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Everything posted by jvs

  1. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-make-Hashish-tea-If-so-how
  2. I posted something as an answer but i guess it disappeared,try again. https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/how-to-make-cannabis-tea-recipe
  3. I really don't know,i think the THC goes into the oil when you fry with it and you eat the oil along with the food.I just googled it,here you go,i will also try this. https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/how-to-make-cannabis-tea-recipe
  4. How long ago is that?I assume you owned the vehicle? What would happen if you rent ? Will travel insurance cover a tourist?Many travel insurance companies do not cover you on a motorbike.
  5. I have no idea how to make tea like this but we put ground bud in the rice cooker,do not add anything else. Use the powder in oil or butter ,make sure it gets hot enough and you can use this in any fried food. Fried rice,hamburger,fried egg or in cake or brownies. I never smoke the stuff and i only use it once a week to help me sleep. Usually early Saturday evening and within 45 minutes it usually starts to have effect. I can really sleep for up to 16 hours! Sunday is a lazy day and i can usually sleep well again on Sunday evening. This is much better then sleeping pills i believe.
  6. We have tried that,absolutely no effect. See the post by Sametboy. It is not possible to get any effect by what you are saying.
  7. Indeed! You can use a rice cooker for that,2 or 3 hours on low heat does the trick nicely. After that you can use the powder(we grind it) to make your eatable. Fry an egg in oil or butter and add the powder to it(teaspoon to start)fry for 2or 3 minutes and eat. Sleep well!
  8. Putin says he wants all territory back that belonged to the USSR before,from memory i recall some of these countries are now NATO members. What will Putin do about this? I think only talk,Putin does not have the men or equipment to invade any one else,certainly not at this moment. The sanctions are slowly taking effect,Russia needs parts and precision technical instruments they can not produce themselves. Aviation is one of those .
  9. Well i can tell you they are selling much stronger stuff here then what you mentioned. You can also find weaker stuff for sure. I was told by an older guy who has been using it for most of his life that he does not like the stronger strains at all. He says it does not five him a nice buzz but it knocks him out. Imo it is just like with alcohol,you need to try different kinds and see what you like and what agrees with you. Some people like strong Whiskey and others like more mellow drinks. It will take time for people to adjust to this new found freedom but it is not going to be the end of the world as some of the Reefer Madness people like to think. I would wish they would accept being educated but you keep seeing post by people who are very negative about the use of Cannabis but claim to have never used it. Open your mind and let people do what they do,it is not harming you is it?
  10. I do not agree at all! If this would happen it would mean the bully(Russia) wins and what is going to stop them from doing it again? Ukraine should not stop fighting until all the territory has been taken back and that should include Crimea . Remember the Ukrainian army is fighting the battle for Nato and they are the only ones getting damaged. The Nato people should not stop supporting the Ukraine until Russia pulls back. Yes it costs a lot of money but for the rest of Europe it is and will remain cheaper then fighting the Russians in other(their own) countries. I think Russia already understand very well that if they would attack any Nato member it would be game over for Putin. They talk a lot but imo they know really well themselves it is only talk and preaching to the choir.
  11. Yes i know but the test i did has 80 questions,not the real test.
  12. Looks like she came on a budget,not enough money to rent a beach chair?
  13. I finished the test last night just to see what the rumble is about. Not difficult at all! I past the first test 74 out of 80. The English is fine but i did not know what a blue sign meant but once i got that i past 78/80 the second time. I did find a fault in the traffic signs,the proper answer is marked as wrong. Not a really big deal this test,try it for yourself.
  14. It was Cha-am office,yes the required visa still active. We bypassed this by adjusting the date of signing,it was a bit of work but with a bit of help it all worked out.(some one who knew some one in the office)
  15. That may well be but that is not my experience,but different offices have different rules.
  16. All of the above but i did a similar thing and they asked for a valid visa. If there i a chance she is coming back you would be better off to wait for that. Using the scooter and having the green book will allow you to update tax and insurance each year as you already did.
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