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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. "this allows incoming travellers to spread the disease around the kingdom before a second test result." The 5 days between the initial vaccination and the second, allow people to travel anywhere......the virus if contracted during this period would have been via contact with Thais...markets, bars, restaurants and etc.....IMO, this is really dodgy, hoping tourists DO get infected and hotel or hospital quarantine is required...! Testing among Thais is quite sparse nowadays......
  2. About the only "important" information about Macha Bucha day each year, is the constant reminding that alcohol sales are banned......most expats have no idea what Macha Bucha day is all about!
  3. Again proof that oil companies do not give a fig about any problems that they cause. Let the government clean it up....and any invoices will simply be ignored. Hi-so business people are above everyone here!
  4. Regardless the negative comments on ownership in Thailand, there is always the sense of security and comfort of living in your own place...whether a humble condo or massive home.
  5. And a huge thank you Thai people for the massive injection of free money..... Never made public and no-one fired....the scam flies on forever!!
  6. Great mooring blocks.....use Chinese anything would likely be dodgy....but a used submarine!
  7. This unfortunate doctor was crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing.....the ass hole cop hit and killed her....that's it..what further "investigation" is needed? Kindergarten kids would solve this crime in 2 seconds!
  8. Insurance can only be claimed if one is "ordered" into quarantine, by a medical doctor. I have heard on many occasions, it is the immigration police that do the ordering after the on-site medics, indicate a positive.
  9. Can't see how any of this from the Revenue Dept. can work. Technology may eventually enable detection of trades....but not at this time.
  10. An excuse often used by the RTP is that perpetrators have mental issues....often resulting in a lesser sentence....and maybe a reward for the police
  11. Crypto will continue to be used for payments...regardless government intervention.
  12. An attempt to appease those that were given the Chinese junk.....not sure if I'de go and see him for a consultation!
  13. Rarely, do the riders look for traffic when entering a roadway.....14 year old kids would have zero idea of road safety....their parents would never have taught them.....
  14. Much simpler to remove the crossing...it will take away any form of liability that the RTP could have imposed on them. They don't police crossings anywhere.... and most likely believe that pedestrians are always at fault!
  15. I saw that article....but after a word from the high up in the RTP, he'll be in like Flynn!
  16. Sounds like they let out contracts for greatly reduced prices and the contractors can't finish the works......
  17. I'll be travelling to Australia in March, situations at that time permitting of course. I would hope in 2 months the covid situation will improve to make travel easier....but who knows....another strain could well emerge in the meantime
  18. These people are not operators....they're scammers supported by the tessaban and police. They should be banned from all beaches in Thailand!
  19. K. Chanwit made the news.....~35+/- others that died from Bike crashes yesterday, didn't!
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