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Everything posted by stupidfarang

  1. Anyone using kaspersky VPN? I use them for web security etc and have another 8 months on contract, they are offering a year at $33.99
  2. excellent value
  3. Excellent point, do not want anyone collecting data let alone passwords. Thanks for bring this to everyones attention as how many of us read the fine print?
  4. Do you link it back to a UK address? I ask as if you do then you will have experince for the UK which is what I need. Thank you for the input, appreciated
  5. Always good to get peoples thoughts and experince so that one can make a balance decision. I do agree that many "Free" products have their limitations but may work for some people as we all have differant requirements.
  6. Interesting will look into it, thanks
  7. Hi, looking for a VPN to connect with the UK, need reliable, fast, VPN. Can you share your thoughts on VPN's you have used? Just need the basic as have paid security programme, am Looking at Surfshark, any comments about them?
  8. Yes agree, I would think it is not really about him, maybe his GF (dancer) was knowen by the other dancers and there was past history hence the fighting, the UK guy wanted to stop the fighting and that is when everyone turned against him. Tourists do not understand how things work here and trying to stop a fight between thais is a no no
  9. True, thank god there are people like you around who highlight certain words in bold so they get the message.
  10. Not sure if it is just my connection or is the updated Asean website very slow to load? I posted a reply to a post, it was very slow to load the reply, also wanted to close one of the pop up adverts on here and that took a long time to close. Anyone else experincing the same?
  11. "Pantiwa grabbed the car key from a showroom staff member and drove off". You need to read the full article from where Asan copied it from.
  12. All sounds good, yet I would prefer to check with the airline and UK passport regulations, as I said "I would not rely on comments on here only to find at the airport when trying to checkin they say no can fly".
  13. Was getting a monthly shot for ticks and fleas from the Vet, after about 4 years the dog started scratching non stop, went to the vet for the monthly shot and they noticed the dog scrstching, dog had developed and allergie to the injection. Stopped the injections and within a month the dog stopped scratching, now only use the liquid on the back of the neck all is good
  14. Interesting to watch, amazing how he became a famous movie star, created everything himself.
  15. Was the ex husband ever jailed for this?
  16. How safe is this torrent? Can you stream online or do you have to download the movie? I watch movives on yesmovies or Bmovies which is okay, no downloading but a lot of buffering
  17. 500,000,000,000 Thai Baht equals USA $13,757,755,000.00
  18. Thai jail for a few years then deport him.
  19. Check with the airline and also UK requirements for nationals traveling on a soon to expire passport. I would not rely on comments on here only to find at the airport when trying to checkin they say no can fly.
  20. Being in a condo, should be no problem, the ones I have lived in BKK they fumigate the pipes and underneath the building at least once a year. Check with the Condo management to see if they do this. Also keep a tidy kitchen
  21. very true LOL
  22. Not all treatments are available in all hospitals or country’s
  23. well you got your wish, everyone is talking about your "topic"
  24. Social media plays a big part in this, they see beautiful girls on there and want to look like them, many thais want to have white skin, (and here the white tourists sitting on the beach wanting to be brown) bigger breasts, bigger arse, nose job etc. They worry about getting old, my wife is 33 years and thinks she is old. Crazy
  25. Read an article on BKK post a few years ago about how mental health is over looked in Thailand, and I think the culture hinders people from publicly (to friends or family, even to a doctor) saying they need help. As for expats, I think we can be our own worse enemy, it is important to have interests apart from the bar and a beer. Exercise and contact with fellow expats is important so we do not fall into a rut that can lead to depression.
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