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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Can't speak for the rest of Thailand, but I've noticed that in Chiang Mai, in many cases, drivers actually do stop for people to cross the road at the designated areas.  Many of the crossings have the temporary red light to stop traffic, and in most cases it is observed.  


    Maybe the Lanna Thai of the north are more considerate than the Siam Thai of the south. lol


    The crossing At Tapae Gate next to the Muay Thai stadium is very good and is often policed especially when the market is on. Cars will find it hard to go through the crossing then because of the hundreds of Chinese crossing the road in a group.

  2. 4 hours ago, humqdpf said:

    A little misleading - when you say that passengers jumped from the plane, it usually means from a jet like a 737 and without a stairs. This would lead to severe injuries, such as broken bones at the very least, especially if the jet were larger. It would appear in this instance that the passengers simply exited the plane without injury as it was a small turboprop and probably had its own stairway and would have been much closer to the ground anyway.

    It said they jumped from a plane. Doesnt say anything about a jet. It says it is a turboprop plane.  Try reading slowly !

  3. We live in Tak and there is  a small shop that does all the work while you sit and watch him.  Went in there one evening at about 7 and he did new tyres, brake pads, oil change, plug, grease and adjust chain. It was so cheap I went and got him a few beers.  He was very happy. Why not look for a place that does this kind of service  ?


  4. 1 hour ago, fruitman said:

    Nice! I hope they make it 2017 with plenty of green (old tree's which bloom) and places to walk around/sit in shade.


    What about the new riverboats and routes?

    You wont see any trees, only concrete and lots of expensive restaurants and shops.  Its all about making money.  A place for tourists only.

  5. 5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    You are joking right. You must have read the title of this thread and know it is about serious traffic problems. well if you did not know pedestrians are traffic too. There is flooding vehicle traffic is at a stand still. perhaps pedestrian foot paths cannot be used. At times like this people adapt. I think any where in the world it would be allowed to have pedestrian traffic on road between stopped vehicle traffic.Jaywalking is the least of peoples worries at times like this..

    At least it would be safer to walk on flat tarmac.  The footpath under water would be too dangerous to walk on if you cant see it.  Bad enough when its dry

  6. What about all the pain and suffering learning Martial Arts ?  Thanks to my instructors who were highly skilled in training students, I have led a healthy life and can still do the splits at 63. Much to the shock of girls in the bar. That young kid is only doing a stretching exercise. Same in a lot of dance styles.  If they think its cruel, just look at a Muay Thai training camp and see what the youngsters go through. They all do it cos they want to and love it .

  7. When we are in Bangkok we usually eat in the food halls of the big shopping centres e.g. Paragon, Big C, Terminal 21. The food is cheap, there is a huge selection, big turnover and appears to be hygienic. Never had any problems. Terminal 21 seems to be the best.  However out in the country and other big towns. it will all stay as normal. They just want to make a show for the tourists. Dont care about where the Thai people will get their food for the day at a cheap price.

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