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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. I usually put so much money in it, it is near impossible to get it out of the rear back pocket!
  2. Sounds more like an old Keystone Cops movie........
  3. They are trying to be non-comital in the original post. I am left thinking the guy had consumed a good few drinks and was having a paid for gay encounter.
  4. Usually when I pay them for me!
  5. I had a pal come visit a few times who was more than willing to hang around for several hours to save on a bus, rather than pay for a taxi or a cheap room. If anything, Pattaya is heading towards, and catering for that type of customer more so.
  6. Sadly so true.... I really don't want Thailand to do the same.
  7. Dunno, the 3 wheelers are substantially quieter!
  8. They pull into the NGV station there for a toilet break... prior to that route, used to be it was down sometimes Hwy 7 branch, on to Laem Chabang, and then a few drop offs on Sukhunvit, like Rong Po Market. Not speaking the language well enough I am never sure which way they go and I need to get dropped off somewhere near Rong Po.
  9. I agree with that sentiment, the last few times I have used them I have been pleased that the driver was an older man who seemed to drive at reasonable speeds. I guess he was caught in the very heavy rainstorms we were having yesterday in the area.
  10. It sure did...... some of the flood measures, which have rendered the road surfaces dodgy enough when dry, were masked by floodwater too! Stuck on the Railway line bypass dripping at the 7-11 for an hour!
  11. And will this idea of driving the drunk home also be applied to tourists or will they still get extorted for a fortune?
  12. Do you expect people of other cultures to adhere to the rules and ethics when in your home country? In my case, British, I would appreciate it. Mind you, the locals do not always set a great example.
  13. He appears to have been able to get the bike up on the stand, even if beyond standing himself!
  14. Central and Big-CX were too yesterday. hearing a lot of Russian language.
  15. I expect the question simply confused him!
  16. Doesn't sound like he got that far... so far all he did was bring her back to his room and took a shower!
  17. Seemingly very unsafe police move. Old enough to steal bikes, old enough to carry a weapon and a danger to police.
  18. If they are handy with fists, boots or weapons, perhaps security on soi 6?
  19. That is true, watched it myself. Many locals seem to sail by. That said, no real point stopping them, better hit rate with the tourists.
  20. My comment really reflects on how not much is currently being done.. so to increase effort, should not be difficult. Reminds me how I saw a homeless man on the pavement in front of one of the hotels in town recently, and the hotel security, and I think a manager, were offering him money to go sit someplace else.
  21. Splurge out and pay 50 baht in a bar and see the delights not seen drinking in front of the 7-11! 😀
  22. I thought the recent issue of too many people flying a kite on the beach had proven negative?
  23. So this campaign is to develop a culture of drinking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year? There are only about 3 dry religious holidays a year, and there doesn't seem to be a problem getting a drink between 2-5pm. Hasn't the 4am change yielded enough economic growth and prosperity....?
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