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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Or we would have to be growing as much as we consume/harvest, which again is unlikely.
  2. And why would anyone go through all that faff..... ? Wasn't 'just chucking a few leaves in' causing children to get sick and poisoned? Hardly sweet <deleted> all in my mind!
  3. Yes, I thought the same. If the situation is so critical, why are so many developing countries being given cop outs? Although the West does export is pollution by exporting its manufacturing.
  4. I am surprised they even sell and stock flammable ones.....
  5. Don't forget to position them above the flood line.
  6. They have often been seen in these tighty whitey shorts, simply that. Brits are expected to be in Chang singlets, cargo pants, socks and sandals, and this rather tidy looking guy is spoiling peoples usual derogatory comments opportunities on Brits.
  7. Couldn't get the backhanders based on alcohol or dancing girls.... really, talk about harassment..... getting a buzz on before they raced motorcycles around the streets.
  8. Not using the ice to help someone on fire, rather adding more to his drink as he watched proceedings? Seriously, like the Apocalypse Now comment, 'like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500'.
  9. It would be a single dog and pony show with the press on hand and a few pot bellied policemen.... and once they were gone, the chains would be back on any emergency exits.
  10. The woman who does that around our village is rumoured to have gone to see a monk over some bad karma, and was told to do the feeding as an act for merit. Irritating as it does just increase numbers and packs hang around where she drops the food.
  11. Dunblane school massacre in 1996...handgun ownership got tougher.
  12. My Mrs wanted me to look at some bite or lump on the back of her neck last night, And seriously asked me if it might be monkey pox... what a hypochondriac! I did comment she looks more like a monkey today so she might be right, which got that bottom lip sticking out!
  13. I suspect there were quite a few domestic ones last night there.
  14. So do people wheel them into the lifts, down the corridor and into their rooms? That might be a fire concern...
  15. So have you got it now? ????
  16. Or possibly a relative or acquaintance of someone who died in the fire? I am not saying you are wrong... but that is cynical.
  17. Yes, but sadly we have had a few of these already..... I recall an incident on Pattaya 3rd Rd near North Rd end where a fire occurred prior to opening time that would have been bad, had it been later.
  18. I have not seen any reports of people fleeing other than through the one entrance..... has anyone else?
  19. Flammable sound insulation was mentioned.
  20. Had to kick him out, shxt and pxss all over the place and always begging for food!
  21. Not sure I want to thank you for that..... saw part of it on a Thai TV channel last night. Just incredulous that people are burning and others don't rush forward to help, some even turn and run away. And a woman walking slowly forward as she has multiple fires on her body...... I do hope heads roll over this....
  22. Well I would go for the bigger ones, avoiding whippets and shih tzus and similar. Long dogs like dachshunds would make good sausages and greyhounds could be used in fast foods!
  23. There was a list on Thai TV last night... I saw a 17yo on it,
  24. Never took to that canned 'draught' having a preference for the Murphys version.
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