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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Don't lose sight of the fact that it's the locals or "Thai netizens" who are complaining.
  2. Video does show him looking the right way and waiting for 1 vehicle to pass on the nearside lane. However the accident seems a combination of him crossing slowly and the car's excessively fast closing speed.
  3. Clearly you are witness to more information than most, and possibly have never witnessed people drive sometimes on roads under construction, if it suits.
  4. And you appear to have chosen to overlook the fact that I used the term "unless" . But who cares ?
  5. Begs the question why the dogs were "furious" in the first place ? Perhaps they were just a little bit angry or mad or plain "barking" ? ????
  6. And when the lead one slides off the road, the rest follow like lemmings , I expect !
  7. In another story, Sombat the sparky refused to work on an "electric chair" as, in his opinion, he considered it an ffffing death trap.
  8. Unless, as is commonplace. the sidecar simply pulled out from a side road in front of the truck.
  9. Not "point to point" if sold as a return under the same locator (PNR} ,
  10. Scoot were still advertising this route and taking bookings for flights they had no intention of operating. Cheap and unethical operator. best avoided I reckon,
  11. Hope she gets a decent sum in compensation......be good to set a precedent for all those unsolicited groping incidents perpetrated by so=called ladyboys !
  12. Underling racism or not, it wouldn't be a huge surprise if the Farang "angle" didn't receive a modicum of empathy when the sentencing is considered.
  13. Seriously...it's 2022 and Thailand has had 30 +years of highway infrastructure development and huge leaps in motor vehicle ownership. "Baby steps" with regards to road safety just doesn't cut it proportionately I'm afraid.
  14. He wouldn't have been able to become an "habitual drunk driver" as he'd have been locked up long ago.
  15. Assuming it's an application for a Child passport renewal, then yes you can do it, Bear in mind that you will need to submit/surrender the child's previous passport and recent photos, of course.
  16. So bt 24k just to "submit" the documents which you've already prepared. Such foolish nonsense !
  17. Except it wouldn't me free......clever way to escape from the wife though ! ????
  18. Bottom line..... At least the driver, whether "intoxicated" or otherwise, did remain at the scene of the crime/accident. Even if an un-named witness said the driver "reportedly" refused to give his name.
  19. Could start by buying them replacement rear light bulbs...or donating crash helmets ( which they most likely wouldn't wear ). Better still. the government and relevant authorities could show some concern. ????
  20. It's the only time I've ever encountered it, although I recall it being an issue for several people at the consulate in Savannakhet a few years back when applying for visitor visas. There was a sign advising of the requirement I think.
  21. But then I refer the honourable gentleman to the following common usages : Cash is king Hard cash, Will Sir be paying by cash or credit card ? There also often being a checkout lane in supermarkets designated "cash purchases only".????
  22. Danok immigration tried to "shake me down" once, when re-entering one evening on a border hop. Insisted even though I held a non-imm multiple entry O visa . Eventually, but reluctantly, accepted a show of funds on my Thai on-line banking app. Not a pleasant experience.....and I was smartly dressed ????
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