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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. AGH! Pattaya the great family resort....BBQ pork, brilliant hookers and a few bullets.....kids love that sh*t!
  2. So typical....driving flat flat out and couldn't stop....sorry for the others...the driver is in a good place!
  3. There's a million Burmese in Thailand and the illegal ones like this that gat caught, I feel a bit sorry for them.....they get paid crap..can't afford to pay the cops....and their own country is a basket case. Anything's worth the risk to keep the relatives back at home fed!
  4. I wonder if she has her insurance premiums up to date....like the iCon guys;)
  5. Yep....Islam sure is a religion of peace! They enjoy killing their own!
  6. Generate B200 billion! No-one will pay!
  7. The watch boxes are cheap....but it's almost impossible to claim all the watches are fakes from this photo. Experts nowadays, have specific ways of detecting fake watches now.....they are so good!
  8. The old saying: "One can't make strawberry jam out of horse sh**" applies to Pattaya....it's dump whichever way it is portrayed...!
  9. Name the university! Man....these reporters and editors are so damn scared!
  10. It's only been 6 years so far...now the military is getting their noses in on this....anyone see what's going to happen:))
  11. What a comedy.....no bans on travel of course....no passport seizures.....pathetic Thailand and a corrupt judiciary!
  12. Of course....by the looks of the glass shards, no safety glass used
  13. Mmmmm...riveting news by the tourism minister..
  14. This is a start and hopefully these efforts will come to all kids in schools. Training drivers properly before issuing a licence, is the really hard part. Virtually anyone can get a drivers licence with minimum fuss.
  15. I always wondered how Thais deal with stress......seems a little strange.
  16. And just how do they intend to implement such a scheme in Bangkok. Will all vehicles have a reader that checks into a monitor...as in Singapore? Will they follow the Brits and install ULEZ cameras:))? Then of course, will anyone pay the fines......and we all know that answer.
  17. At least the cops didn't spray the area with bullets this time!
  18. They're so slow...the cops I mean. Before arrests, shut their banks down.....stealth ain't their forte!
  19. I've been there...once! Never seen such an incredibly dangerous beach side....dozens of stupid speedboats with multiple huge engines right on the beach....revving to watch the prop spray...r
  20. Oh Nuttawut.....stop bending over for this clown...
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