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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 6 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    That might be a good thing... too many tourists in Phuket as it is... and sewerage overflowing into the sea as they can't cope with all the crap there... 


    Honestly, releasing this single crocodile back into the lake they found it would not destroy tourism.  In fact, it would make the lake more famous and people would go so see if they could spot the animal.  Put up plenty of signs warning people not to swim... no problem.  

    But some will still go swimming. That will be a good attraction ! Thais will love to watch that

  2. I have a solution.....if every resident of Bangkok put out 2 buckets to catch the rain then it would stop the flash flooding when there is very heavy rain. That would be over 35 million buckets. Thats a lot of water not flowing on the streets and good rainwater to drink !  Should I tell the Government ??  Sounds better than some of their ideas !

  3. I live in Perth and have been told by friend who works airside at the airport that it was only a dent in the cowling but it still had to be inspected.  I was on a Brunei plane from Perth airport a few years ago and we turned back from the runway because an insignificant warning light came on. Pilot was not allowed to take off as aviation law dictates that he must have it checked. We were delayed about an hour.  Safety is taken very seriously at Perth airport. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Thechook said:

    True.  Thai degrees still aren't worth anything outside of Thailand.  My wife had her masters in accounting from Thailand and had to do it again to be recognised in Australia.  

    Thats the racial attitude taken by Australian Govt who think they have better standards. Thats why there are so many foreign taxi drivers who are doctors, lawyers, accountants etc The worst one is electricians from England who have to down grade their high standards to fit in with the poor electrical systems used in Oz

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