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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. I am delighted that we have such fine upstanding politician as Khun Chalerm who is determined to wipe out corruption. In the short time he has been in post he has closed down all the gambling dens and now is targeting those public officials who are abusing their positions. I hope next it will be all those disgraceful sex establishments and perhaps while he is in full flow he could do something about those dreadful people who arrive at the airport in flip flops and vests, it really is quite appalling.

    What drivel!!!

    He hasn't closed down the gambling dens as they will simply magically reform somewhere else at a different location!!! The Thai's are absoutely ADDICTED to gambling and cannot survive without frittering their money away. They have gambling dens at funerals which are always packed out - this has always seemed rather disrespectful to me, but maybe I'm old fashioned or simply not Thai!!

    The only reason he is doing what he is, is to save face for Yingluck's government - do you seriously think he woud have vounteered the information about the crooked poiticians if he hadn't been caught!!!!

    Close down the "sex establishments" and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry. Likewise ban fip flops and vests and bang goes your "testosterone charged" tourist industry!!! On this last point, I didn't reaise that this was a heinous crime - is "fashion crime" on a par with murder?????:blink:.

    sichonsteve; if had to put money on your nationality i would go for you being american , ...irony and sarcasm are just wasted on you !

    I don't know about that. I am an American and I believe Sarcasm is a form of communication too.

  2. shock and awe off....:whistling:

    Shock and awe in Thailand would be:

    1. Politicans/goverment officals actually being prosecuted/ convicted and seving jail time for corruption

    2. Our man in Dubai actually serves his time in the nick

    3. The BiB actually doing their job

    4. Jet ski scammers being hung by their nuts on beach road

    5. The goverment/BiB admitting that all Farang deaths in Thailand may not be suicide

    I agree with you completely. Too bad none of it will ever happen. Just like the promises made by the current government.

  3. "there is a mild ocean surge"

    yes, it's called high tide. BTW the ocean is far away, the expert should talk about the gulf of thailand.

    "one of the factors contributing to the higher surge is a monsoon - the first in recent years - travelling north from the Gulf of Thailand and hitting winter winds from China"

    there are 2 monsoons in thailand - from the south-west bringing moist air from the indian ocean and bringing the rainy season, and from the north-east, bringing dry seasons.

    Monsoons were here for ever, but each year coming earlier or later, for a different length of time and with a different strength.

    Exactly, that's how it is, period. Nothing new either. What kind of "expert" has The Nation dug out here?

    But in a country where the head of the Meteorological Department announces that with a new weather

    radar system he would be able to predict the rainfall of a whole monsoon season (He did a few weeks ago)...

    What can you expect??

    I can get anything on the internet. Much more than I can understand. A new weather forecasting system is not needed. A new weather forecaster is absolutely essential as this one is an idiot. He tells you nothing until it is already history. And then acts like a genius. What the FROC?

  4. "Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn said ........Pheu Thai's mandate was to govern the country, not to do anything it wants. Although the government has the right to amend laws, it must follow the rule of law and custom."

    This is something the Shinawatras and their PTP lackeys find very difficult to understand.

    Like spoiled brats they think only of their own interests and desires, the good of the country running a poor second. Conflict of interest is a game plan.

    Like spoiled brats they think only of their own interests .......nothing wrong with that.You see that everywhere in Thailand and the rest of the world.laugh.gif

    Nothing wrong with that?

    I suppose the real question is, does your political view determine your attitude, or does your attitude determine your political view?

    Here in Thailand for most Thai's, the answer is an resounding YES

  5. I am absolutely in favor of conflicts being resolved in democratic ways. However with the PAD getting ready to protest, and the reds mobilising, and some stating that they are willing to die to allow Thaksin to return. I feel that a coup is imminent, to avoid the most amount of bloodshed. Shame on this government for bringing us back to this. I just hope they can make some responsible decisions in the next few days to avoid any more damage to this already fragile country.

    THEY HAVE NO SHAME. They are trying to figure out how to make money on the flood.

  6. As I have posted before my maid's brother is one of the ring leaders of the red mob of thugs here in Udon Thani. By the way she hates this group. This morning she said they had a meeting last night planning their rally today and also making plans to gather up the mob and head to Bangkok when the rallies start there. About 80% of the rice harvest is finished here so now the farmers are looking for income. It's deja vu all over again. So much for the Yingluck government plan for reconciliation.

    Isn't she the HEAD RED SHIRT?

  7. incredible how does a PM not know what her own government is doing. Is that contempt for the Thai electorate's intelligence, or are they really that dumb?

    Lieing "big time" perhaps?????

    Actually, just make that lieing - as that is a "bog standard" practice for them and is part of their motto I would imagine.

    Something along the lines of:

    "Dishonesty is our endeavour" or "Lie for loot" or lastly "no gain without other people's pain"

    For you and me lying is black and white. For Thai's it's grey. Who are you lying to. What did they do for you to lie to them, and so on. Lying is just part of the Thai culture. Tell them what they want to hear, forget what the truth may or may not be.

  8. You say

    "Anyone who supports Thaksin and thinks he has done "no wrong" and deserves a pardon is stupid and an unbelievable fool "of the highest order" and deserves ridiculing - Fact!!!! (as far as I'm concerned anyway)"

    You are a lot more polite than I am. So I don't go there.

    You might stop to consider that they are in reality unscrupulous and do it for money. Thaksin has a large pay roll for unrelated expenses to his legal business What was it the secretary of transportation supposedly had 200 million baht at home.

    How can you question his integrity!!!!!!!

    He's probably a good saver and couldn't find a big enough piggy bank so turned his house into one - not many people can claim to live INSIDE their piggy bank, you know!!!!!

    Question!!!! When he wants to tap some of his hard earned stash does he have to order the demolishers in to gain access to it or find a great big hammer.

    Why doesn't he keep all that lovely lolly in a real bank you may ask - what!!! and trust all those thieving *ankers with it!!! No way are they going to get their hands on it and another thing - I just know they are going to ask where I got all this money from and that suspicious lot will automatically think "corruption"!!! What a terrible thing to be unfairly accused of and I'm just not having it!!!!:jap:.

    Don't have it then. But the most corrupt PM since I have been here (1986) has been Taksin. The just plain stupidest was Suchinda. Put them together and you have what the Thai's that voted them in wanted. Corrupt stupidity.

  9. To get a pardon, don't they have to have accepted/admitted they committed a crime, and to have to have served time. Otherwise how can someone who maintains his innocence ask for pardon? Asking for a pardon for something he hasn't done sounds dumb to me.

    ps when I read the headline, I nearly spilt my beer.

    How can a convicted felon in jail run for office? It happened here in Miracle, amazing Thailand

  10. First point, it is ludicrous for anyone to claim that Thaksin and Yingluck don't have knowledge about the pardon. This is just standard The Nation hyperbole, exaggeration, misrepresentation, ... what ever you want to call it... I prefer "BS" ;)

    After which, the article itself quotes both of them talking about the pardon. Now maybe they could have said "Y & T feign innocence about amnesty" ?

    The Nation / rest of Thailand knew this was coming anyway, so now that it is here, at least from a news standpoint for The Nation, they'll be having a heyday with the issue.

    RT @tulsathit: Thaksin told Reuters he knew nothing about the amnesty decree because it was discussed at closed-door Cabinet meeting.

    I stated in one of these forums in July Taksin would be back by Christmas. I'm not saying I'm right. But this was being worked on during the worst flood in 50 years. EVERYBODY KNOWS. This government is not about the Thai people. IT IS ABOUT GETTING TAKSIN BACK TO THAILAND AND NOT IN JAIL. If this was about the Thai people shouldn't the floods take priority? Or am I being naive again?

  11. I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

    After all those money he stole from us Thais.

    OK, I understand, BUT... maybe you will enlighten us which former PM or other politican hasnt steel any money from Thaipeople?

    What hast changed in the years with Khun Abhisit? are there free shools? Free health care for Thais? (visit an Emergency room at 2 o clock in the morning, where 1 24year old woman doc is playing with her telephone instead taking care for the 30 (Phuket) older and younger patients waiting for a doc )

    We all know Khun Thaksin is not the best solution for Thailand but he is by far not the worst!

    Chuan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anand, appointed after Suchinda. These 2 had the Thai peoples took needs their heart while they were in office. I have been here 25 years and have seen the worst and the best. In my opinion Chuan was the best and Taksin stole the election with money and vacant promises. He is definitely the worst. And the Thai people love him. I will never understand this. Come on back Taksin and steal from us some more.

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