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Everything posted by stupidfarang

  1. Why a land bridge? ships have to dock, unload the containers, load containers on to rail wagons or trucks, drive across to Chunphon, off load containers, load back onto ships. There is an interesting article on this (written 2021) https://futuresoutheastasia.com/ranong-asias-pathway-to-the-west/
  2. Normal for staff to stop an start talking with another customer, normal to see 3 or 4 staff serving one customer, why? who knows.
  3. normal, part of life here regardless if you are a thai or farang
  4. or America after Trump lol
  5. The old saying here is to invest only what you can afford to lose. All is good until it goes bad and most people on here have experinced that.
  6. A lot can happen between now and the November eclections, though I am sure Trump is writing up his papers to Pardon himself from all his crimes.
  7. Your point is? A very simple search shows CDB Aviation is incorperated in Ireland.
  8. it is on Bmovies, looks great
  9. He plays a great part, underestimated and who would think of him as a spy? Remember this is just a TV series and brillent at that
  10. Ireland is the leading country for tax benifits for aircraft leasing companies. Their office may only be a post box within a building but can save them a fortune in world wide tax
  11. Totally agree. After visiting the site and trying to find answers from the locals, plus the non interest of the wife in the farm, I have chosen to not do anything at all apart from build a small house on it which we will use about six times a year. I am not a farmer, and think it is a waste of time and money for me. I do appreciate your time and answers, thay have been helpful. Thank you
  12. Not sure if the 4 hour video will work, when I sat for my license here, I had to attend an hour or two video, there were people sleeping, other playing on their phone and others going out for a smoke. If they are drunk or under drugs take the car off them and not give it back until traing is done. You have to make them hurt to get the message.
  13. Same news/story as every year, I personally think it comes down to a combination of the following to improve road safety and lower road deaths. 1) Police to do their jobs and enforce the traffic laws, Thailand has around 210,000 thousand police officers. 2) Heavy fines for all people not wearing a helmet on a bike including paasengers, take bikes away until fine paid. 3) Increase speeding fines, not 500 baht but 5,000 baht for speeding, take cars and vans away until paid. 4) Ensure there is correct training on how to drive a car before they get a license. 5) Ensure the police stop any car, van, truck that drives badley on the roads (crossing yellow lines etc) The other thought I had the other day is the amount of money the goverment would collect if the police did their job and enforced the lawm the only way people learn is by hitting them in the pocket . Am sure this is just a dream, not much chance it will happen.
  14. What about the bad Thais who treat tourists badly? In the news two days ago was the following in Phuket. A Thai taxi driver faced criticism for a viral video of him chasing away a foreign passenger by pulling her out of his cab. The driver defended himself saying the foreign woman kicked his car door over an air conditioning dispute. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/phuket-taxi-driver-drives-away-foreign-woman-over-air-conditioning-dispute
  15. Waste of time, also why bring police attention to yourself? There are many strange expats in Pattaya, better to just walk on, not react.
  16. Hi, am planning on doing a PH test next weekend when we are back in Ranong. The trees are already planted, they cut out the old and replanted, I have no say in what is growen and do not want to upset the family, I will not be sinking much money into the trees and it is not a business I know anything about and my wife has no interest in farming. The wife has been given the 10 rai and we will build a small two bed room house on it which will be rarely used, the family just want her to have a house near the family. I will have a read of the book and see what insights I can gain from it, my plan is minimal looking after the trees as they come with the land, will have someone do all the hard work.
  17. Hi, Thank you for these links, am now watching as I recover from Christmas lunch. Appreciate your input.
  18. I agree about the rubber trees and even palm is being cut down so durian can be planted. Malaysia, Indonesia even China is planting Durian so am sure the price will drop one day. I am in Chumphon which grows a lot of durians, now there are massive warehouses are being built around Sawi and Laung Suan by Chinese and they buy the durian and ship them out. The traditional Thai buyer will be squeezed out. Had looked at pineapple but they take a couple of years to fruit, I want something that will help the soil so am looking at corn so there is a small return until the rubber kicks in, and looking at legumes to help the soil. Am no farmer and I do not want to be one, yet happy to help a wee bit to get the soil in good condition
  19. Hi, my wife has just been given 10 rai and it is planted with 1 year old rubber trees. Anyone on here farm rubber? I want to know what type of fertiliser or organic matter that would help to develop the trees.
  20. Nice looking house, my wife has just been given some land and we will build a small two bedroom house on it, can I ask what the cost to build your house, is it two bed? Thank you
  21. Are most Australians descendants of the English? lol
  22. If you have seen a body that has been in the water or even on land, 24-72 hours after death — the internal organs decompose. 3-5 days after death — the body starts to bloat and blood-containing foam leaks from the mouth and nose. 8-10 days after death — the body turns from green to red as the blood decomposes and the organs in the abdomen accumulate gas.
  23. Hi, never change at the airport, rate is so low. In Da Nang around the Han Market (just google it) there are many jewellery shops and most will exchange your money and give a better rate than the airport and the banks. Do ask at a couple of places first as the rate can change from shop to shop. Bus to the city is cheap. Things to do in Da Nang, Ba Na Hills is worth going to just for the cable car ride (worlds longest) at the top is a collection of theme buildings, not my thing. There is a free tour in Da Nang, called Da Nang Free walking tour, led by local university students. Hoi An everyone goes to, very disapointed, beautiful old town but every building is either a cafe, restuarant, souvener shop and lots of people trying to sell you stuff in the street. If you do go, then early evening is best. Highly recommend the city Hue which is about two hours north of Da Nang, well worth going to. Good idea to link up with "Lets Hue", they are on FB, local students who will give you a free tour of Hue, they want to learn a language, just let them know which is your langauge and they will arrange the guide who wants to learn. As a man you will get a male guide, you pay for lunch and any taxi. To get to Hue I recommend a private van, there will be other passengers.
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