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Everything posted by 2long

  1. But who would you rather sit next to on a long-haul flight? My Mate Nate or Jack DekFarang?
  2. Do you like the Meatloaf tribute in the title? Anyway, after living here for well over 20 years, I have of course become accustomed to many Thai ways, these include the culture, some language, weather, spicy food etc. I'm happy to wai people when it's appropriate and several other things that are alien to westerners. But I will not 'offer my food' to people who are just walking by while I eat or come into my house while I'm eating. I know they do it, almost instinctively, from years of conditioning... but it's my food, so why offer it? Also, if it's just a fake gesture, then even more reason not to do it. I appreciate the warmth & generosity of Thai people when they do it, and I admire their culture. But this is one thing I won't do. Is there anything that other members refuse to do, just out of spite, stubbornness or for other reasons?
  3. Doctors in Thailand are cheaper than internet experts are accurate!
  4. Can you please stop playing the same tune about full face helmets? We got it the first timeS and even those of us who agree are getting bored.
  5. The OP is either trolling for attention, or if telling the truth he deserves what he gets. 'had a couple of beers, but had a clear head' and 'sprayed the f word around arresting cops' and 'having to be restrained by 5 cops' sounds like asking for trouble. Can we close this thread now?
  6. Can you guys not see what this is? The OP just wants attention, and therefore left a short post at 3am on a Friday night and then no more input... probably just to get loads of hits, questions and replies. I call it out as an attention-seeking troll post, and nothing more.
  7. Can't see much point in you poking your nose in this thread then, if you don't mind me saying. It's a bit like me going into the Gay sub-Forum and saying I've never liked strawberry flavoured condoms. Sorry.. but...
  8. Or sober and really tired from being overworked by a boss who didn't keep the vehicle (including headlights) taken care of. Likely drunk or drugs, but nothing is confirmed.
  9. I hate Anutin, and all the fake politicians, but in all his stupidity he does have a point. Drunken people drop their guard, and 'social drinking' is the opposite of social distancing. HOWEVER.... - he's a hypocrite of the highest degree - asking people to refrain is a waste of time because anyone who would listen to him and obey is the type of person who doesn't go to pubs anyway - a drink at dinner with family or at home is no different to not drinking, when sat with these same people. So although there is some sense in this, when it's from his ugly mouth and into the ears of the type of people who are still mixing with strangers while drunk.... it's a waste of breath & noise.
  10. When I started reading this in the publication not to be mentioned, I thought his punishment was a bit extreme, but it didn't take me long to realise he deserves all he gets. But what I can't figure out is in a country with thousands of generals, how can a captain be described as a senior officer?
  11. 6/10 is 'better than average' What is WRONG with these hotels?
  12. I really really hope this is correct and I'm one of those who believes more what I want to hear than bad news. ????????????????????????????????????????
  13. We all know the end result and SO MANY hours and pages have been wasted on this. He will never face justice. Even if he goes behind bars, like Sorrayuth, Premchai and others, he will be moved to a hospital, then released early. That is not justice.
  14. Well, so much for the 'vaccine proof or ATK' or you don't get in! I know, I know.... 'vaccination doesn't stop you getting it'.. then why implement this silly protocol if it doesn't stop what they're trying to stop!?
  15. I once went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered Chef Surprise. The waiter brought a large bowl with a lid to my table, said nothing, and walked away. Slowly, the lid raised up by itself, and two eyes looked left and right from under the lid. Then it closed slowly. This happened 2 or 3 times before I called the waiter over and asked what the Chef's Surprise was. Peeking Duck, was his reply! I'll get my coat! ????????
  16. It's no secret that Thailand is (in)famous for sleazy nightlife and backpacking. Although our stinky government will never publicly admit that the revenue from this kind of tourism has held the country together for decades, they would most likely be keen to 'clean the image of Thailand up.' Ok, so they're not clever enough to realise that in the age of social media Thailand has become a laughing stock for political reasons, but that topic's for another day. The more cynical among us might guess that Pinocchio and his cronies are seeing Covid as the perfect opportunity for a reset. By dragging out bar closures and travel restrictions so that certain kinds of nightlife & accommodation close down forever, and the 'less-desirable tourists' realise it's just not worth coming. In their blinkered and short-sighted vision, they might think that it's good for the country, and some might agree. But do we think that they're deliberately trying to purge the country of certain attractive aspects during Covid, or is it just a practical coincidence?
  17. All above posters are spot on, as I'm sure many below will be. No one wants to be forced to buy insurance, but insurance that doesn't cover what it's designed to cover is ridiculous! This mob really have no idea!
  18. That truck's not the shape of a 'U', is it? But it's very broken, and very sad.... but it will happen again and again and again.... ????
  19. They obviously don't want the tourist dollar either. How will they build more mosques now?
  20. At least the diving community even wear masks underwater! ???????????? I'll get my coat.
  21. But in the OP it's pretty 'he said she said' - There were no bottles found, but the odour was ACCORDING to the officers. strong in the area. - Arpat 'reportedly admitted doing so' - Arpat APPEARED highly intoxicated ACCORDING to officers
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