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Posts posted by techno

  1. In answer to your question, NancyL, yes, I have used the online queue reservation system.

    I printed it out, and went by CM Imm a couple of weeks ago to make sure it was the real thing, not a beta test, etc.

    The officer at the One Stop (windows 1&2) looked at it, said yes it's a real queue reservation, and said I should appear 5-10 minutes prior to the listed time.

    I have made a online queue reservation to renew my 1 year extention of stay. The date and time are confirmed but l was not able to print out the ticket number. Can l recover the ticket number and print it now as my printer had a problem when l booked. Many thanks

  2. I bought a new dell 5110 Inspiron only last month and the driver has now completely failed. I called Dell and they will send an engineer to my house to repair under the warranty but l am wondering is this normal for a new Dell computer to fail in such a short period of time. I have had Compaq laptops for many years with no problems. Probably lost all my data as did not have chance to do a backup. Anyone had similar problems with Dell computers

  3. You don't say how you are traveling?

    If by air:

    The US $25 airport tax in now included in your air tickets

    this applies to tickets bought after 21 January 2011 for flights after 1 April 2011

    for older tickets - and this happened to us last month (tickets bought December 2010), there is still a counter to queue and pay the airport fee, this is gradually getting phased out as all the old tickets are used.

    Travelling by air and the tickets were purchased in January 2011. I know about the entry visa but nothing about the exit visa. Is the exit visa (airport tax?) included in the ticket

    Many thanks

  4. ..Nancyl.....is the place rowdy with those "CentrePoint" kids, I don't want to go for a urine test during police raids...

    Oh my goodness, I didn't see anything especially rowdy, nor did anyone appear to be a teenager. Don't know about how it is on Wednesdays during their 100 baht for a bottle of whiskey night. Maybe someone can visit on Wednesday evening and report. The manager said the place had been open for only 33 days, so perhaps you're confusing it with another place in the area.

    Shame about the thai food but the 100 pipers deal sounds good to me

  5. Might I suggest that you call NIK... 0891929761. He speaks English and his call out fee is 400 baht, whether it is for i minute or for one day. He will sit with you and resolve the problem until it is finished....Same cost .

    I have used his services a few times and I am totally satisfied with his expertise with computers and their varying problems.

    I have no business affiliation with him ....just a satisfied customer.

    Best of luck.

    I am the same as raindancer and would highly recommend Nik.He does home visits and is not expensive

  6. We had 2 Epsoms that clogged up quickly but now Have the Canon Pixma

    We have inktanks cost about 3K for the printer with the inkanks we have printed hundreds and hundreds of pages and photos with the ink before replacing recently. 100 Baht a bottle (400 Baht total)

    Cheapest printer I've ever used. Don't look at Ebay in Thailand go to one of your nearest Tukcoms and buy there with the Ink Tanks already added.

    What Epsons were they?

    I saw the Epson ME 340 yesterday and it looks like the one I will go for with individual ink cartridges inside the machine rather than piggybacking on it like the Canon.

    I have the Canon MX416 with external ink tanks to save on the cost of the internal cartridges. The Canon MX416 is wi-fi,photocopier,scanner and fax. Had HP before but l am very happy with the Canon and it cost about 3500 baht with the ink tanks

  7. I have Thailife life/savings insurance even though l will not benefit from the life insurance but the wife will. As for the savings side of it you have to be in the scheme for a number of years but the interest paid seems good

  8. More insensitive posts removed. I'll say this one last time. No more speculative or insulting posts. Warnings will be issued if this continues.

    The moderator is quite correct and let the family grieve on their own without stupid posts. I do not understand why some TV members do this as it does not help in any way. RIP and let the family do whats right for their mother at a sad loss

  9. Went there Yesterday

    A Little bit disappointed really, had 2 Samosas, Chicken Tikka Masala , and Yellow rice.

    Filling in the Samosas was good but didn't enjoy the Spring roll pastry, I suppose it is a personal thing but I prefer Samosas in a traditional dough type of pastry.

    The Chicken Tikka Masala was very poor in my opinion, the thing that stood out straight away after the first spoonful was a taste of sugar, just to much, and it kept coming back after every other spoon full.

    I thought the chicken (Tikka) should be marinated over night then put on skewers and put under a grill or on a barbecue, before being added to the Masala sauce, clearly in this dish it had not happened, clearly there was no visible grill or charcoal/barbecue marks on the chicken,

    The yellow rice although it was not a pilau rice (just some good quality rice colored with Turmeric) was excellent had not been over cooked or sticky and left me with the thought of just how much I need to improve the quality of the rice I make when making Pilau rice.

    Good value for money well I would have to say value for money.

    Couldnt fault the service , or the relaxing location

    Should I go back and try some thing else or move on. I have Le Spice, Bombay Resturant and New Delhi on the list of places to try...what do you think ?


    Is it the Bombay restaurant that Lek and his wife own near the moat. If it is Lek's wife does the best home made curry and nan bread l have had in CNX Its a small shop with only about 4 tables but its great and used by a lot of tourists and local ex-pats. Parking is a bit of a problem but the food is worth it

  10. Here is an evaluiation from Robert Spelde, a foreign lawyer here in Thailand and I think it makes a lot of sense:

    Dear Ingo

    I can only give general answer as I do not know all the details or your

    financial situation. This is not legal advice.

    In general it is better to leave the land department out and forget about

    suing your wife for being your nominee.

    It is clear you are both living in Thailand and planning to divorce?

    In this case, if you cannot agree with your wife on the separation, try to

    get what your are entitled to in a divorce procedure in court.

    1- because the land is registered is in your wife's name does not

    automatically mean the land will be given to her in a divorce, not even

    50/50. The division of the properties is based on the system of property

    in the Civil and Commercial Code.

    This is simply a matter of calculations, what is personal assets, what is

    marital assets and how is marital assets best divided between the couple

    based on individual circumstances.

    We recently had a similar case, a divorce with land registered in the

    wife's name without the letter of confirmation signed. In the divorce

    procedure in court the land was given to the foreign husband with the

    obligation to sell within 1 year.

    Most relevant law:

    Section 1471. personal property consists of:.... property belonging to

    either spouse before marriage...

    Section 1472. As regards to personal property, if it has been exchanged to

    other property, other property has been bought or money has been acquired

    from selling it, such other property or money acquired shall be personal

    property (Sin Suan Tua).

    In my opinion, based on section 1472, the land is your personal property,

    irrespective registration in your wife's name.

    2- The argument of your wife that is was a gift made during the marriage

    does not work in court because, again, the division of assets in a divorce

    will be based on the system of the law and any private agreements (her

    possible argument that it was a gift) made during the marriage are


    Relevant law: Section 1469. Any agreement concluded between husband and

    wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during

    marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution of marriage;

    provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith are not

    affected thereby. (this includes gifts)

    3- Maybe you have to write off the assets given to the parents of your wife.

    4- In a divorce the division for a large part depends on what you can

    proof, as in case of doubt as to whether a property in marital property or

    not it shall be presumed to be marital property between husband and wife.

    Marital property = property acquired during marriage (subject to the above

    sections 1471 and 1472), property acquired by either spouse during

    marriage through a will of gift made in writing if it is declared by such

    will or document of gift to be joint property between husband and wife,

    fruits (income) from personal property.

    Only marital assets are divided equally. I would argue that the land and

    house is your personal property. If not, in any case, it has to made up to

    you by allocation of a share of marital assets to you, equal to the money

    you spend.

    Your legal situation under Thai law may not be as bad as you may think.

    Good luck and feel free to ask a question should my answer not be clear.



    Great advice Robert and thats exactly what my lawyer said in CNX. At the end its really up to the lawyers and the Courts and may be different from province to province

  11. When l first came to Thailand l enjoyed being single mainly because l could do what l want to do and enjoy all the pretty Thai ladies around. But having been there and done that l enjoy married life now in my old age but doubt if l would get married again unless it was to a rich and beautiful lady

  12. Some banks in the UK won't send cards to Thailand at all. They say the risk of them being stolen is too high.

    I received my new card from Nationwide last week by regisred post. Was told to use my excisting PIN number and change it at an ATM if l wanted to. Had to call them in the UK to activate the card

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