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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. That is a typical photo of the underwater scenery around Phuket.  Everything is dead. Not even 1 fish in the photo !  Much of the coral damage is caused by the dive boats dropping the anchor on a coral reef and smashing the living coral. Do this 50 times a day every day for 20 years and its no surprise its all dead.  The Thai caring attitude !!  What a joke.

  2. 5 hours ago, jaywalker said:

    That fish cannot be Thai. It fights alone instead of in packs.


    They should make the piranha the national fish. :sorry:

    The Siamese Fighting Fish........Definitely a good choice as it involves the word fighting which is a national past time especially in tourists areas. Also the smallest animal ever chosen as a national symbol !  A rat would be a good choice too.

  3. It doesn't say he is concerned in the article, only that he expressed regrets. That doesn't mean he cares.  Empty words from an empty head.  Why didn't he start getting buses checked and approved ?  Still get serious accidents every day.  Thats why Thailand is No 1  in the world for road deaths.  Perhaps he should be told that. The Hub of Horrors !

  4. To become an Australian citizen you have to live in Australia at least 4 years, 2 years to become a permanent resident and then another 2 to apply for citizenship. First he has to get into Australia which will be very difficult. However he is married to a Thai not an Aussie so I think it would be impossible unless he has a very in demand skill in his work.

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