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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. I used my Android phone to take screenshots of all the pdf files sent to me by the insurance scammers, the airline, and my govt (vax certificate). I used the crop function to remove all the background "noise". did the same cropping thing to grab just the QR code from the vax certificate. Aussie boy here and the nanny-state provides us with a nice little QR code that contains all of our personal information. thanks Nan! I used Brave browser (Chrome-based) on Windows 10 to do the actual upload. I got an email saying they accepted it, 7 days blah blah blah. if they come back and want more stuff then I'll just crack another tinnie and figure it out ????
  2. chocolate fireguard. i haven't heard that one before, very amusing ????
  3. nah I don't have a vibrator mate, just my mini pc, my phone and my clippers. the latter to keep myself beautiful for all the ladies ????
  4. thanks for the advice transam, I did know that but when it comes to electrical safety it's worth repeating. my dad was actually a sparky when he was younger, before he became a cabbie in Sydney because they wouldn't give him a ticket because foreigner, but he only taught me the very basics.
  5. thanks for the additional info Tom, great work.
  6. nanny-state LOL. haven't seen that in the forum for a few days. yeah, can't wait to escape the island prison and soak up the barely contained chaos. thanks again for your assistance Crossy, it's greatly appreciated.
  7. hi Crossy, thanks for the prompt response. I'd thought about replacing the Belkin's plug but they've got all these anti-tamper warnings so I got a bit nervous. I'm not doing that myself so any idea where I can take it in Pattaya to get it done properly? a random computer shop in one of the malls or a proper electrician?
  8. Good afternoon gents I'll be arriving in LOS on the 1st of December and will be bringing a few electronic items with me, namely an Intel NUC, a Samsung phone with super-fast charger, and a set of Wahl clippers. they have Aussie plugs, 3-pin for the PC and 2-pin for the other two. I also have a four-outlet Belkin surge board with a 3-pin plug that I'm thinking of bringing with me for convenience if I need to use more than one device at a time. last time I was over there was waaay back in 2014 and I think I was using one of those cheap triangular shaped adapters that I bought in some random computer store on 2nd Road, Pattaya. now that I'm older and wiser I don't think using those cheap and nasty adapters is recommended. I googled "Australia to Thailand adapter plug" but really couldn't find what I was looking for. it's been so long i can't remember what a typical Thai electrical socket looks like. I hope to be seeing a lot of the country when it all opens up so I'll be staying in hotels and condos not my own house. so I'm throwing myself upon the mercy of the community ... can you please assist me to get the right setup in Thailand so that I can safely use my devices? thanks in advance ps. you're all legends ????
  9. spot on mate, that's how we grew up in the seventies. I'm not doing that sh3t again, not on your life!
  10. that AXA $50k policy is a bit weird. they wait until right at the end to ask you if you have a chronic disease for which you take medication or get injections and if you answer honestly, eg. gout they say "apologize, not eligible, on yer bike!" so I redid and said no and then it let me proceed. still working out what to do. maybe I misunderstood the question.
  11. this is my plan too for when I come over next month and convert to non-O. I just can't bear the thought of all that capital rotting away in a Thai bank. not when I can keep it invested in stonks and crypto and 5x or 10x it in a couple of years. ok maybe five to ten years.
  12. sometimes your're forced to. like in the old days on the train from Bangers to Pattaya. the nice lady with the ice bucket kept me refreshed with the good old Beer Chaaang. it's drinkable from the tinnies if it's nice and cold. had to drink it because that's all she had and no-one else was drinking so I kind of had a moral obligation to drink all I could even though it was only six in the morning. couldn't let her go home empty-handed now could I? just because it's swill doesn't mean I won't drink it. I was quite partial to the good old Chaaang when it first came out back in '97 was it? i'd chuck back a good seven or eight big bottles every night at Noi bar in Lamai on Koh Samui. I think she was charging 50 baht per bottle which was much cheaper than the small Carlsbergs at 70 baht per. and I was a tighta3se backpacker then so every penny counted. but then I grew up and moved on. craft beer only for me now ????
  13. thanks for the heads up mate, I'll avoid it like the plague then. that, and I don't have a ute!
  14. have you considered opening an account with crypto.com and converting your AUD to TAUD at 1:1. then parking the TAUD in one of their 'Earn' products*? current base rates are Flexible - 6%, 1 month - 8%, 3 month - 10%. * not a financial advice
  15. anyone who flies business class will have booked the AOT 7-Series to get to Patts ????
  16. 24 x 0.33cl = 7.92L. mate, that'd barely last a couple of hours with four big boofy blokes in the house. also you don't all go together to get the beers in. it's one bloke's job to haul the ute up to the bottle-o while the others sit on the couch at home putting sh3t on him ????
  17. mom & pop shops don't sell real beer, just that Thai swill
  18. hell yeah. wouldn't be coming over if I didn't. Thai gub'mint is going to do what they do and we won't be able to stop it if they get really silly. like say, Malaysia's new MM2H requirements. or a blanket 'farang go now' order. so I'll be ready to go at the drop of a hat, just grab passport and book a taxi to the airport and find somewhere that treats me better ????
  19. as Metallica say, Sad But True. I'm moving to Thailand shortly for a long stay on a non-O but I'm under no illusion that I have any right of abode and am also aware that the goalposts are constantly changing. I've factored all of that in to my retirement budget. it's always wide to have a reserve to fall back on when the going gets tough.
  20. some things you can't change no matter how much you bang in about it. accept the "rip-off" as the cost of doing business and move on with your life.
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