Some posts and responses removed for false information.
There is absolutely no problem discussing the use of a VPN or even recommending one, happens all the time .
Perhaps some are confusing the "dont discuss ad blocking" ? that is frowned upon and is stated in the forum rules.
We have a shiny new forum The Green Forum :
General discussion, news and information relating to Climate, Alternative Energy and the Environment. An Eco-friendly forum.
Why not take a look?
Some bedside reading ????
Computer Crime Act
I seem to remember a reference to the act and warning regarding misleading information that may cause harm, during the pandemic.
Had a "missed call" this morning, and the number started with +698 , curious as to where this was from I did a search and found the following.......
"People are being advised to reject calls from numbers with the prefixes +698 and +697 as they are possibly from call centres."
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) explained that the +698 prefix indicates a Thai telephone number on roaming, while +697 indicates a voice call over internet protocol from overseas.
Take care people ! Scammers at work !(probably)
No you do not.
The card facilitates promo mail and if a trader, detailed invoices etc.
Also records purchases etc which is useful via the app for reorder