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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Quite a few examples of that off the flyover entrance to Hwy 7 off Suk North....before the roller barriers went in.
  2. If you need help, call the local heavies and not the police seems to be the message here.
  3. And perhaps the introduction of visa exempt (free) entry.
  4. I always feel there is an increase in his sort of thing as we come out of the peak season. Things have been so easy and lucrative for a spell and now we are left with fewer two week millionaires, mostly balloon or special offer chasers. Sense of entitlement in the girls too....
  5. Even in the Malls, shoe stores are just a single or double unit with a maximum of two staff, often just one.
  6. One reaps what one sows...... I guess the toilet faculties are handy for them.
  7. Mine seem to handle the sun, but leaning on them with my grubby hands over the years, has left dirty marks ingrained in them.
  8. Do you thing it was 'come back in a week, when we aren't so busy, leave the gun on my desk in the meanwhile'?
  9. It's not fair too... those on the odd side get to park more often, 2 days running 7 times a year, 8 in a leap year!
  10. Shoe shops, sadly, do seem to excel at such attitude, you got them off their phone and now expect them to search around in the stock room!
  11. He is 32 years old, did she spoon feed him some fried rice too?
  12. I suppose it is after a drinking session. Always amazed how tolerant the police are here.....refuse to give ID in the US and quickly you are on your face in the dirt with hands cuffed.
  13. I guess they didn't take a look after it had rained, when most of the remaining sand is in bags on the beach. It is a great facility though, makes space for concerts etc....
  14. Well we got 1 dead guy who can't opine on this, but that is 50:50 so far!
  15. What are you, some sort of communist!😄
  16. The parking of tourist coaches on Klang of all places doesn't help the traffic to move.... just turn into there from Sukhumvit to face the back of one of those and half the road blocked.
  17. Always suggests they got a call and someone got the money!
  18. It certainly used to be blocked on the internet.
  19. I bet the driver had wished he knew you were going to chuck it, he would have taken a few more bites.
  20. That is a blast from the past, I did too over 20 years ago! They played 'Hotel California' several times a night, 7 day a week, for years and still managed to murder it!
  21. Hangs in a precarious position based on the word of a senior Thai police officer, against the UK's Daily Mail!
  22. Been a busy Mall last few times I was in there.... usually a Sunday.
  23. None in Vegas too then...... No, reality is, depends where exactly one ventures, with the family. Ironically, for Pattaya, it is not near the police station!
  24. Yes, good recommendation. I was looking through the window the other day as I went to Foodland and thought they seem to have everything. There is also the big hardware place behind Central Marina Mall, and for second hand, well is Collingbourne auctions still going?
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