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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. What does that have to do with it?....
  2. Is the Australian embassy even open?
  3. So essentially...the building as it is now, is illegal and doesn't meet the authorities criteria. To even mention demolition now at this stage....where 80% on the units have been sold, is ludicrous....but that's how this country works....apply for permit (pay to get the approval)....build the building, (pay again at inspection times)....get threatened by the authorities with demolition as the building is illegal.....then..most likely pay some more!
  4. He's not a maverick...he's a corrupt ex RTA gangster! Jailed in Australia for importing "white powder"....Prawit' little toy boy...and someone that should be barred from politics for ever!
  5. That's exactly what happens....we see strange dogs in our area quite often....the locals know.
  6. Another fake Michelin ruse to get people to eat more!
  7. Nowadays, the RTAF uses these for fishing and camping trips.....
  8. That will never happen! FIFA, even after the FBI exposure and arrests....world leaders and the elite, still flock to this group.
  9. But they can shut the switch off to Thailand
  10. We can't believe everything we read in the Thai media. The standard of reporting here is atrocious...investigative journalism is non existent and many government agencies, corporations etc, simply lie for convenience!
  11. The stage BKK to Nahkon Nowhere is due for completion 2026....it should be 43% complete now.....nut it's only ~15% done Don't expect wonderful results for the next 6-8 years!
  12. Chuwit throwing bananas at the monkeys of the RTP.....not too sure about the Ministry of Justice..whatever that really means, but anyway, there'll be some headaches for a few in certain circles. Chuwit has MoJ witness protection...again, whatever that means in Thailand.
  13. Is the plant that Anutin is smelling, in the Pattaya canabis shop that just got robbed?
  14. Tailor made joints? Marijuana shop in Pattaya....? Who owns this shop?
  15. The never ending nonsense of Thailand.....like kids playing marbles!
  16. Someone big owns this now....."invited to answer questions"?......the owner is likely sitting in the RTP head office!
  17. I imagine most of the junk advertised, especially on YouTube, is never tested for what supposed healing/remedies the product claims Chicken Essence however, must be fantastic 'cos even "super stars" advertise it!!
  18. Can we have F35s now please? Promise we won't tell China...
  19. Shouldn't laugh....! But seriously....has his led chopped without permission??
  20. Hilarious...".the exact nature of their actions." They were drinking (probably the profits of the days takings)...they were pi**ed. Ummmm....yeh..that's it!
  21. While the Thai military and RTP work in cahoots with Myanmar....nothing will happen. It is disgraceful that the Thai government cannot even attempt to quell the open violence against the people there.
  22. How many for sale?..... One way to get black market cars to Thailand!
  23. Photo ops and PR stunts are the norm for the Thai cops...
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