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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. The Mekong will never ever be restored to any level of "pristineness"....usually its a muddy river, full of chemical run off...massive garbage dumping and the centre of plastic bags.....and flip flops!
  2. Are they allowed at Phuket Airport? The mafia would attack at first sight.....and the authorities would be right behind them!
  3. Quite unbelievable that this Phuket taxi extortion racket has been ongoing now for years.....and the so called authorities simply back it endlessly. Where is the government...where is that useless enterprise, TAT...nothing is ever said!
  4. And of course, not a word about the owners....are they being prosecuted...or are they simply being kept out of the news 'till alls quiet.?
  5. This goons speak about one of his own.....drunk cops are everywhere!
  6. Never heard of them.....this is how farmers castrate young rams! He's lucky the eggs remained attached:))
  7. I'm so pleased I never decided to settle in this garbage place......!
  8. The never ending defacing of public property in the name of protest! These grubs should be made to remove this junk!
  9. Just walk in there with no mask.....see what happens:) It's not hard to do.
  10. Wow!! What a crackdown to reap 145 guns!....such excellence from the RTP is outstanding. Now how about the other 10 million illegal guns out there?
  11. More patrols and parking enforcement.....??...is this a new tact for the collection of fees?
  12. Unlike most, Thai women don't mature with age.....many rot!
  13. Rubbish....even 8 years ago, not many endorsed the military to rule the country...
  14. The military would take over the parliament at the drop of a hat....or at a reasonable threat from their opposition Prawit cannot stay as caretaker PM....Prayuth will definitely not want to be booted out and he is Defense Minister. As stated by #Kerryd above....a further coup is highly possible and in reality, would not surprise too many.
  15. The attached photo of hand planting rice, says it all! Food tech silicone valley??....Whatever it might be...farming in Thailand needs huge reform...instead of submarines and tanks...modernise with machinery!
  16. For me...this would be a real feast! So much better than fake meat and bok choi!
  17. No! Unbelievable! Are there no hydraulic engineers in Thailand with a wisp of knowledge? Obviously a stupid question and I guess the answer is no! Those that were here in 2011 saw this idiocy with dozens of boats all tied ups with engines screaming in an attempt to make the river flow faster.....
  18. Does anyone ever repay these "loans"?
  19. So did Thailand officials really let her stay as reported....or was it due to the UN intervention? My guess is the latter!
  20. These palms have probably been sold now....developers like full grown trees.
  21. Face vote buying charges....but that's how elections are managed here....vote buying is the only procedure the people understand.....no money..no vote!
  22. Of course..it's rubbish.....but a precursor for getting finance....
  23. If the photo is indicative of current work state....then there's months of work to complete!
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