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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. I was in hospital for an unrelated matter recently. In the same ward I saw several men waiting to die from smoking. It's an extremely unpleasant way to leave this world.
  2. I doubt if the "Thai people" care the slightest, but the Elites who own most of the land will be upset by the plan. Who in their right mind would invest 100 million Baht with the rest of those terms just to get a tiny piece of land, which could be taken away from you one day? Not even money launderers would be interested. These folks must think that foreigners have no choices or that foreigners are rich & stupid.
  3. The best thing for mankind is that Putin's is lying in a wooden box when he leaves Thailand. Then we won't have a nuclear war and a nuclear winter that kills us all off.
  4. Maybe I've been in Thailand too long, but I wouldn't rat on the woman to Immigration. I think that's a petty thing to do.
  5. I'll bet she's unhappy about going back to Russia as winter approaches and the economy is starting to be in a frightful mess.
  6. I assume that these foreigners were keen to spend a decade or more in a crowded Thai prison cell. How long did they think they could get away with it?
  7. Ladyboy street robberies are so common now in Pattaya that any ladyboys walking along the Beach Road and Walking Street can be assumed to be thieves. Announce that thieving ladyboys will be executed if caught. Illegal, but it might scare them away.
  8. I wouldn't buy a Chinese car because it will have a chip in it that sends information to the CCP about me.
  9. Of course, the man shouldn't have done it. But, lady, you were out walking on Thailand's seediest and most infamous street at 3 a.m..The street is known for prostitutes, thieves, con artists, drunks, people on drugs, and foreigners looking for sex. Of course, nothing could possibly go wrong.
  10. Yes, this is correct. I have just reported online a week earlier than I needed to and I lost a week so to speak. The new starting date was 18th August instead of 25th August.
  11. I don't think that the Military will dare to carry out another coup. The public reaction would not be like in the past. The Opposition would be huge, I think.
  12. The question / thread is important to the poster, so it deserves to be posted.
  13. His house design is unsuitable for keeping cash and valuables. You see, if you're going to keep lots of cash and expensive watches in your home, when you design your house you should create bends and corners and even a second floor or basement so that you can build a secret room. A staircase leading down under the main sofa to a basement where there is a secret room leading off the main underground room would be one way to do this. The thieves wouldn't be clever enough to realise what the bookcase or mirror was hiding. You have to have bends and corners if you're going to make one on the ground floor. His house design is too simple to do this.
  14. 2.38 trillion baht ... "Excellent! We can buy 20 more F-35s, 6 more submarines, and 100 tanks. ... All that lovely commission! We just have to fiddle our way into staying in power."
  15. My Thai wife says that she just needs to get the Death Certificate and Marriage Certificate and to take them to the bank. It's the same for land as well.
  16. Yes, the 800 Baht is still charged. So now everyone will be charged 1,100 Baht extra for coming to Thailand. How much of this money disappears into people's new Mercedes Benzes, I wonder?
  17. It sounds like they came up with this idea after 10 or more drinks each after Friday afternoon golf. Since the land can't be sold or bequeethed to someone who isn't Thai, If the foreigner dies, his foreign wife has to leave the house and land and she has to sell it no doubt for a loss. I think that the only people who'll agree to this will be desperate money launderers. Maybe the Military want Thailand to become the Hub of Money Laundering.
  18. City life and countryside life do seem to be very different regarding food expenses when you can grow your own food, apart from rice, which is probably cheaper where we live than in a city. 3,700 Baht per week for food seems a lot to me. Most of that is processed food and chemical vegetables and fruit, I expect. If you have some land you can be self-sufficient regarding (chemical-free) fruit and vegetables, and water, which you can structure and store in large clay "ongs". We're adding chickens soon and later on a fish pond as we have 19 cats to look after. I couldn't live in a city again.
  19. That's a very good point, Richard! When you get kicked out of the country how will you get your 40 million Baht back when you return as a tourist to try?
  20. It could be worse, I suppose. What if the government demanded that hotels applied the same ratio of rates used in National Parks where the ratio can be as much as 10X higher for foreigners. Maybe that's Stage 2 of the Big Plan to restore tourism. LOL!
  21. It's time for this government to be replaced by business people. Hotels make contracts with tour operators from Thailand and abroad. Rates are decided according to various factors, such as previous business levels, promised business, room allocations, etc. People also book with the large online companies, such as Agoda and TripAdvisor, which get special rates, and they couldn't apply the dual pricing system even if they wanted to. Few guests are walk-in guests with no reservation because online room rates are lower. The government hasn't a clue how the business works and its proposal will be ignored, indeed mocked and laughed at, for being so stupid, I think.
  22. No tourism business is going to pay any attention to him because he's showing inestimable ignorance. Besides, being a super-rich politician Anutin doesn't understand how ordinary people live or how tourism works, and so he should stick to Troughdom activities.
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