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Everything posted by jvs

  1. So Putin says the land they stole will be Russia soon? Fair enough i say. Nato should make the Ukraine an instant member,what's good for the goose is good for the gander? Now that would chance things!
  2. I believe the CIA has a few left over,you may try to contact them. https://www.rbth.com/history/334852-us-cia-condoms-strategy-ussr
  3. I watch Jakes videos and mostly agree with him but also in this case it will all depend on what happens when the new soldiers are being deployed. Will they all start running towards Ukrainian soldiers throwing rocks or are they just ready to surrender en masse? With a few 100 000 badly equipped soldiers moving towards the front will the Ukrainian soldiers just blast them away? My bet is on massive internal Russian unrest in combination with too much pressure on the little P man. So far an average of 500 dead russian soldiers a day?This could multiply very fast in the next few weeks.Two weeks of training is not going to do a lot of good.
  4. Feel sorry for some of these guys and their family.
  5. Yes he is looking for an excuse but nobody but the people on his side will believe him. If i buy a bag of dirt and spread it own some one elses property can i claim it as my land and defend my soil? That is exactly what Putin is doing. I steal your watch,put it on my wrist,is it now mine? Now more people are being send to the front,i watched videos of old men getting on a but to go to fight(go to die). Putin is getting more and more desperate and it is hard to predict what his next move will be but he still has a very big weapon! I believe as soon as it turns really cold he will turn of the gas completely! Not good for Europe but they can and will survive this. Putins new army will not survive sleeping in the open in a strange country without arms and food. They will feed the hungry Ukrainian Cannons.
  6. I listen to this and i always thought it was by Rod Steward.
  7. That is a big old axe!I would prefer she use a smaller one.
  8. It is all in the title,what do you expect and/or experience from taking Cannabis? Do you smoke it or make edibles? I hate the taste of smoke and even using a bong leaves a very bad taste so i use home made edibles. I read some people are stoned for 2,3 or 4 hours. I only take it to sleep but i must admit i kinda like the easy going feeling that it gets me. Only take it once a week and then i can sleep for 14 hours or more without waking up. The next day i am still pretty drowsy so that is my day off. If i take any less sleep will not come,i prefer this over the use of sleeping pills because those things are poison. No problem growing our own and making clones is very easy,just cut a top and stick it in the soil. 9 out of 10 will grow,all grown outside and so there are no real costs.
  9. I can totally agree with your thinking but there is always a but, The little Kremlin troll needs to be stopped but i a way that is acceptable for the rest of the world.Emotion should not be part of this,it is ok if a fellow comrad does him in but Nato or the US can not operate on the same level he does.We are not talking some little country far away where the CIA can do some covert operation. Whatever happens it will not be forgotten for a very long time. Lets just hope some one close to him will decide to become famous and kill him.
  10. Here is a song for the idiot in the Moscow.
  11. That would be the answer but also a very big nono in politics but i read ya.
  12. Maybe not the best song to show his ability but a song i happen to like. Steve Perry.
  13. How about this already a star?
  14. I think you are right on this, of course if you ask some one about their opinion and they know the wrong answer will put them in jail they will answer what p wants to hear. Like asking a Thai soldier on life TV if he likes Prayut ,what will he say? I still have faith in people,let us just see what will happen in the next few days. Maybe by the time his recruits are ready(and have a gun with ammo) the rest of his army is send home,either in a box or on the run.
  15. Will putin use nukes on his own newly conquered territory? He probably would,can you see how twisted this guy really is.He was supposed to help the people over there.(his own words) Nato could tell him not to resort to that or he will be attacked inside Russia. Lets just give the real Russian people a chance,a lot of them already risked their lives by demonstrating against this insane war and their insane leader. Maybe a lot more will see the light and start a nation wide protest. They can not put all in jail and the only option left to putin would be shooting at protesters. That would be his last bad move.
  16. I can understand your sentiment but in case Putin does go nuclear what options are there for the rest of the world? Sit back and hope he only uses a few of them? You can not deal with people like him in a rational way,he only understands one thing,real power! What do you suggest ?
  17. Why are your eyes on China?Xi will not be trying to invade Taiwan,it would be much easier to go in the back door and take ancient Chinese land back from Russia that was taken long ago.That would also provide a lot of coastal area good for trade and a lot of oil and other minerals. Xi can not have it all of course but the Chinese are very smart and they can (and will) take over the world just by using economic power. It is just a matter of time.
  18. No of course not,that is the worst scenario possible but the West can not afford to let him use Nuclear bombs. He has gotten away with way too much,Crimea was the writing on the wall and he did get away with that one and his plans reach further then that.

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