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Posts posted by sapson

  1. 2 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

    I am still amazed, how anyone can say "Thailand is working"!

    They are still not testing, all the numbers they have are plucked out of thin air, they are absolutely unable to financially help their poor and they basically come up every day with 3 different plans, that will be revised 3 hours later!

    How thick are your rosy glasses?

    Absolutely spot on! 

    • Like 1
  2. Thailands incredible handling of Covid amazing, the less we test the less positives to report and the hundreds tested at  private hospitals we wont include those figures either.


    So a country of 70 million who welcomed the Wuhan Chinese for months has only circa 2900 positives.


    Stunning management by Team Thailand... country opened up again soon fantastic! nothing to see here move along please....... and over the coming months just an incredible increase in cases of Dengue or seasonal flu or simply routine lung failure but not Covid 19 so no need to count the numbers!


    No loss of face and minimal damage to the levels of the ministerial troughs!



    lets wait for todays figures maybe 18 and not out from a total of 127 tested nationwide.........the rest just give them 12 paracetamol  a day that will bring the temperature readings down. 

    • Like 1
  3. Well over twenty years of running a hugely profitable Jet Ski scam that despite been a known proven fact to all and sundry including ambassadors of many embassies etc they managed to perpetuate it with seeming impunity as they brilliantly sent the vast proceeds up the gravy chain enough to fill many rice bowls,,,,,,


    Yet a simple act of distributing food aid willingly given by many for their own hungry people cannot be coordinated, contained and easily monitored without turning into a logistical nightmare for the hapless guys specializing only in Thai baht origami,

    • Like 1
  4. Someone with a bit of internet savvy should start a facebook or twitter or youtube channel etc page showing all the locations news stories photos etc where westerners have come to the aid of Thais and helped to feed them.


    The page could be forwarded to immigration offices and TAT etc etc to ministry of foreign affairs etc.


    But i forget 10% of Issan families are already supported by farangs and what appreciation do immigration show, an ever changing obstacle course of inane pedantic rules and regulations that belong in the middle ages.


    Problem being the damage done already in the implication that it is westerners responsible for Covid 19, rather than a policy of welcoming the Covid 19 host country to Thailand for so long unrestricted.


    Also educating the populace with facts my well be considered libellous under the law if it demonstrates a negligence by third parties.

  5. Used to be that you had to be 3 months behind before repo proceedings started.


    Under current circumstances they could probably get a negotiated payment holiday followed by temporary reduced payments.


    Talking with the finance company is important and they would be one of thousands at the moment, company will be very understanding i am sure.

  6. 3 hours ago, zhounan said:

    Hospitals are not overwhelmed, no medical staff are reporting on the social media like in other countries they've done, and it's not easy to hide corpses.

    So, probably the data reported is manipulated, but, the situation in Thailand is not so tragic as someone are thinking. 

    One tiny town hospital with 5 covid 19 patients desperate for help asking online.




  7. 5 hours ago, sapson said:

    Should share the story of westerners on this site who sent money to the hospital that was begging for help online as it was treating 5 covid patients and running out of cash for supplies food equipment and doctors.


    Somehow the government had overlooked them but some westerners stepped in and sent funds.


    Astonishing really in lieu of some of the immigration policies aimed at the pesky aliens.




    truly hope that can go viral on Thai media.


    cant find the link to the article!


    Found the link and deserves publicity in the Thai media, Farangs donate to desperate hospital, minister of health might like a copy, wonder what the un mentionable ones up to, maybe he could find time for an international bank transfer!!



    • Like 1
  8. Thanks Sheyrl, its b1,b6,b12 tablet Neurobin 3 tablets a day.


    The colour is an extreme deep orange hint of brown, but couple of hours later after lots of water a normal clearish/yellow/green.


    So I am assuming if its only the morning pee and sometimes the last at night it likely Kidneys are ok?,


     could be as you say the vit b, or the many variables delights associated with diabetes blood sugar etc.










  9. Hope the Op is ok.


    subject a bit close to home so I,ll ask.


    If your morning urine is a very deep orange, but however the next urination is nearly clear normal hue and the subsequent course of the day urination pale yellow normal etc ..... but last before sleep sometimes deeper colour.


    I am thinking this is hydration issues although i drink at least  4/5 litres of water each day but extremely hot house without ac.


    type 2 diabetic but morning blood sugar checks 6.5 to 7.7 average not so high.


    However experiencing some persistent back pain as well,but that could be skeletal muscular.


    Some first mornings ok normal deep yellow, but many times recently this very alarming deep orange....... 


    I do take vit c and vit b 12 neurobin supplements.


    is their a home kidney function check or hospital only.


    thanks for any input

  10. 13 minutes ago, ANDREW999 said:

    But then...TODAY there were 2 folks who DID NOT get auto-extended. This was at Chaeng Wattana.

    Left hand is not talking to the right hand!!!

    Guys need to stop going to immigration and just accept everybody has amnesty and permission to stay until 30th April and that may be extended, you dont need it stamped in your passport.


    Their is no need to visit any immigration office for this............unless of course i read the government statement incorrectly, the whole purpose was to stop the huge numbers at immigration offices.

  11. if the daily update was we have 57 positives from the number tested daily be it 120 or 10,000 and where were the tests conducted we would have meaningful data.



    Maybe its just us pesky farangs being so nosey with a need to know.


    Sure the Thais will  just use the last weeks reported daily numbers for lottery numbers!

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