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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Boudica led her British army into war with the Romans and defeated them. Her PMT didn't seem to be issue.
  2. Carabao has finally appeared out here in the sticks, but only the Carabao Lager and Tawandaeng Weizen. I haven't cracked open the weizen yet but tried the lager. It's interesting but I agree it's got an aftertaste that I can't quite identify. I'm hoping for more from the dunkel when it finally surfaces. I note that only the dunkel and lager have the Carabao branding whilst the weizen, rosée and IPA appear under the Tawandaeng German Brewery name. I'm not normally a fan of rosée but I'm eager to try the IPA.
  3. "Working is more fun than fun." - Noel Coward.
  4. At the company I worked for many years ago a chap died on the way to his retirement party. That was a real eye opener and was one of the factors that led to me retiring early. I think these days there's both more opportunity to retire early and to delay your retirement if you wish. It's much more flexible than it was because of better pensions. In my day people were expected to retire, usually at 65. Companies would be eager to get in new, cheaper blood to replace you. If you were highly valuable you might be put on a contract. There are so many variables for retirement and everyone has to assess their own needs. I've never regretted my decision.
  5. There are surprisingly few major bands where all the original members have died. There's usually one member left. The Crickets and The Ramones are all dead.
  6. Demonstrably untrue. We have a shop here that has sacks of about 20 diffeerent spices, all used in cooking. It's true that a few of them are more widely used though.
  7. I) It's a big misnomer that all Thais love industrial strength spiciness. I eat with them regularly and have seen a number of them leave food because it is too spicy. A lot of them will battle on though. See Papaya Salad. 2) Often it's not the spiciness of the food that's the problem but happening upon the seeds that are in the chillies. Separate them out. 3) Ask for your food mai phet. It takes a bit of experimentation but if you're a regular they'll soon adjust to how you like it. 4) Indians tend to eat medium spiced curries not hot vindaloos. 5) Don't conflate flavour with spiciness.
  8. They say live every day like it's your last. So from now on I will lie in a hospital bed screaming in agony.
  9. Originally Britons was the Romans name for the people of Wales, Cornwall and part of Northern France, i.e Brittany (Bretons). The term was then more broadly used to include the Scots and English after the formation of the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. English was a term used as a catch-all for the people of the U.K. most noticeably abroad in past times. It's less common now.
  10. Yes, we enter as Non-immigrants and are subsequently given leave to stay. The permission granted does not confer immigrant status.
  11. Not true. Almost every country in the world has an international Football team. In Rugby and Cricket less countries compete at the highest level but most are associate members. Even the U.S. has over 200,000 cricketers now. You can only be judged by the available competition in any sport and audience-wise these are the big three. Rankings are there for a reason.
  12. In fact England are the only country in the world in the top five in Football, Rugby and Cricket, so we're overall the greatest sporting nation in the world. Plus we invented them all. We've also had the most F1 World Champions. Crap at Tennis though.
  13. Moaning about the weather in the U.K. is a national pastime due to its fickle nature, so I think we can count that as a national trait. I think the U.K. , England particularly, is a land of moderation in most things, so when Brits move abroad to a place of extremes in weather, food, speech etc. it's more of a shock and hence there's a bit more moaning. Brits are also more ironic in their speech so phrases like "you'll be the death of me" or "we'll be waiting here forever" whilst meant jokingly can be misunderstood and taken literally. Over the years I've learnt to complain sparingly in front of Thais. By the the way, if you've been with a group of tipsy Thai women you'll know just how much they like to moan about other women. : )
  14. The golden rule is to keep all your travel documentation at least until you get home. Simple common sense.
  15. You're very uptight. You should try meditation.
  16. You don't understand what losing your virginity means?
  17. The only good side to this I can see is that Russian LGBT+ persons will now conform to the former U.K. Home Secretary's criteria for accepting them as social refugees, although they'll probably move the goalposts again.
  18. Weasel words. You think that people who "go too far and "think they are entitled" should face long prison sentences? I was always under the impression that they were reserved for people who commit serious crimes, not people who have different sexual preferences and who campaign for equality. And it's no use droning on about how awful you think it is that trans women are using women's toilets to try to cover yourself. That's got nothing to do with this issue. If you believe in free expression you believe in the right for anyone to campaign on any issue as long as it's done peacefully.
  19. Oh my God! I'm straight!! How did that happen? Lol. I'm off to Soi Cowboy to pull a chick and start a fight. 😀 Some of my best friends are straight. 😀
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