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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. The PTP government does not have the time or money to deal with trivial things like human-slavery and mass-exploitation in the capital, PTP are instead focusing on far more important things like cleaning-up Thaksin's image.


    No, but National Geographic does. I hope thes Embarasess’s them to the core. Maybe next week they have one on MURDER in Phuket.
    • Like 2
  2. The incompetence of the Thai authorities is unrivaled in the world. Yesterday they told that Thailand had no problems whatsoever and that everything was under control. That wile 76 children had died in Phnom Pen alone and 64 in China. Everybody with half a brain knows that this is the top of the iceberg as doctors do not know how to identify EV71. in a matter of fact the WHO thinks that the children die mainly due to the use of steroids while local doctors deny this. Along the border with Cambodia there must be literally hundreds of cases like this.

    the wait is for a political party like the Democrat Party to start pointing fingers to the government and accuse them of negligence, a bit like with the flooding. It is the governments fault that it is raining and also that the Bangkok government closed all the klongs and made roads out of them.

    The real trouble is the establishment. Departments are in the hands of elitist who are there to stay. They are not used to be scrutinized and they are always in denial.

    But the government is so much more busy with other things than Thai Children.
  3. The problem with the red shirts is simple.

    When the Yellow shirts were instumental in ousting the corrupt caretaker government of Thaksin Shinawatra, they came late to the table in the role of Thaksin bodyguards and showed their thuggery in places like Chiang Mai and Khon Khen.

    The Yellows continued to out manoevre and out smart them during the Samak and Somchai administrations and in reality it wasn't until groups of lawmakers switched sides and tilted the balance in the house to allow for Abhisit to take the helm that they started to get their act together.

    True to their earlier form, they attempted to copy what the Yellows did - but violently. This culminated in the 2010 Rajaprasong violence where their whole raison d'etre was to force a violent coup d'etat, the very thing that they stood against.

    That raison d'etre morphed once again. Abhisit offered them elections and they accepted. The man from Dubai wanted blood on the streets. The reds reneged. Bloodshed was unavoidable.

    In the end Abhisit gallantly and honourably gave them elections, as he had pomised to do, once the country had calmed down.

    Thaksin appointed his "clone" sister. Thought to be a novice and certainly proved to be a novice, the Red Shirts occupied the role of bodyguards once more. PTP made several election promises, most of which turned out to be lies. The novice selected a cabinet based on nepotism and the repayment of favours and duly screwed up the handling of the floods. Most election promises started to disappear down the toilet and the government looked shot to bits. The reds were not happy. Thaksin had showed his hand. They were pawns. They had been used. Go back to your rice farms.

    Despite all the red shirt noise about justice for the dead of Rajaprasong, the PTP had paid the families of the dead and injured and made them sign away the right to persue claims against the Thai government. They were a spent force. Paid up by tax-payers money.

    Thaksin and PTP needed something to get the reds back on board. They knew that a rewrite of the constitution would bring out the yellows and they knew that of the yellows came out, the reds would focus on that. That proved to be the case. Thida and Jatuporn and Korkeaw to name but a few could smell blood. They thought they were movong to the end game. Out smarted once again. All of the noise was just another loss of face to the red shirts.

    So the red shirts have played the role of Thalsin bodyguard, violent Thaksin mercenaries, cannon fodder, bodyguards to the clone, wanna be Thaksin mercenaries, and once again rebels without a cause.

    So, what for them now? They have the PTP government they fought for, the dead are paid up and forgotten, the PTP promises have floated down the pipes and are adrift somewhere of the straights of Malacca and the Constitution Court delivered a verdict.

    Will they go back to their farms or will Thaksin still show them that he is in charge and thay are still pawns in the game? For some of their foul-mouthed "leaders" (depite being a "pro-democractic" organisation, they never held elections to see who would lead them.) jail time beckons. Jatuporn, Korkeaw and others are due some time behind bars. Will that be the rebels new cause?

    The next thrilling episode awaits.

    Excellent summary.

  4. It's not just the red shirts who are ready for war. People are getting utterly sick of this endless antagonism and want closure, not matter what it costs.

    You are right, sooner or later something's gotta give...

    They started down this long winding road when they showed no balls whatsoever over Thaksin's asset declaration and the garderner/maid issue.

    I worry something quite cataclysmic may be about to give.................

    ya' think????????????????????
  5. A Pattaya frozen-cocktail bartender got so furious at drunken threats from a costumer from Srakaeo, he grabbed a large knife and began slicing up the drunken man, who suffered near-fatal injuries but is recovering at the hospital.

    I tell you, all the costumer are such trouble makers

    Miles and Miles in the Land of Smiles as long as you have you wallet open and your mouth shut.
    • Like 2
  6. Now, come on, she doesn't need to be there to hear the verdict, what for?

    That and the issue of her lack of leadership and avoidance of parliament and any sort or form of public debate are different things. She is not needed or required to sit in court to hear the verdict and harping on that only serves to throw chaff to those who would cling to the smallest, most rotten piece of straw to defend her pathetic "premiership".

    I do find myself in partial agreement with you.... I do agree with the part you write, " She is not needed or required", its after this that our opinions do start to differ.

    I will agree with that.
  7. Why are they so shocked he isn't covered for a motorbike I don't get it, all insurance policys exclude motorbikes and most extreme sports which need additional payment. I know people who have paid the bike cover and mistakenly believe they will be covered even though they do not have a valid bike licence.

    Sorry to digress - we have an annual backpacker-type medical/public liability only policy from Australia and we are fully covered provided we are not in breach of any local law - i.e. over the drink driving limit or (the one that gets most people) an International Drivers Licence endorsed with BIKE, which means you have passed your motorbike test in your home country. Lots of tourists get an International Licence and think they're covered, but they're only valid for cars unless they are endorsed with BIKE. In a previous life, I used to write small print, so I always read it. In this case, even though I was certain, I sent them an email asking for confirmation of insurance coverage of person and property in the case of a motorcycle accident, asking them to quote my entire message in their reply, which they did. It's the kind of policy that you can't renew - we get a new one each annual visit, and I send the same email asking for confirmation before paying up. I pay about $1,500 for the policy (2 people, medical only). I can get a one that is pretty much the same for $500. It pays to read the small print. I know in England, almost all insurance policies exclude riding and even being pillion on a motorbike. We're not covered for any kind of racing except foot races, suba diving unless we got our PADI in Australia (i.e. not a developing country) and a few other silly things that we wouldn't consider doing, but we definitely are covered for motorcycle accidents. My sympathies go to the victim and his family, and this should serve as a reminder to everyone to read the small print. It's designed to confuse you, but be diligent with it and ask (in writing) anything you're not 100% clear on.

  8. The large number of motorbike accidents in Thailand involving foreigners, is precisely why the out of the box insurance cover excludes coverage.

    Most travel insurance excludes many things. It is mainly for sickness and to and from the airplane. You have to ask questions. This is a profit making tool, but some intelligence must be put into the purchase. I am sorry for the couples problems. You know what ASSUME gets you. A / ASS/ U / Me.
  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of for-profit 'healthcare', where the profit it maximized by minimizing the coverage, courtesy of 'the greatest country on earth'. If he was in the USA, even if he had insurance, the out of pocket copays alone would probably be more than the total in Thailand. It's only a matter of time before the insurance companies bring their lobbies to the rest of the world. Courtesy of the TPP, corporations will realize their dream of being more powerful than countries, and we will all be slaves to this system, regardless of nationality or location.

    No intelligence here too. I suppose you don't pay for insurance either. You should do some reading before something uncontrollable happens to you. BTW, I work as a consultant and have paid for my own insurance for 29 years. You will call me stupid, but I paid nothing, here in Thailand, for 2 cases of Dengue, and 3 motorcycle accidents, one of them criticle.
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