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Everything posted by 2long

  1. That truck's not the shape of a 'U', is it? But it's very broken, and very sad.... but it will happen again and again and again.... ????
  2. They obviously don't want the tourist dollar either. How will they build more mosques now?
  3. At least the diving community even wear masks underwater! ???????????? I'll get my coat.
  4. But in the OP it's pretty 'he said she said' - There were no bottles found, but the odour was ACCORDING to the officers. strong in the area. - Arpat 'reportedly admitted doing so' - Arpat APPEARED highly intoxicated ACCORDING to officers
  5. Yes and no. They're sort of 'above the law' and the police can't arrest one until he has been defrocked. This is (I believe) why the police are involved in they do unmonkly things. Yes, I just made that word up.
  6. Has anyone considered that it might be in someway staged, in order to create an audience? There's no such thing as negative publicity.
  7. Is it pointless comments like this that got you nearly 2,300 in 5 months? Sorry, but some people just fill threads up, off topic.
  8. Has anyone really ever seen first hand where someone tests ATK positive at a venue and is whisked away to a facility? I very much doubt it. Some 'may have heard from someone else' but I'm asking actually been there and seen/experienced it. I reckon that anyone testing positive just wont be allowed in.
  9. How do they calculate 375 visitors to be the right number? It's like 525 divers in Similans. Odd/Strange numbers
  10. So, n January 4th what do we think our wonderful leaders will decide for international tourist arrivals?
  11. I'm not very good at making these polls. ???? Apologies in advance. ????????
  12. You've not been a member long enough... give it time. This forum is full of the hardest, cleverest guys on planet Earth.
  13. I think it being early on a Friday night and Christmas Eve, the real guys are out hunting or wife beating and they'll be along later. ????
  14. My wife told me to give myself a 4, then go and finish the household chores.
  15. Trying to make a light-hearted poll here, but my Christmas Eve beers appear to be affecting my success. ????
  16. There appears to be quite a difference between 'Delta spreading among the mostly unvaccinated' and 'Omicron spreading among the mostly vaccinated (along with everyone having more experience)' Open up, and let's see how fully vaccinated tourists keen to throw money around affect the country.
  17. So, the news is more about his disappearance and not him being found. The 'happy ending' is pure speculation.
  18. In defence of the hotels, it's not easy is it? These places are not prisons, and some guests are not awaiting tests. Also, for safety there should be emergency fire escapes. Impossible to police.
  19. My brother came two weeks ago on Test & Go. To get his Thai Pass he bought the insurance that was recommended on the application app/page. 2,250B for a month, I believe.
  20. I am not only a doctor, and an expert, I am an expert in Facebook doctors, and experts. Do I win? ????????
  21. It has been removed from several major social media pages, and is not confirmed (or even confirmed he plans to recommend it) yet. Let's hope that this is the case, because it would be a shotgun in face for more than just tourism. Could he really be THAT stupid? Sadly I think I know the answer.
  22. This whole circus has become a social experiment to see how much fear the big drug companies can instill through their proxies; the media and governments. ???????????????? Covid is real, for sure. But greed is the real virus here in the 21st century.
  23. So, if he expects the public to obey (which they won't), everyone will be thronging together at restaurant exits, and in the streets at 1.00am. And taxis will be overrun and crowded for short periods only. Just like in the UK with closing pubs, it only encourages drunken people to gather. This could cause fights, future pregnancies, and of course the spread of this terribly flu thing.
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