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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. 1 hour ago, 1337markus said:

    Imagine how quality tourists feel after spending good money for a holiday by the beach then told not to swim or go in the water?????????????????

    There is a good reason which you obviously dont understand....As these beaches are all shallow, what happens is that the rough water and waves come in and as they go out there is a huge under current which will drag you out. Then you swim back in but then the next wave comes in and drags you out again. So you swim back. Repeat this until you are so knackered that you drown. It happens nearly every day in Phuket.  Nearly happened to me a few years ago, thinking it was fun to play in the big waves. Did get in a bad situation, but luckily I am a good strong swimmer and just got back to where I could stand up.  The older tourists will have no chance.  i believe that all beaches should be closed for swimming in rough weather.  Its not a problem to go and swim in a hotel pool. If yours doesnt have one the others only charge about 100 baht to use theirs.

  2. 1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

    And a lot more......many reports out now that drones are now the big threat to watch out for in the battle against the terrosists. Bombs being dropped from above in stadia where big events are happening ....like football matches and all sports....any place where a lot of people are gathered....it's too horrible to contemplate the possibilities.

    PS......and somebody on here says...."what a joke"....All I can say is.......protect us all....not so much from the bombers, but from the people who can think of nothing othet than that to say?

    A few years ago aa American student attached a gun to a quadcopter and a servo operated the trigger. It was a seriously lethal weapon and easy to build

  3. No mention of the Human Trafficking problem or the slaves on fishing boats that supply USA with seafood.  What did Thailand do a few years ago with Rohingya refugees who landed on the coast ?  Do you remember ?  They were made to lay on the hot sand for hours with no water or food and then pushed back out to sea with rice and water.  yeah, sure, Thailand cares now !  

  4. 42 minutes ago, Regyai said:

    A ton of plastic bottles 


    Sounds like hog heaven for those handcart pushing trash sifters.


    Maybe city hall just needs to bus in a few dozen of them


    The prisons have a huge amount of free labour.  Get a bunch of trustees to clear it up and give to the trash (Re-cyclers)  collectors and they can cash it in. Perfect solution but too easy for the Thai authorities, and no money for them so it wont happen.


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