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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. And you wonder why they don't want to sit next to you on the bus!
  2. I'm not smart enough to understand all of that tax code stuff, all I want to know is whether it is 179 days or 180 days before we become tax resident. "What a difference a day makes" ????
  3. That's 182 complete days so over the threshold regardless of the differing interpretations I referred to in my earlier post.
  4. I briefly looked for a torrent or streaming option but came up blank. Did see the Blu-ray for sale on Amazon for fifteen bucks, the cheeky buggers. Hard pass ????
  5. Of course I know what Caucasian means, whatever gave you the idea that I don't?
  6. I don't know how that other dude figured it out because I got no hits for "itchy side of legal" but hey presto is right there in the transcript of the movie Slayground (1983). https://subslikescript.com/movie/Slayground-88135
  7. People from Corca? ????. You mean Caucasian. TBH I haven't had the opportunity to find out exactly what breed of whitey is covered by the term. eg are Russians considered farang or do they have their own special classification? Probably depends on who you talk to, lots of differing views out there.
  8. That's interesting because both these sources say that you become a tax resident if you stay "180 days or more", not "more than 180 days". If I have to flee the Kingdom to avoid tax next year I think I'll err on the side of caution and go with max 179 complete days... https://kpmg.com/th/en/home/insights/2023/09/th-tax-news-flash-issue-145.html https://sherrings.com/assessable-income-foreign-sources-thailand.html
  9. Farang means Western white people, not "foreigner" although with constant misuse it seems to be morphing into the latter definition.
  10. so buy the website and then you can choose what articles to accept from your syndication partners.
  11. In short, yes if you meet the requirements. Up to you to decide which is more convenient/affordable for yourself, non-O retirement or TR60 + 1 extension.
  12. Hit the Start key aka the Windows key then type in "Chrome"
  13. https://aseannow.com/ignore You're welcome ????
  14. Are you planning to escape the "new tax law" by fleeing to Indo too? I'm looking at Bali for 180 days using the B211A visa should it come to that. Heck I might just do it anyway next year for the change of scenery.
  15. Or they're better drivers than you. And have better cars.
  16. Reality. Roll the dice often enough and eventually all you'll come up with is snake eyes.
  17. Swim in shark infested waters, get bitten. The universe is trying to tell you something, best listen up.
  18. Somebody's vying with Nok Noi and Bogs for SPOTY.
  19. Of course you can mention other news sources, you're just not allowed to link to some of them as stipulated by those other sources, not AN.
  20. looks like I'll have to do the same except I have friends in Bali so I'll probably look at trying to stay there half the year if I can. I like Thailand but it only works if they don't tinker too much with the existing rules or try to clean the place up. paying tax on all foreign remittances and getting sweet FA in return is not a good deal at all.
  21. of course one day matters, it could mean the difference between getting fined 2K baht or not (in the worst case scenario). or in the case of the proposed new tax amendment, being classed a tax resident or not. you're the sad one that didn't know the answer to the OP's question and continue to post irrelevant drivel.
  22. OK Thailand, see ya! For half the year anyway.
  23. The 90 day clock restarts when you return to the Kingdom from a trip away. They don't deal with 90 stuff at the airport immigration counters so there is no "date the IO gives you". Many people use internet-based tools to do the calculation, eg. https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadd.html Those tools will give you the wrong result if you're not up to speed with the concept of 'complete days' / the requirement to count the application/arrival date as Day 1. Of course this won't matter unless you leave it too late and have to avail yourself of the 7 days in-person grace period. One day out and you could be subject to a ฿2,000 fine.
  24. Edit the post, highlight the offending text then click on the 'clear formats' button. Works most of the time for me but on the odd occasion it can't cope with the source text format and will fail. Or you could paste first to a text editor on your device then re-copy/paste in here but that's an awful lot of work for something that isn't really worth worrying about. If other BMs can't work out why pasted text from an external site is all wacky then that's their issue.

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