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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 44 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    No tandem harness and rigging, pilot and passenger. Was the chute designed for tandem?



    "safety first" .   LMAO

    I was a parascending instructor when I lived in England and I have seen these chutes in Kata many times. They are cheap crap as is the harness.  They will carry 2 people, no problem, but do not have a tandem harness. The Thai guy just hangs by the ropes.  When I flew passengers we had a proper extended harness with rings mounted in the harness for the passengers harness  to attach too. Never had any problems.  The Thai operators  are dangerous and illegal. They were banned from the beaches many times but always come back. Lots ob envelopes and they carry on killing people.  Remember the Aussie guy who was recently charged with manslaughter (I think ) when he crashed a jet ski and his G/F got killed ?   Hope the Thai cockhead gets done for manslaughter. The guys wife did a video which can be seen in the Daily Express showing the crappy canvas harness he was wearing. Looked like something from a WW2 plane.

  2. A proper Parasailing harness does NOT have any clips that could easily be undone. It might have big dog clips as on a skydiving harness or a pilots chute, but these are around the legs and are impossible to undo when in the air.  All connections are under load and will not come undone.  It is obvious that the leg straps were not done up.  A good harness would also have a chest strap. Bet his one didnt.


    I have just read the Daily Express and there are photos of him taken by his wife and the harness is done up and there is a chest strap,. However the harness looks like it must be 30 years old ! Should have been thrown away years ago. No safety requirements or checks on equipment.  


  3. 2 hours ago, Denim said:



    Not many crash helmets in evidence .....no surprise there.


    So why did the police need to tell them they need International driving licences ?

    What driving licences were they using since a Kuwaiti driving licence on its own is not valid here.


    For those defending this kind of thing it's worth pointing out that if the police don't enforce the laws on everybody using the roads ( regardless of nationality ) Then Thailand will continue  to have one of the worst road safety records in the world. A dubious honour , especially for innocent victims.



    There is no such thing as an International Driving Licence.  There is an International Driving Permit which is only a translation of your own licence and has no legal value. Its a rip off by the RAC or equivalent and is not required in Thailand.


  4. 1 hour ago, midas said:

    It's not the same story. The plane reported on last week was taking off from Perth on the West coast 

    it's a bit concerning to have two incidents involving the same airline so close to one another timewise


    I live in Perth. The incident is still under investigation.  Engineers I know at the airport say there has been no official report yet and they have heard nothing about a possible bird strike. Not very likely seeing the plane was at about 30,000 ft at the time of the incident !

  5. 1 hour ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Can scientists not devise a way to prevent bus drivers falling asleep? How difficult can it be? Subliminal electric pulses to the CNS for example?

    What about the girl assistant on the bus ?  She should be siting next to him to make sure he stays awake. Or was she up the back sleeping ?  I have been on buses when the girl talks almost non stop. No way would that driver go to sleep !!

  6. Why would anyone travel all the way to Phitsanulok for a cup of coffee ?  Or to Surin to see monks on elephants ??  Really dragging the depths to try and appeal to tourists.  Best thing in the rainy season is local trips and shopping. Thats what most tourists want to do.  However for the younger people white water rafting is great, waterfalls are looking good and trekking isnt too hot. Off road bike riding is also good fun.  Dont listen to crap from TAT.

  7. It was only yesterday morning that here in Perth that an Air Asia plane had an emergency when a turbine rotor blade snapped off. The plane had to come back and was shaking like mad. Passengers said it was like being in a washing machine. The pilot  "Reassured"  the passengers telling them he was scared and to pray !!  <deleted> !  Has put a lot of people off Air Asia now. Apparently they do have a very poor service record.  From Perth Thai is just as cheap as the others, now only $639 return to BKK

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