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Everything posted by 2long

  1. ANY link from the Daily Fail needs to be taken with a bucket of salt!
  2. I think the OP has Line. When people ask you for a location, you can do this by going into the settings at the bottom of your chat with that person.# Click on the + Then select 'location' Then just click 'share' at the top right corner. BUUUUUT it's perfectly possibly to cheat, by sharing a place where you're not! This allows Thais to lie! But by default your exact location will be shown.
  3. Not sure where to post this, but... I have had one dose of Astra Z and want to fly domestic into Phuket. Does anyone know the official policy right now? I'm guessing an ATK test, but can I do that myself, or at the airport or need to go to a clinic or hospital. Many thanks in advance
  4. They'd all be called Somchai They'd all claim to have been riding someone else's bike if anything happened
  5. Yes, and more... not quite all directors' and staff's cats' birth and death certificates, but it's feeling a bit like that!
  6. PayPal have had their day, and you'd think that they'd be falling over themselves to help us and to get some business back, but they're doing the opposite. As others mentioned, I reckon it's not all their fault, but the government here to collect tax from people 'navigating the system.'
  7. Has anyone else had an email from PayPal that goes on about resetting their policies and limiting the amount of funds merchants can withdraw until after goods have been delivered? It could be something to do with Thailand now taxing international companies operating here, but it's worrying from what I have read so far.
  8. What's the reward for proof of the COPS taking bribes, sleeping, riding without helmets, giving rides to the gigs, or just NOT doing their job!?
  9. Urging caution is a waste of time, breathe and typing. ANYONE who reads and adheres to the 'caution' is most likely already an adult with a brain and knows not to drive into stationary objects, drive drunk, use the phone while driving, have dark tinted windows, speed etc.
  10. Come on guys, very few riders use the rear brake as much as they should, although I do almost every time. But the weight of a Wave, the size (and quality) of the tyre, and the manufacturing costs mean that it's really not worth it. Have a look at most small cars, even they have drums at the back.
  11. Repeated attacks and bites... If a Rotty goes into your house and bites you, then it has a reason and you wont be able to report it. I don't believe much of this story, and it's being sensationalised. Thais are sh*t dog carers* in general, but there is plenty of scum in the west who get dangerous breeds. Yes these three Rotties were probably left/released to do toilet things but they will not go around attacking people without the result being national news of fatalities. This morning I saw 6-7 Mastiff/Pitbull crossbreeds chained to posts for their morning 'exercise' before being returned to whatever hell is their life for the other 23 hours each day. If you want to help out, go here* at 6am Googly maps 13.819759450341703, 100.39367447613952
  12. 'Walkies' I am the same as you... she wasn't a 'people person' but she knew her dogs.
  13. So at least 6 dogs lost their lives so that the correct dog was punished. You admire the wrong people.
  14. I don't believe that these beasts would go into others' properties and 'attack' them. That's not what dogs do. Have they actually attacked anyone? I reckon that people are just scared, and quite rightly so... but how about the facts.
  15. THAI teachers have no right to touch the kids. In general they're too sadistic and lack reason. That sort of goes with most Thai parents as well. The golden rule is to never touch the kid when you're angry And nowadays with screens to take away, wi-fi routers to turn off, shaming, and restricting access to money, there are many other punishments available.
  16. But I plan to maybe visit KSR on Saturday afternoon, that's a week into the 'open country' period and being a Saturday might mean there are more people around. I'm talking about people who live here, as I certainly don't expect to see more than a few tourists.
  17. I think that half of the problem with Pinnochio and his goons is that unlike western cultures when it's ok to challenge or question authority, here it's not ok. Not even to suggest an idea to the boss and have him/her think about it. To make things worse, in the military it's also not ok. So we have a military Thai government trying to run a country, but both the military and national cultures aren't favourable to new or fresh ideas or senior ideas being questioned.
  18. Maybe I'm missing something but I would say any kid whose family are prepared to send them in should be welcome and any kid who wants to continue online should be welcome. Sort of the same for teachers having to be double jabbed, but to a lesser extent. We need kids back at school (to have their hair cut, be forced to stand in line, and be punished physically) sooner than we need borders and pubs open.
  19. ???????????????????????????????? The 'other side' think that rational thinkers are conspiracy theorists, and won't listen to or read things like you just pointed out.
  20. I listen to UK radio all day every day and there are constant NHS-sponsored adverts telling pretty much everyone to get jabbed, AND to test themselves and report the tests TWICE A WEEK. Now if someone tests positive and then tests 4 more times during their 'positive period' wouldn't that multiply their single case by up to four times?
  21. Sorry but there's no way in Hell that 'everyone agrees... blah blah Covid'
  22. NOT a rant, but a well-written opinion of which I agree in total! ????????????????
  23. 72% is NOT three quarters! ???? And who did they survey? A load of teetotallers? ????
  24. Drunk farang and go-go girls/ladyboys can't dance very well anyway! But it's good to know that dancing is a vector for this terrible virus!
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