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Posts posted by banglay

  1. 1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

    Eyes [sharp fingernails]

    Throat [1)folded fingers strike]

    [2) windpipe grab]

    A good snap kick to the testicles.

    You have to be fast, so train repetitions.

    Train for situational awareness: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."









    No ...know your environment....listen to your gut if it doesn't feel right run and scream  and keep running  and keep screaming attackers do not like publicity 40 kg girl will never win  with all the training in the world against a 80kgs rapist ..

  2. OP ... is it personal defense or martial art training you are looking for ....because they are two different skill sets  and the two do not always marry well if taught in parallel....for personnel defense you are better learning 3 or 4 really effective techniques which you can execute well . rather than martial arts which may look well in the dojo  but are not always effective in the urban environment and take several year of dedication to master to a half decent standard.. 

    • Like 1
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  3. Dr Anna Jaruwarn , M.D., FAAD.  Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.....speaks excellent English trained at Stanford  Medical Centre.USA

    I highly recommend her you get what you pay for with her .. ....Very very competent/professional and a very  nice Lady too. 


    Clinic Hour :
    Tue 09:00 am - 02:00 pm Wed 09:00 am - 02:00 pm Thu 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
    ** No clinic between 30-31 Jan - 1 Feb 2018

    * Clinic hours are subject to change without prior notice. Please make an appointment in advance or call 1719 to check the availability prior to your arrival at the hospital.

    Education :
    - MD.(HONS), Chulalongkorn University, Institute of Dermatology, Bangkok, Department of Dermatology, Stanford Medical Center, Stanford, CA
    - Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology
    - Fellow of American Academy of Dermatology


  4. 56 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    I'm 6' 2" and weigh 80 kilos, don't smoke or drink and watch what I eat. My father had gout and has passed it on to me, so nothing to do with my lifestyle.

    So it maybe genetic and not heredity  your body can not disburse uric acid and therefore gout   OUCH ....bad luck 

  5. I buy mine  spice pastes from Makro ....but in the past have bought from Tesco's ....But for fresh authentic blends you are best buying them  from one of the dozen of local markets that open up daily all around the place.

  6. 11 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    Have already done so. You need to test a SIM from AIS to see the speeds attained in your location.


    I have 2 phones ..one Dtac (3G only in my area)  and one AIS (1 2 call 4G) But at this point I am just try to find what is the minimum Mbps for my requirement  ...after that I will decide which server I want to use ...At this point I'm not really bothered about the price of 3 days internet it's just a fact finding deal for me

  7. 3 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    That isn't a special offer. It's the normal price.

    912 baht per 30 days is no bargain. Plus they have the audacity to count the day you subscribe as a whole day.

    I used it when they had the double speed offer, 20 Mbps. But it's not good value for 10 Mbps.

    Pay attention to what has been already posted.


    Cheers :-)   can you please tell me where to find the best offer ? (Server,Mbps and price etc.) .this is why I opened this post ,any constructive advice very much appreciated 

  8. Dtac just SMS with a special  offer 10Mbps unlimited internet (no capping applies) for 7 days auto recurring 199 Baht .I think I'll give it a 7 day trail to see if it meets my requirements. 

    Already quite impressed with the 1Mbps unlimited offer everything streaming nicely I'am very surprised no bufferring  to speak of (just the first few seconds the picture quality can be a bit pixelated then it's OK)

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Thailand J said:

    Without home internet I will sorely miss my laptop screen, window browers, the full size key board and the mouse.


    I  would much prefer to download the movies and watch it on large screen TV.. rather not have to watch a 2 hour movie on a phone....



    I watch all my movies/TV on my 52' TV and I use a 32'TV and wireless keyboard & mouse for surfing the net  and  tether my phone to my laptop to access the internet  just like you would use a router and WIFI 


    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    I'll continue staggering along on my 200Mb fibre thanks :smile:


    Yes, it's ToT and yes, it does achieve that speed.


    Using phone data is a great backup, but for streaming HD video?


    A 2 hour HD blueray movie still take 2 hours to watch  whether you have 2000 Mbps or 10 Mbps ... the only difference is you can download it is seconds ..Mine will take 10 maybe 15 minutes ...just enough time to make a pot of coffee and a sandwich .. and still the 2 hr movie take 2 hrs to watch   .unless your 200Mbps makes you superhuman with ultra fast movie watching skills   lol 

    • Like 1
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  11. 38 minutes ago, johng said:

    I recently got this Dtac SIM  from their shop on 3rd floor Central Festival the Beach



    1899 baht  for 1 year 2Mbps unlimited internet     over this weekend it rained and my ToT

    ADSL went down     Dtac SIM worked fine.


    They have 1Mbps and 4Mbps ( maybe faster options too)

    I am with ToT and my ADSL went down Friday afternoon in the storm and it's still not back on .Been told it might be off for a few more days yet ....that's one reason I thinking of changing over ...I have 2 smart phones one Dtac and the other 1 2 call . both still working  Dtac 3G pinging at 5+ Mbps  & 1 2 call 4G at 14+ Mbps (but it burns up the credits at a stupid rate )

    • Like 1
  12. Hello too All.


    At the moment I have a unlimited monthly internet connection to my home and run  a smart phone on a top up pay you go  (expensive when using internet)

    I am now thinking of cancelling the internet to my home and using my smart phone (tethered to my PC) as my main source of internet (unlimited) .


    I would be interested in hear and getting advice from anyone who has gone this way for their internet in the Pattaya area.I will need a minimum of 5Mbps so I can stream live TV 


    questions .

    1...Which provider do you use

    2...What plan are you  on

    3...What download/upload speed do you get.

    4...How reliable is it ?

    5... Cost per week or month ?


    Mods please leave in Pattaya forum I live in this area and not interest in other areas.


    Thank you in advance :-)

  13. johng 

    The  form TM7  you put on your post is that the new form or the old form ??? ....because it looks identical to the one I've used for the past 10 yrs ?

    or is it they will not accept pre filled and printed off forms just hand written one now????

  14. Seems to me these dogs are becoming more of a fashion accessory for kids these days .....offer to buy them a 1/2 decent smart phone instead... it will work out cheaper in the long run and less hassle and a phone doesn't sh*t or pee .And Phone just needs an occasional top up ( WHICH YOU CAN USE AS A GOOD BEHAVIOR INCENTIVE for the kid not the dog )  ... 


    Just a thought 

  15. Hello All .


    Can anyone point me to a Bar that sells Magners Cider...  ( Not Magners Pear Cider) In the South/Central Pattaya area..


    Mulligans Bar has only had the Pears Cider the last few times I went there ....


    And I am not interested in   Black Rat cider ....it tastes like it was made from black rats (putrid).


    Thank you in anticipation   :burp:

  16. Apichai Jirapradittha , M.D. internal medicine dept Bangkok hospital ...speaks very good English and I have always been happy with his friendly and professional attitude ...He is my first choice primary case doctor ....and he always  asks me if I want need a prescription or wants to buy myself from a outside pharmacy .For me he is well worth the 45km round trip for peace of mind ...
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