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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. I won't be sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for a guilty verdict....this will be the usual whitewash job and the PPRP will again be blessed!
  2. The TAT just asked for an extra Thb8 billion for more vaccinations.....they could buy these viewing rights easily.....but of course, that would mean less 1st class travel for their important managers most likely
  3. He needs to be careful....he'll be sent to the Thai gulag if he starts stepping on too many toes!
  4. Thailand' central region must be populated with silly people....Yingluck would run rings around this person....and she's no star!
  5. There's no need to suspect anything....Thailand live and breath China. Import from China using a form E, no tax...import from the US...100%+ tax!
  6. The "activists"...should protest the lack of dood driver training...and protest the number of <deleted> bike riders...!
  7. Road users should be advised to avoid Phuket at any time:))
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62792875. then there's this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/10/sold-to-gangs-forced-to-run-online-scams-inside-cambodias-cybercrime-crisis Working together?? I'm sure they are!!
  9. More pi** and wind! They know what side the breads buttered!
  10. So the former cop owns a pub in Thong Lo? Then one would have to believe the pub would be managed beyond question...:))) I like Chuwit!
  11. Oh good news for TAT...a new promotion to play around with, and a new massive budget to spend.....people sent to offshore luxury hotels....new cars for the families...just wish my wife had a job with them!
  12. Bats, rats and insects....what ever happened to big fat steak!
  13. Like paying TikTok for viewers entertainment! Just wasteful, face saving spending!
  14. Big Joke sitting alongside the boss.....thinking....."more rubbish from this goon.....I should be boss"
  15. Cell phone theft making the news!? Hundreds are stolen each day in BKK alone....
  16. This story is about PB dogs in Thailand...not globally.. ? A few irresponsible (idiots as you call them) owners, like millions of dog owners in Thailand...allow their dogs to wander anywhere....then breed with soi dogs.
  17. Nepotism loud and clear! The elite upholding their unending support of monopoly!
  18. Big Joke is playing with fire if he starts to mess about with immigration cops.....they wield a whole lot of power!
  19. They shouldn't crush the exhausts....get the idiots to put them back on their cars and bikes!:))
  20. It's great news....now..if only the tourists can get through immigration!
  21. "The governor of Chonburi has denied knowing the main suspect.".......said with a smile!
  22. You got to like Chuwit....at least he speaks openly and is good at embarrassing the stupid cops! I'm surprised that he still walks around...maybe he has body guards, but the cops must really want him off the scene sometimes!
  23. I think it is....
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