, including the red "leadership" and Thaksin.

    "BTW, I always have and always will support the rural people of Thailand".That's ironic, considering your apparent distaste of Thaksin cuz that's what he did, too.

    Why do you think the "landed gentry" of Thailand arranged his removal? Sure, Thaksin made lots of money. But he also GAVE SOME BACK to the poor. Anyone with 30Bt can go to the doctor because of his subsidy programme, for instance.

    Also, Osama was born into wealth. Thaksin is self-made. Apart from alleged wealth, they couldn't be further apart.

    Although not the cental issue, you might do your own research on Thaksin and his family. It's been done here a few times but I always learn something when I'm told to go fish. Most certainly he comes from a wealthy family. Perhaps his father was a self made man but that is often a bad sign for the next generation.

    As for Thaksin really helping the rural people. He did little except throw the governments money (not his of course) at unsound, short sighted programs to build populist support. It's been explained here and is the experience of my own family that many of his programs left them poorer. As the head of a 3 generation issan family, much of this comes back to me.

    I have had to buy back land that was pawned to cover the debts that resulted from his quick buck policies. So I don't see anything ironic in my views of Mr. Thaksin.

  13. Second largest shop in Asia does not, by itself, convey any particular reason over and above any other why it should be spared.

    You sound like Posh Spice or A N Other WAG.

    I'm defending no people.

    I am defending democracy (sorry if that offends you).

    Well then. Are you saying these actions, the burning of Bangkok represents anything relatively close to democracy?

    Is that what democracy is in your book?

    Compared to the autocracy that Thailand has suffered from for the past few years, yes I do.

    I think an elected government would be a nod towards democracy.

    call me old fashioned.

    How many innocents died at the hands of the Red-Shirts?

    How many at the hands of the Government?

    I rest my case.

    Maybe a lot, I think most the reporters have been shot by the reds, it's clear they have been a target all along.

    Opps, sorry, off topic. Just trying to quell off topic posters grinding their personal dissatisfactions.

  14. Today is like Thailand's 9/11,

    Just a little over the top ... dontcha think?

    I don't like what happened any more than the next person but I think it's safe to say that no one involved on either side set out with the sole intention of killing as many people as they possibly could.

    The most important thing in crisis is to keep perspective. In this dispute, clearly some have and some have not.

    This most certainly is Thailand's 9/11, lock, stock, and tube. I really hope the images of the burning World Trade Center (CentralWorld's original name!) become a symbol of Thaksin the terrorist. Both he and Osama are wealthy, spoiled people of hatred and spite. Bin Laden was first thrown out of his home country for his activities there. Both have resorted to "education" and brainwashing schools to teach hatred to the otherwise innocent and to build a violent following. Relative to GDP, the economic damage to Thailand may well exceed that of 9/11. The shock and emotional scars will be the same.

    So, same same!

    BTW, I always have and always will support the rural people of Thailand. THe people who did this were the thugs of society, including the red "leadership" and Thaksin.

  15. The US might have been on the fence before, now they will be going out of their way to do the Thai government favors.

    Its only so long before the US/Thai Government negotiates to have Thaksin extradited to Thailand during one of his 'vacations'.

    The US understands that the current events are becasue of Thaksin and his history. Diplomatically though the have been very neutral, as they should be. However, Thailand is a strong strategic and trade partner and Thaksin a little drop in the bucket. If the Thais make a stong legal case and produced convincing evidence, I'm pretty sure the US would help out. After all, Thailand has helped catch some major terrorists and made a big dent in international arms smuggling. I don't think the US wants that to stop

  16. Yeah, they're blaming foreigners for their frightened troops that shoot unarmed protestors - bit like Karzai blaming election corruption on foreigners. Almost all the 'victories' that the Thai armed forces have won in history have been on Thai soil fighting either their own people or foreigners who they surrendered or lost Thai land to in the first place, particularly the Burmese, French and Japanese. I'm not blaming the conscripts for that - just the commanders.

    Which unarmed protestors would those be?

    The ones unarmed with M79 grenades maybe?

    I just corrected that because I know some of the red shirts have been reported as being armed, but it doesn't mean those who were killed were the same ones. Remember a disproportionate number of reporters have been wounded or killed - were they armed? In fact, all the weapons used by the reds I've seen on TV have been firecrackers and slingshots and firework rockets fired from metal tubes.

    Well, it's now been reported the reds have openly called for shooting reporters, so I guess we know who has been shooting them. This is pretty well confirmed now that they are tourching entire buildings with hundreds of people in them to get that the news stations.

  17. Time to set aside the blame game and prey for peace..........

    On the contrary, it should never be forgotten what the red shirts have done to the country. Shame on them and their tyrant leader Thaksin.

    Thank you Abhisit for finally taking strong action. I just wish that this had been done a month ago. better later than never though.

    Agreed, it's time to enshrine the hel_l casued by the terrorist Thaksin for all future generations to remember.

    Sadly, the Thais now have their own World Trade Center. Symbolically, it used to be called that.

    I have been trying to open this image of the central world tower in the daily news listing page 7. It is the only image that does not work, I get an error message, has anyone else tried?? It's an astounding image.


  18. and the chump who made the comment about thailand not having a cast system needs to wake up or shut up. Preferably both.

    Thailand does have a cast system. However, it's purely a social cast system supported by the people, their traditions, and their religion. It honors learning, teachers, doctors, healers, ajan, the monks and other Bhuddist teachers. They also honor their parents, elders, and the concept of age believing it brings wisdom. People of accomplishment are also respected. There language and manners are used to express this respect, even the level of the hands when wai-ing. An older person is called phe in respect, etc.

    I personally believe such ideals are sorely lacking in the West where low level intellect often spews at the mouth with little respect for anything in the belief that others will miraculously respect them.

    Some westerners would be better off to wake up and shut up until they understand that which surronds them.

  19. The authorities must be kidding themselves. Did they never went to university? Did they never demonstrate themselves? Protest became in my time most violent when leaders gave up. Certain things never change. I expect an orgy of violence in the next few days. After that they have to wait for the elections in 6 months or 15 months time to get the last laugh themselves.

    The present government haven't got a clue. I bet Abhisit wished he called for fresh elections earlier now. But no, the ruling elite pulled his strings so they could live the high life for a bit longer. Instead, Abhisit's got blood on his hands now and he's responsible for starting a civil war. Nice one Mark! You're not the nice guy Thai people saw you as, are you?

    BL, he did offer early elections from the beginning before April 10! The whole country of Thailand is clueless, but you mr. bangkoklight clearly understand all. What does it feel like going through life always scratching your head because no one else understands anything?

  20. Out Jaengwhattana way we are seeing a number of black smoke fires outside of BKK (we have a 25 km view on all directions). Some small some not. One out near the Airforce base past Don Meuang. A couple to the east and north-east of the city. A big one somewhere along the Chao Phaya river about 4km south of here (image1). The cloud over BKK is a bit larger than usual (image 2). These fires eventually burn out so must just be tires. (end of rally?)

    post-102665-1274255290_thumb.jpg post-102665-1274255301_thumb.jpg

  21. Hydra%20Lernaia.jpg

    This entire situation keeps on getting more and more chaotic as each hairbrained solution is attempted. The government is much like Heracles, but drunken on their own personal gain and fear of loss, or whatever. The government cannot kill an ideal. It can remove people, or shoot them in the head, but those people will be replaced by the many who stand behind them.

    To the individuals who condone the actions against the people who subscribe to the red-shirt views, and to the individuals who take satisfaction with human beings suffering at the hands of the media and powerful, rich people who can get away with anything; to those individuals I turn my head away in disgust.

    They can feed and nurture ideals, but these ideals take time to grow and require fertile soil.

    But first they must kill the snake feeding on the seeds.

    The snake is called Thaksin.

    This time they must kill it instead of just chasing it away.

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