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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. He should be taken into questioning about the injury to the old man. He's clearly stupid and a danger to others.
  2. These foreigners are so stupid because they did not think that their activities would attract the attention of Immigration.
  3. When you decide to commit a crime, you should think: "I WILL be caught eventually. Am I prepared to be confined in a British or Thai jail for 10-20 years during the best years of my life?"
  4. I was in a government hospital for 12 days 2 years ago. They didn't report me, so I've had no problems with 90-day reporting or annual visa renewal. It never occurred to me that a hospital stay could be a problem.
  5. Big Joke will no doubt find a lorry full of pastry boxes and get reinstated soon afterwards.
  6. Pattaya isn't a safe place to be out at night. The later it is, the more dangerous it becomes. Good luck, tourists!
  7. "But, but, but I've already paid a fortune to stay out of jail, to live in the hospital, and to fool the public into thinking I'm sick when I'm not. This isn't fair!"
  8. If you take prostitutes to your room, expect to be robbed. They are not honest people.
  9. The islands in the Maldives desalinate their own water. Why can't Koh Larn?
  10. 1,000 tons = 1,000 x 1,000 litres per day. That must be enough for the island. Running costs? No idea. But Thailand will have to build a lot of them soon, I think, with the increasing droughts and then pump the water inland to wherever it's needed. Maybe desalination stations are more important than commission-oriented F-16s and Shark-hunting submarines.
  11. That's only 154,000 litres. How many days will that last?
  12. If you have 3-5 days before the appointment, order something from Lazada online and ask for an invoice with your name on the address. This is the easiest solution. If you have a bank account here in your name, then you can get a bank statement for 200 Baht. Proof of your wife's address probably won't be accepted because they don't know if you live with her. If you call VFS they can tell you if a guarantee letter from your wife is acceptable. They speak English if your Thai is poor.
  13. Don't worry so much, Thaksin. The problem will go away if you send out some boxes of pastries.
  14. I'd like to see a digital stamp put on the passports of people who have a one-year visa so that they can use the passport machines at the airport.
  15. Why are so many people posting such uncompassionate comments? It happens every time there is an article about someone in difficulty. Are you so unhappy and angry with life that you cannot do otherwise? Are your lives really barren of love and kindness?
  16. The charge will be "Attempted Murder". The so-called "friend" will be jailed for a long time ... and then deported. He'll regret his stupidity.
  17. A brief and well-written article. I was expecting to read a biased, CNN-MSNBC-style of anti-Trump article. Thank you for not writing their kind of rubbish!
  18. Money buys justice in Thailand. This is well known.
  19. I wish you had the time to scold posters like this every day. There are many angry people on the Forum.
  20. I feel sorry for the dog. Is anyone looking after his dog now?
  21. There are stories daily here and on the television news of people who get angry, who can't control their emotions, and who end up injured or in jail as a result. There is one simple solution to this ... rescue cats. Your life will be filled with unconditional love and you will calm down tremendously. You will avoid situations such as you read about in the news. My wife and I look after 24 rescued cats. They are so loving!
  22. you seem to be a very unhappy person.
  23. I don't think that people care. It's just a little girl peeing. People are too busy trying to survive to care about trivial matters.
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