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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. There is no way that the 100 million Baht in assets will go to the state. The maid's last resort is to make an agreement with the Police that they share some of the assets with her or else she will call for an investigation about where the assets really went.
  2. I think that maybe the only safe way for a foreigner to own a house for investment is to get married to a Thai, have children, and then register the investment house(s) in the child's name. If your wife divorces you after the child has learned to read and write, no problem. Your child can write a letter giving you permission to live in that house / those houses and your ex-wife can't take the house(s).
  3. Sorry, but the article was in the Bangkok Post 2 days ago, I think it was.
  4. There never seems to be any empathy shown by posters here when others experience misfortune. Why do you have to be so mean?
  5. I think so too. Putin loves to rattle his sabre.
  6. Sarah, women don't want to share a bathroom with men. Why is this hard to understand?
  7. There's a lot to be said for marrying a woman who is a poor orphan working in a factory. I did that many years ago (in Thailand). She's so grateful every day. She's never been to school but she outshines me with all my degrees, works incredibly hard, and doesn't allow a Baht to be wasted.
  8. Jack Smith knows that he'll be fired in disgrace if he doesn't stop his lawfare. BUT NOTE! He has left the door open to revive the case in 2029 by not dismissing the case "with prejudice". These Democrat-Marxists are evil people.
  9. I don't think he's right. But there will be great death and destruction globally, but not yet. There are so many prophecies about the End Times that we are in. It's coming for sure. My recommendation is for everyone to plan to get out of the cities, grow their own food, store water, and keep as little money in cash as feasible. I started to do this 6 years ago. But it's your choice.
  10. Why do people post comments of hate about other people? Hatred of Trump seems to continue to be the Flavour of the Month for many people on this Forum. Do you not know how much you are harming yourself physically?
  11. He has probably heard that Thai prisons are such comfortable and restful places, and he no doubt wanted a break from his family for a while in one of them. I hope you enjoy your rest!
  12. Firstly, I wish you good health! Secondly, Thai doctors only know about pills and surgery. They haven't a clue about preventing and curing illness through different kinds of food. Stay away from processed food is a must. I rarely eat it.
  13. The solution is simple: make the punishment for (provable) physical sexual assault punishable with hard labour for (5) years. Problem solved! No man will dare to go near a woman ever again.
  14. The situation will soon sort itself out.
  15. He was so lucky to get sentenced in Austria. I take my hat off to his defense lawyer! You're very good at your job.
  16. Do I really need to go to Pattaya to tell the Police how to solve the problem? Just arrest them one by one, fine them 50,000 Baht, and confiscate their stalls. If they reoffend, jail! Problem solved!
  17. It is very unfair for British pensioners. But what will British pensioners who have a frozen pension do if there is a world war, which is quite possible this decade, because it would cause hyperinflation? 221 pounds x 52 weeks = 508,156 Baht. In hyperinflation, this will drop massively. They will have to use more and more of their savings each year to meet Immigration's requirement of 800,000 Baht. If they can't, they'll have to retire in the UK, which will be very tough.
  18. Politicians (and DEI consultants) don't study history. Only the timeless values that are the bedrock of each mainstream religion survive. These timeless values are the same in every religion going back millennia. Organisations not based on them are doomed to fail at some point. DEI could never survive for long because of this.
  19. I understand your sentiment. I'd ban only the Palestinians as they are the people who want to create trouble. They will be anti-Israel long after we have turned to dust, I think. Maybe two or more generations of Palestinians will have to die off first before the hatred is gone.
  20. Oh dear, Christian! Do you know how awful Bang Kwang Prison is? It's called the "Big Tiger" for a reason. It "eats" criminals alive ... and spits them out after 20-100+ years, if they are lucky.
  21. Since you can't change your visa to a Retirement Visa, then you will have to leave Thailand once you have got divorced. I think, within 7 days afterwards. Do any of the other visas appeal to you?
  22. I smell the fragrance of another book about life in a Thai jail on the horizon.
  23. Try to be kind to Johnathan Wheeler. Like we all do, he made a mistake. He's served his time. If he writes a book about his experience, that's fine. So many books are in fact about people's life experiences. Also, he needs some income, and if he can sell some books, I wish him success. In short, show some empathy, please.
  24. The solution is simple. Let them be contacted by an app. The officials seem to be stuck in the 20th century.
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