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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Suea Saming is represented obliquely in the 2004 film by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Sud Pralud/ Tropical Malady. It's a good film and worth checking out.
  2. 17. I wanted to do it before it became legal. 🙂
  3. I must admit I'm a bit bemused by your post Alex. I was talking about fully-grown men not youngsters who may need a role model. However I'm well aware that younger people today have different pressures to when I was young. Not more but different. The question is do you want someone who puffs their chest out, takes what they want, says what they want and does what they want despite the consequences to be a role model? Tate shouldn't be influencing anybody; he should serve as a warning to others.
  4. I cannot understand why any real man would need another man to tell him how to live his life, whether it's Tate, Peterson, a religious leader or whoever. Impressionable schoolboys maybe but not a fully grown man. There are wonderful ways to find a direction in life through reading and self-examination, not with gurus or life-coaches or internet charlatans.
  5. Never. I can't understand why people who intend to leave feel it necessary to leave a suicide note on here.
  6. People drink alcohol for varying reasons. Personally I prefer to drink for taste rather than effect and I rarely over-indulge. I also like beer and wine culture and trying new and interesting varieties. Getting drunk doesn't interest me but I admit I do enjoy that heady feeling after the first or second glass and loosening up a bit. I like to keep a rough record of what I drink and stick to a weekly limit or it becomes like Russian Roulette with your health. We're all different.
  7. Beer is 90+% water. ;}
  8. If you'd bothered to read the whole thread you'll see that I've stated a number of thoughts on this matter. As for Wiki Warrior, as much as I like the name I don't think one Wikipedia article posted by me in 15 years on this board qualifies me as such. If you really want to be taken seriously you should engage in debate not ad-hominem attacks.
  9. What is the procedure when a bone graft is necessary?
  10. 8 years ago Angela Rayner, a Labour MP called the freezing of increases on overseas pensions cruel and unnecessary and vowed to pursue the matter. Ms. Rayner is now Deputy Leader of the current Labour government and is in charge of pensions and the matter has been quietly brushed under the carpet. The Tory government did exactly the same. I expect nothing will change but they must be reminded that this is an injustice.
  11. Indeed. "May you live forever" is an old Chinese curse. I don't believe in an afterlife though. That helps me make the most of this one.
  12. I don't care when I die or how I die but I'd like to know where I was going to die. Then I wouldn't go there.
  13. Who's stuck in the past? I have the latest album from a current artist on pre-order. I listen to some current music but don't like a lot of it as I find most of it rather generic. That's o.k. as I'm not the target audience but don't tar us all with the same brush. If people get enjoyment out of music in any form that's fine by me. Listen to what you enjoy.
  14. I just listened to it. It's o.k. Better than some of the rubbish out there but still rather ordinary. Pointless to compare her to The Beatles.
  15. "Where some have found their paradise Others just come to harm." - Joni Mitchell.
  16. 10 years. Well done to the Thais that fought so hard for this.
  17. Must've been drinking Belgian Kasteel Donker at 11% ABV. That stuff could power a rocket.
  18. Not local but available at Tops, I was pleasantly surprised by Kristoffel Blonde. 6% and a bit cheaper than most Belgian brews here at 95b for 330 ml.
  19. I don't quite understand. If the proposed treatment is designed to be consensual why can't consenting offenders agree to it now without legislation? I imagine this will be drafted as mandatory, subject to certain conditions.
  20. Yes, and not only that but companies are obliged to ascertain the correct reason for transfer of funds for anti-money laundering purposes, especially large amounts. It seems strange that they would direct users to state this incorrectly.
  21. Well if Hamas come on here and flout the rules like you have then I'll deal with it. 🙂
  22. Uncomfortable truth? I've not commented on the issue yet so you have no idea my feelings on the matter. You''e just assuming and assuming wrongly. My issue with you is the name calling. You seem to arrogantly think that people should put up with it. You're entitled to your "valid point" as you call it and if you had only stuck to that without the slurs we could discuss it like sensible human beings.
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