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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I think it's fair to say that most of us on here are males, over 30, and like a drink. Some member have been into a go-go bar. Many members have settled and now have kids with a Thai. Therefore there will be more than enough to bitch about this proposed lack of a bar scene. But as some astute members have already mentioned, the TAT hopes for numbers in dreamland, and usually say the opposite of what's true. We all want better neighbours, better friends, cleaner streets etc, so it's fair for 'them' to think that they want the tourist dollar without the tarnish. There will have to be a middle ground for this to settle on. As others have pointed out, Thailand will never be a clean, value-for-money, family destination. but there are some aspects of the old Thailand we have all complained about. Let's just hope that the wonderful government are putting the feelers out before making firm decisions.
  2. Who in their right mind would come here for a HOLIDAY of usually no more than 14 days, with the genuine risk of being imprisoned for 14 days because of the potential positive PCR on arrival?! Surely, the negative PCR before take off is enough. The risk of a second PCR is too high.
  3. 'More than 20 police officers' attended.. for WHAT possible (logical) reason did they need to attend? Forget about performing your duties, or risking the spread of Covid in such a crowded place! If I was their boss* I would punish at least 17 of them for being there! *of course, that 'boss' would have to have proper police work at heart, and not lazy corruption... but you get what I mean.
  4. Sweden? ???????? also, as I have mentioned in another thread, what happens if you come with friends or family and have already tested NEGATIVE before your departure but you (just one of your couple or group) test POSITIVE upon arrival? This just cannot work!
  5. Well, this post is doing well, isn't it? Surely even this member of 12 years has the brains to deal with this... but I reckon the post is nonsense! No one, even a newbie, would be daft enough to agree to this, or daft enough to ask strangers. Could it be one of those 'attention-seeking' posts that has no truth in it?
  6. So we've had the POLICE telling kids not to watch Squid Game and now doctors warning 'other adults' not to use a bottle opener on their willies! Charles Darwin had a theory, and we should let it play out!
  7. For me, it's quite clear about the PCRs. If you test positive before you come, you don't get on the plane! BUT testing positive when you arrive is just not fair, because you won't be allowed back on a plane and you (or your insurance) will have to pay for 14 or more days in a hospital here, and if you're only coming for 7-10 days your proper screwed. Think about annual leave allowances and return flights etc. Also, this would be bad enough for people travelling alone, but most will travel with family, friends, or love partners. In conclusion, the 'post-arrival test' is the main killer for the tourist industry, followed closely by the curfew, lack of booze in restaurants, and lack of nightlife.
  8. I think, like most of the 'decisions' recently, that their tactic is to give us teasers/spoilers and see what the reaction is, and then make the decision based on the reaction. They're too dumb (and to scared of getting it wrong time and time again) to just make a decision and it be wrong, even though they do like a good flip flop u-turn! That's my take on it anyway. But wouldn't it have been wise for the Bangkok Guvnor to send out feelers before chaining boats to bridges! ????
  9. I chose to play that video on double speed, and when I say CB Media, I was grateful of my decision! He has THE MOST ANNOYING voice, and I have no idea how on earth his clips get so many views!
  10. Why does he need to say 'no gambling' about Covid, when gambling's illegal anyway? I know. I know, as previous posters have explained, and we all know it goes on, but him saying 'don't gamble' due to covid, he's effectively saying that gambling is acceptable at other times!
  11. For anyone who wants to see the full fight, this was/is on Facebook in English and worked just fine this morning.. https://www.facebook.com/102135868504878/videos/1550530868620590/ And I feel that it's well worth the watch!
  12. Aside from fuel required to charge these things, how are the batteries made, and what happens to the batteries when their (short) life ends? ???? Walking, or cycling consume 'clean' energy. Using mules, elephants etc is no longer acceptable. Too many people on the planet, and we need to reduce or at least control the number... ????
  13. She appears to speak a lot of sense, as do most replying members/posters. Let's hope this happens, and soon!
  14. Even if they DO open, where will the foreigners come from? Until/Unless Swampy airport is open and Bangkok open too, no one can get here, can they?
  15. Assawin Kwanmuang for next Minister of Public Health, or better still PRIME Minister.. or how about UN Secretary General!! ????????????????????????????????????????????
  16. I am hoping that this channel/link might... https://www.pptvhd36.com/
  17. Have they not calculated the time required between first and second doses, PLUS the time after the second dose in order to claim that each kid is 'fully vaccinated.'? If someone wants to come to Thailand, they need to have had their second jab at least 14 days prior to arrival, but they let the kids go back to school soon after their first jab. Don't get me wrong, I'm well happy the kids can return to school, but why the inconsistency?
  18. If it's 'local tourism' then it's hardly revenue, is it? The money's just moving around, without the international tourist dollar coming in!
  19. While expecting a backlash from the pro-vaxxers who won't listen that I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I would like to know.... - if 99% are vaccinated, how can the 1% be a danger to the others? - if 98% are vaccinated, can the 2% be a danger to the others? ..until at some stage the smaller percentage will be a danger. But if, just if, that smaller percentage is something like 30%, then that's an unfair ratio of the majority effectively forcing their beliefs on the minority. I would assume that 80% of eligible adults are happy to be jabbed (as I have), so what's with people around the world being forced what they do with their bodies? It's similar to being forced to wear a seatbelt while driving; doing so only protects the individual, so why should others get involved? Yes, I understand that a stupid person who gets sick or injured takes up hospital services, but that could be said for many other things in life, such as people with high-risk jobs.
  20. Can't blame Yinglouck this time, but they CAN blame the storm last night! Of course, it would and could never be the fault of the Muppets in charge!
  21. It says 'allegedly intoxicated' but so many other reports have already named and found guilty the suspects. I'm not sure about the inconsistency of the system, but the sceptic in me thinks that guilt is decided by banknotes in brown envelopes, and this case is still in the negotiation phase. Apologies for going bold, but it was automatic when I pasted 'allegedly intoxicated'
  22. It was out, and is now back. To be fair, I don't think we missed out on any wonderful journalism or reporting.
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