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Everything posted by 2long

  1. In civilised countries, the police or prison guards are responsible for the suspect at all times. Therefore, if something happens to them, it's the officials' fault. For example, US cops have to hold on to anyone in cuffs, in case they fall over. I know that the article says his juvenile status means he wasn't restrained, but that sounds like a poor excuse. This poor kid's death should be on their conscience.
  2. Very sad. But I'm confused how the front wheel (or just tyre) is still 'in place' but with not spokes or hub. Has it been placed there for the photo? I've been a motorcyclist for 40 years, but the past 20+ in Thailand I stay away from big bikes.
  3. Are we really expected to believe that multiple observers had this same opinion and made it public?
  4. So it appears that there was a gas leak and the axle broke, neither of which should be blamed on the driver. I feel that had he hung around, and any parents are vigilante Somchais had turned up, he might have been beaten to death. I'm still not defending him and his cowardly attempt to flee, but I sort of understand him.
  5. The evidence I 'need' is just if there was CCTV to prove something, be it helpful or not to the driver's case. I am in no way sticking up for the driver, who as you say fled in cowardice. However... - fleeing in cowardice is the go-to instinctive reaction for Thais - there have been cases where scapegoats are blamed for the wrongdoings of others, which could cause him to flee - if the cause of the crash was poor maintenance or faulty parts, that is not the driver's fault All I'm saying is that hard evidence needs to be seen before punishment is dealt out. I'm sure this is already weighing heavy on his soul... if he has one.
  6. Everyone is casting accusations, but let's wait to see if/when there's some roadside CCTV, which might give some better info. Very sad for everyone involved.
  7. I'm interested to know what 'broken stones' look like.
  8. Enjoy your future flights on planes full of Muslims and kids then. From your posts it sounds like you're better than everyone else... maybe get your own private jet.
  9. Your views and opinions on alcohol are not shared by everyone. I (like many others) enjoy a drink at the airport or on the plane because - there's not much else to do - I'm not flying or driving, so why not? - it helps me relax and maybe nap on the flight Did you know it's possible - to enjoy a few drinks but not get drunk or annoy others - to be a d*ckhead while sober
  10. Gotta love whoever translated this
  11. But a stronger Baht will help the hiso locals here spend more money on Gucci bags while on holiday overseas, so let's leave it as is, ok?!
  12. But in the unshareable local online newspaper (BP) they are telling people not to go and spend their 10k handout on booze! I think we need a round-the-clock booze ban until, during and for several weeks after the next election! #pinchofsalt #tongueincheek (for members with smaller brains than keyboards)
  13. Thank you for pointing that out and let's hope the mods are on it.
  14. Could I be so crude and shallow to point out that if she has already had 5 kids, that she should have other things on her mind and maybe her body isn't what it used to be in other areas, anyway. I'm not the one who's saying a woman's looks is the be all and end all, and she was the one who was vain enough to want this procedure to 'improve or enhance' her looks. Very sad and feel for her kids.
  15. There are plenty of people who want sexual/gender equality, and here's an example of it. When a plane or ship has an accident is it still 'women and children first'? Don't get me wrong, I'm a guy who would open a door for a lady, or do anything that men tend to be better at than ladies... but with so many feminists and others wanting sexual equality, and this gender identity nonsense, the world has gone mad. Ok, this guy with a moustache is probably being an idiot, but this is the world we now live in, boys and girls... and everyone else 🤐🫣😘
  16. I agree. There's more to this than they're letting on. No way would stray dogs go into a man's house to kill him. And isn't it a coincidence that they claim a half Rotty and half pit bull were stray dogs found nearby with similar size teeth. Other posters can go on about dog control (pets and strays) but this topic is about a man's death and I for one don't believe he was killed by stray dogs in his own home. It just doesn't add up.
  17. It's strange that 'stray' dogs have attacked a man in his home. And it's also strange (to me at least) that they have maybe conveniently found and labelled a couple of breeds with a bad reputation. Don't get me wrong, this is a sad story and a worrying trend we're seeing... but I feel there's more to this than the story suggests. Were they really stray dogs, from birth? If yes, why are they in a man's house? That's not 'stray dog behaviour.' Hi @richard_smith237 I didn't want to disappoint you😇🫡
  18. Absolutely not! Which is why I find the report strange. Could you?
  19. - Interesting that the Thai guy has the ability to 'age' someone as 38-39 years old, but not identify his nationality!!! - If this scumbag has visited the aunt before, it should be easy enough to find him.... and it would be nice if the locals did so before the useless cops do.
  20. I tend to disagree. Soi dogs have their own hierarchy and are not caged and mistreated. They can expend the energy that every dog needs to. Soi dogs are easy to deal with, by walkers, joggers and cyclists... it can't just be me or my area where this is no problem if you show the right body language. A pitbull is just another dog, and would behave so in a gang of soi dogs. I hope! As for this sad incident, even as a dog lover and defender, this one needs to be destroyed. The 'owner' needs to be charged with manslaughter and her whole family banned from having dogs in the future.
  21. As a motorcyclist, driver and pedestrian, I know that - the bike should have thought 'why are these cars stopping?' He's in the wrong - the cars were right to stop, but sometimes it's more dangerous, because of the numpties in front of and behind who might not - the pedestrian (sadly) should not have put any faith into anyone else's actions
  22. Everywhere I drive or ride in this country I see properly retarded signs and paint, or lack of them. - Concrete speed bumps with zero warning - lots and lots of warning paint and lights and speed limits for a gentle corner - 'rumble strips' painted in roads with not only 'no thought' but with apparently total stupidity - warning of a corner paint on the road, after the apex of the corner to be warned about - more more more... I don't have time or space All I can guess is that someone connected to the corrupt decision maker 'sells' paint and/or speed humps and/or warning lights
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