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Posts posted by rotary

  1. I have used Garmins in several countries. I had the same issue in the middle east. It has something to do with the maps they were loaded and being used. As an example I has DESERT KSA loaded and GCC MAPS loaded. Different maps but for same region. You can go back in the menu and disable one of the maps. I had same issue. The GPS would say trip time 2 hrs when I knew it was 10 mins. After setting up with one map all was normal.

  2. An eye opener to say the least.

    Regarding insurance, what are the reputable insurance companies, and what can you expect to pay?

    Insurance is only as good as the company backing it.

    Stay away from vìriyah. We had a pick stolen. They refused to pay, we took them to court and won, they still would not pay, took them to court 2nd time, won again and still no payment. Ì gave up like they wanted me too. But they are good for accidents but they will not pay if vehicle stolen. They used to give farang discounts but even if free viriyah is no good.

  3. If African looking people are hanging around street corners for years on end its really not hard to work out what they are doing

    yes but in Europe, the police must first check 2 white one hanging around on street corners, before they can check the black one.

    Else the police would get punished for being racist. (no joke there is already a law that police checks based on race profiling is illegal. So the police stays at some places sees the black dealer and can't do anything)

    Ah. So, you approve of racial profiling ?

    What other racist policies do you approve of ?

    I am really sickened that this type of threads provides the racists among the forum users to express their bigotry openly.

    If a white guy is arrested for drug dealing, there are some bigoted comments, but very few. However, if a black guy gets arrested for it, there are maybe at least five times more of those bigoted comments.

    I like this forum in general but the high no. of bigots really turns me off at times.

    Surely, condemn drug dealing (I condemn it too) but for phuck's sake, leave your racism out of here !

    For a refreshing non racial outlook on life I believe they all should get death no matter what their race, colour, or creed is.

  4. Çlinton has made lots of folks happy by stepping down, kinda of brings a tear to my own eye. I hope this is the last thing ever heard from her. She did a poor job.

    Could you articulate what you mean by "poor job"... you know... like... with examples?

    Sure lets start with the bombing in Libya that killed Stevens. I could fill a hard drive on Clinton but thats a start.

  5. It's only delaying the inevitable......the US will need to cut spending. I remember George Bush senior introducing a hiring freeze back in 89 / 90......anyone else remember that? To me the US has to introduce a spending freeze, as some of the figures being bandied about are staggering.

    So don't cut, just freeze and allow inflation to wipe out the excess spending in departments........department chiefs won't be long getting rid of the wasteful spending when they are forced to.

    Thats a great idea. We need to cut out all of these cash donations to other countries and wenshould be in good shape.

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