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Everything posted by stupidfarang

  1. You need to read it again, originally said "no insurance" then car salesperson came back saying they had "one car with free insurance". That is what I was talking about, the original comment of no insurance. "In the first talks with the salesperson I was promised free insurance, but suddenly later on there was no free insurance. After some days she came back and said they had one car with free insurance"
  2. Agoda HQ is in Singapore, I suggest you read up on the Trade Practice act that they full under in Singapore and then see if you can get a full refund. I have done this after I booked a hotel with them in Thailand and the rooms were nothing like what was showen on the website, this booking was non-refundable but I looked at the Trade Practice law then spoke to them, they straight away refunded the money.
  3. Yes, sad has the income but did it by ATM, has a wife and daughter here. There is no compassion on the immigration side.
  4. NO! Have a friend who has lived in Thailand for years, he always took the money out of the ATM then placed it into a Thai bank, he recently fell ill, missed his retirement renewal as he was in Hospital, came out went to immigration to apply for a new retirement stamp, and they refused him, said money has to be direct from his bamk in Canada, cut a long story short he is about to be deported.
  5. If you purchased this truck brand new, straight away I would have walked away when they said no free insurance for the first year. Am sure every dealership/brand gives insurance for the first year, all most a standard sales add on. With all the Chinese car makers opening showrooms in Thailand, the car market has become very competitive. My comments do not help you on how to fix the problem, it may be worth complaing to Mazda parent company? Good Luck
  6. not doing to bad if at 76 years old you built your own computer. Out of interest what was the cost? Was wondering about buying a new computer in the UK and bringing it back so interested price comparison
  7. Totally ignore this comment. If your body is doing this, then it is telling you something is wrong. Suggest you check out the symptoms with a doctor, if you have already and things still are not right then getting a second opinion from another doctor is worth doing. You say you want to avoid seeing a doctor or going to a hospital, I think seeing a doctor is a better option than seeing an undertaker. So get a qualified check up instead of un-qualified quotes on here.
  8. This is an interesting one, A friend has been told by the Land Office in the South that he cannot buy land in his daughters name because she is half farang and half Thai, was told by the office he needs to buy it in his Thai wifes name and then 6 months later transfer it to his daughters name. Question is, has anyone else come across this recently? I thought maybe they are to lazy to do the extra paperwork. And please when replying no smart comments about "the wife planning it this way" My friend speaks Thai and was told in person by the staff at the land office.
  9. in five years of using wise, have never had a problem, always fast and a good rate with very low fees. Saying that a friend has been using wise for about 3 years UK to Thailand like me transfering £2,000 each month, then about two weeks ago he sent £100 to his son in Germany and then he had a email from Wise saying that he could no longer use wise and that the decision was final and no discussion will be entered on. He has no idea what he did wrong if anything. Crazy
  10. You need to look out for any public holidays in Thailand and the country you are sending from. I try to send Monday to Thursday. If you sent from the UK on Friday there is a public holiday on Monday in Thailand so that would add up to 4 days
  11. innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, that is one right no one wants changed.
  12. Is this a paid advert for mypillows?
  13. Why be a doormat? Secure everything and divorce him, he has no respect for her even after 48 years.
  14. Maybe smarter to secure the shared assets, house money etc... before he gives it away to the girls in Thailand. We all know how the men get seduced in Thailand and then lose everything. Next we will hear a call from a man who has been married for 48 years complaining that he went to Thailand as often as he could, leaving his 70 year old wife at home and now he has lost everything to a 20 year old girl. He has nothing now and is living off his poor pension in the UK
  15. Given the number of women who have had their lives detroyed by men, are we supposed to sympathise with you?
  16. Search engines search the internet, here in Thailand many businesses do not have websites so would not be picked up in the searches, it seems most business here use Facebook to promote their business. As a business you need to post and promote on the main social media platforms on a constant basis so that social media algorithms will pick up new content which will then hopefully appear. Best results on social media are paid for adverts by businesses which will then reach a mass audience. Going back to the internet, if you are a business then doing a free business listing on Google will work well and show on local searches. At the end of the day if businesses do not list themselves and their products on the internet and update constantly, you will not find them.
  17. Exercise will be good for health, reduce the portions that you eat. You can cut out things like white bread, butter and fattie products and reduce beer intake.
  18. Kaiskorn Bank, very good, no problems in 7 years, like you I was once with BB, a waste of time
  19. drill through the hard drives, there is no way that anyone can have access to the info. This is about the best solution
  20. What western interference are you referring to? Pre-Russian invasion or post Russian invasion? please show examples. I do believe we do not all "choose this as the hill to die on" so a rather dramatic comment. "Evil political extremists fond of the German military of the 30's" that could apply to many far-right wing groups or Nationalists to be found in many countries, could even be applied to the groups who stormed the USA capital. So, nothing unique there. Trumps term? What about the media rumours about incriminating photos of Trump and stories of golden showers? Maybe some unanswered questions there on why Trump loves Putin and believes what Putin says compared to what his own advisors say. Am sure Trump was playing the long game for his future business. "Walking softly with a big stick, while encouraging negotiation and understanding” has not worked, it has been seen as a sign of weakness by Russia, Russia only recognises strength and people who know Putin and know Russia and have experienced living under Russia rule know this. There is a very good interview with the president of Lithuania and how they knew Russia would be back after their independence and the other Baltic states know this as well from their personal experience with Russia. There is only so much one can take before they have to say stop and stand up to a bully, rolling over and playing dead will not work as you will still get kicked. I agree that "any unwelcome interference in other foreign nations is unacceptable" saying that we all know that every country meddles in another country’s affairs, so what do you do? Turn a blind eye or protest/fight back? We are very lucky in life if we live in a country that allows us to have freedom of speech (yes I know it can be limited) and we should aim to keep that freedom because once you have lost it and live under a rule where you dare not say anything because the chances of you disappearing the next day, then you will appreciate freedom and democracy.
  21. Do you understand the full background to this war? I suspect the answer is no
  22. Brother Laser printers are very good, cheap to buy, they get you on the toner (ink) when you need to buy a new one. Saying that I normally buy non-branded toners which cost around 300 bhat. Clean inside when replacing the toner cartridge for dust an powder from the toner. Apart from that they are normally trouble free and better than Ink printers
  23. so what happens for western people who live here on retirement ? Do we get charged as tourists?
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