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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. yup.... that stalwart citizen, Gaetz, is just the type to fall on his sword for the good of America.
  2. For standard definition TV a 4K HDMI cable is overkill, but it will definitely work. You probably don't need a new HDMI cable. If the same group channels are the only ones giving you trouble, it is most likely due to your TV box getting a poor quality input signal from True. Your first step should be to call True for service.
  3. Did you ever notice that cockroaches like to avoid attention? Often its only when you move things around and lights are turned on do you notice them.
  4. Unfortunately if you love bacon, it's hard to avoid added sugar 100%. When they cure bacon, they add some sugar.
  5. Wiki says the Roman version did not use eggs.... hardly the same dish then. The modern name "French toast" refers to the French version called Pain Perdu. The hotel chain Le Méridien used to be owned by Air France. The best French toast I ever had was in the San Francisco Le Méridien hotel across from the Pacific Bell headquarters where I was working on a short IT contract.
  6. I know.... an old thread but there are always new members that should learn about grapow. The classic recipe for this dish does not include ginger. I've eaten it hundreds of times, mostly cooked by my wife of 25 years. I've also had the dish many dozens of times from others. I'm pretty sure not once did it include ginger. I love ginger also... just not in grapow. Perhaps when an less common protein source is prepared with grapow leaves they add ginger. I enjoy both pork and chicken... but my favorite is a 50-50 blend of both.
  7. it's all in partisan code.
  8. Thank you #47. In a way that no other person can accomplish you have focused the US's attention on some of the worst miscreants in your flock. You managed to evict one from the House. Hopefully more stellar results will ensue.
  9. Earlier in the US/Thai DTA a "resident" was defined to mean a person with the status of tax resident. I think the key to understanding this paragraph of the US/Thai DTA is the use of the word "or". There are two categories of people covered by this paragraph. This paragraph applies to all US SSA benefits. It is applicable to two groups: Thai tax residents OR US citizens in Thailand but not a Thai tax resident Warning: I have no status as a tax or legal expert ... just a taxpayer subject to this treaty as a US and Thai tax resident.
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 146 seconds  
  11. I would draw the line according to the thread title... this one is not specific. Perhaps change the title here to "Finding the best Thai bank interest"
  12. From the technical interpretation of the Thai/USA tax treaty, the saving clause states: Paragraph 2 contains the traditional saving clause found in all U.S. treaties. The Contracting States reserve their rights, except as provided in paragraph 3, to tax their residents and citizens as provided in their internal laws, notwithstanding any provisions of the Convention to the contrary. That phrasing seems to mean that the USA considers its residents to have the same rights and obligations as its citizens for the entirety of the treaty.
  13. Because the best choice between the options is dependent on Thai vs other bank interest rates. I think it is relevant to the thread title.
  14. I dislike tariffs as much as you, but I don't think you can label them as a socialist policy. It's more like a consumption tax without any protection from it for those who can least afford to pay it. Tariffs have a lot in common with mafia tactics, like extortion or a 'protection' racket.
  15. Trump does have a comprehensive plan.... but only to grab as much power as possible and hold on to it as long as possible.... oh yeah.... and to use it to stay out of jail. His business plan is to fleece his flock with shlock.
  16. The correct loss of income (ignoring taxation and transfer fees) is: 800000 * (5.15% - 1.8%) / 12 * 5 = 11,167 for 5 months 400000 * (5.15% - 1.8%) / 12 * 7 = 7,817 for the other 7 months if you send 400K back to the 5.15% account
  17. Such a comment from one who has very weak reading comprehension is classic.
  18. You're really obsessed with that metal desk thing.....
  19. His "love" is very seasonal.... fades quickly after election season.
  20. IMHO..... this interpretation by the Trump zealots will retain the crown for "stupidest" for quite some time.
  21. You will get much better answers by reading articles about sexual assault victims and their qualms about reporting it. There's many potential and understandable reasons why she wouldn't report it. What kind of answers are expecting from AN? It seems more likely you're just seeking affirmation of your opinion from other males. You won't get any women responding to your queries here, which likely is not a concern to you.
  22. Thanks..... every chat forum needs someone to state the obvious to all us idiots.
  23. this chart: https://www.statista.com/statistics/236852/retail-price-of-eggs-in-the-united-states/ says the last time the average price of eggs was $1.19 was 2002. Does that agree with your memory? I would suggest that recently egg prices have been heavily influenced by bird flu outbreaks so are not a good measurement of inflation.
  24. did you clear the browser cache? and open a command line window and run ipconfig /flushdns ? I would rate those two as the most likely to be effective actions.
  25. Have you resolved the issue? I'm curious as to what is the cause. The symptoms are unusual.
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