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Posts posted by techno

  1. About 3 years ago my brother died in Ubon and so l had to go there to make funeral arrangements but my 90 day report was due within 2 days. A immigration captain who worked at a Cambodian border attended the funeral and signed my 90 day report form without hesitation. Also in Chiang Mai if you are a member of Chiang Mai Friends you can leave the relevant documents at their office on certain days of the month and collect them the next day duly signed by a Immigration Officer. It only applies to 90 day reporting.

  2. A true visions technician said it would take at least 2 hours to sort out the problem but that maybe thai time so expect longer delays in broadcasting. Have true Visions paid the fees to Thai Com for the use of the sattelite? Who knows what is going on as the call centre have no idea. Will True Visions give any discounts for lack of service to users?. I doubt it but even an apology would be nice. Hope the problem is rectified soon otherwise l will have to have a conversion with the wife as an alternative as nothing else to do

  3. There is no trust left in the "marriage" and you do not need a PI to investigate to tell you so. She has got what she needs (Ozz passport etc) so has somewhere to go if it all goes badly in LOS. Cut your losses and tell her that if she does not return to OZZ that the marriage is finished and be prepared to to tell the Ozz authorities that the marriage has failed because of her unaceptable behavior and there is a unretrievable breakdown in the marriage. You will then be able to move on with your life. Good luck for the future

  4. Yesterday l saw some golf buggies for sale on the road from Tesco to the Moat in Chiang Mai but they were only 2 seaters but could probably get 6/8 seaters. I have seen them advertised in the Bangkok Post

  5. He was there the other night, shouting and sweating profusely. Flat top crew cut hair, dressed in his brilliant white, buttoned up to the neck, starched white shirt and black trousers. Under his arm was a bible that I would find difficult to lift and he was simply shouting. There was no rhyme or message that could be deciphered, he was simply looking forward and upward and just shouting. Obviously he's of no concern to the BIB having been there for a few days and I think he's more a source of mirth and merriment for the bemused onlookers, both Thai and farang alike........truly amazing!

    Did God get him a work permit. If not call immigration

  6. Killing something just because you don't understand it (is it a danger to you or your family or pets????) is a knee-jerk reaction. Relocating it if it is a nuisance only, or leaving it be if it poses no threat makes much more sense.

    The trouble is while you're on your lap top trying to understand if its a danger, if it is a danger, you could be dead.

    I had a cobra in my house and l had no hesition in getting the garden spade out and kiling the bloody thing. It was a case of either him or me so guess who one

  7. I did a 6 week stint in the sticks once, which was about my limit.

    I mostly just got drunk.

    Great idea at least if your drunk you can sleep it off. I would never go in the sticks unless it had an airport where l could make an early escape as 1 day would be enough

  8. After the storm on Saaturday l could not receive True visions. It turned out that my dreambox needed replacing apparently because it overheated during a power surge. Its been a lot better since the box was replaced and also my provider updated the box so l can now get some of true visions channels and also Australian and Eurosport channels via a cable provider in Vietnam. I can use the Vietnam cable provider if their is a problem with True visions

  9. My friends brother sold all his assets in the UK and moved to Pattaya and bought a house with a 24 year old bar girl (in her name) he met on a previous visit to Thialand. He moved to Thailand because in the UK he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He died a couple of weeks ago and my friend had to pay for his brothers funeral and hospital costs as all his brother had was 200 baht in the bank. Do any TV members know if the UK Bereavement benefit is available to a family member living in Thailand other than a widower,widowor civil partner. Thank you

  10. Hi to Phuket Forum

    Just returned to my home in Chiang Mai after spending 9 days on this beautiful island. The fact that it rained 7 out of the 9 days l was there did not distract me from having a good and relaxing time. If it had not rained l could have spent more time on Karon beach than l did but the hotel l stayed in was one of the best l have been to since staying in Chiang Mai for 10 years. I did not like Patong to much other than Carrefour and Robinsons which the wife liked on rainy days but after a couple of days we decided to move down the road to Karon beach. We stayed at the Front Village Hotel which is just a short walk to the beach and the shops and bars. I must say the buffet breakfast is one of the best and the services from the staff is great. Lovely sea view room which was exceptionally cleaned every day with mini bar and tea making facilities. Thank you Phuket and l will be coming back soon when the weather improves as l can now fly direct from CNX to Phuket at reasonable cost with Air Asia.

  11. You would have to be absolutely heartless and in my mind slightly completely thick to turn down the role of father to your wife's child if you and your wife share a sound and loving relationship and are committed to making a family home environment, you share and have the means and the said child has been completely abandoned by their father and wants to have a "Dad".

    Each to his own, but to me starting a relationship with a Thai woman having one or more children is a no-no.

    Part of basic checklist before moving on with a relationship :whistling:

    You are right and l would not consider entering a relationship with a Thai lady with kid(s) from a pervious relationship

  12. I think it would be quite difficult to find a now, single lady here, say over 25yrs old who doesn't have a child. At that age they are normally dumped for a younger model.


    Most have kids before 25 and are dumped with no income from a husband who has found something younger. The problem maybe that the marriage was a normal village buddist wedding which means nothing. The dumped women then goes out looking for a man either Thai or a rich Farang to take care of her and the kid(s). Not for me thanks

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