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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Obviously the man is rather forgetful... sad for a police chief... He also forgot to take the Red Bull brat's passport, allowing him to jump bail, and I am sure he forgot a few similar cases.

    He probably also forgot to prosecute hundreds of illegal gambling dens, and thousands of bars open after hours or allowing prostitution

    I doubt he ever forgot to jail countless minor drug offenders, and most importantly he never forgot to collect at the end of the month.

    A model Royal Thai Police commander!

  2. I know its been demolished because I can see the site from the window of my office. Funny how she couldn't see it for the months and years prior.

    What do they say.... Maybe blinded by money?

    I think you can blind any Thai hooker, policeman, judge, bureaucrat, government minister with money: they are all very similar....money is their only god.

    It is a very venal society.

    Those who know how to exploit the system, prosper.

    Good on them....................... but don't expect justice when the sword falls.

  3. I worked three years at a casino. Its number one function was to make money for its owner. Its number two function was to launder illegally earned cash money. Five dollar slot machines pay back 99.5% so you drop 10,000 dollars into five dollar slot machines (with the help of aunties and cousins), get most of it back and pay tax on your 9,000 dollar 'winnings'. What was drug money in the morning is clean money by evening. Since the casino does not keep track of how much drug money you lost to get the winnings you paid tax on, the law enforcement can't prove that you get your income from illicit enterprise. Now the politicians won't have to lie and say how well they saved or invested to explain their unusual wealth, they can soon claim they 'won' it at the casino. No more using monks to transport your illegal income offshore; it's laundered so you can keep it close to you in Thailand. This will be a boon to corrupt officials, politicians, policemen, and soldiers as they can soon launder their own money.

    Another negative, gambling tourists tend to never leave the venue where they gamble. The don't go on tours or go shopping; they gamble. Good luck, with all the cash involved in gambling, for the state to collect anywhere near the share that it is owed. Never mind, the head of whatever casino watchdog organization will get his cut.

    Thirdly, gambling is a tax on stupidity since almost everyone loses every time.


    your arguments do not add up, if the payback is 99.5%. I think you are talking out of your bottom half

  4. read all about it in the Daily Mail here...... er.... maybe not


    where is the free Internet?

    Are you suggesting for a moment that the interweb is no more free in Germany and the UK than in China and Thailand?

    Well, in Thailand I never went on a page that was blocked, but I am not into discussing the royal family or gambling.

    In UK I read in the newspaper (no own experience) that they block everything p0rn and they start now to block hate speech (which is a great excuse to block other political opinions).

    Last time I was in Germany thepiratebay was blocked, considering how many video games, music, books are illegal/banned in Germany I guess there is a lot blocked on the internet as well.

    China is blocking Gmail (or all Google) I got told which I would notice, which is strange considering how much censoring Google is doing already.

    But as I told I never saw any news in Thailand blocked. I am sure there are things blocked but I think 99% are casinos and red shirt propaganda.

    Still I think it is wrong but not that hot, shocking news that some Asian country is blocking some content on the internet.

  5. I sincerely hope N.Z. has the necessary balls to tell this regime where they can stick their archaic and repressive law......................

    Some of the LM is something that would be highly illegal in every country....not only if it is about the King/President....I let it to your imagination what that might be.

    But I have no idea what it was in this case. Other cases are known...

    Not in my home country.

    In the US, you can insult the head of State (the President) in the most explicit terms, 24 hours a day.

    The repercussion will be that your friends may abandon you as a "whack job"; but there is no law against it as long as you do not make threats of violence.

    Fortunately there is absolutely no comparison between Barack Obama and the most loved man in this country.

    The Thais have their laws and the United States and United Kingdom etc, have theirs. End of.

    and never the twain shall meet

  6. So they have problems selliing property again..Uh!...same 97...The farangs to the rescue,again.

    And I thought I had seen everything.

    In the case they could not sell, my humble opinion would be that it is because farangs in that area tend to be a bit on the cheap side.

    Even more so since the baht has appreciated. It seems that many farangs cannot even afford cheap condos anymore.

    I agree it really smacks the notion right out that the Thai Elite Card is actually for elite people when some tiny low-so dump studio qualifies for a free giveaway one.


    What is astonishing is that some on this forum still consider the super low price of such a minuscule condo - together with the Thailand Elite Card promotion - horrendous.

    I wonder if they would still be against the Thailand Elite program if the price was dropped from 3 miĺlion to 2 million.

    Or maybe 1,5... ?


    Would 0.5 be still too expensive?


    How about if you simply don't like being dumped in the Thai definition of Elite, which is basically crooks with a large amount of smelly money....but some people like that, and the fawning respect that it brings.

  7. Wonder if the purpose of the raid was to vacate the position of station commander because some other upstanding cop was coveting the very lucrative position of Thonglor staton boss. :-/

    and might the successors second name be Punponmuang or Pompammuang or something like that. Pattaya done, Bangkok done, and Phuket next, methinks

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  8. Well, the obvious answer is to have a crackdown for the next seven days, after all, it is damaging Thailand's reputation.

    Oh, I forgot......

    ........queue that after:

    the road safety crackdown

    the corruption crackdown,

    human trafficking crackdown

    unregulated fishing crackdown

    air traffic safety crackdown

    patent/copyright infringement crackdown

    Thailand's authorities crack me up!

    ..... and the international community is laughing with me.

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